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Jolly Jumbleberry Theme

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Theme Preview

Theme Items

These items are only available at the WShop on Webkinz Next and are transferable to Classic.

Jolly Jumbleberry Bed

Jolly Jumbleberry Centerpiece

Jolly Jumbleberry Coffee Table

Jolly Jumbleberry Dining Chair

Jolly Jumbleberry Dining Table

Jolly Jumbleberry Garland

Jolly Jumbleberry Head Chair

Jolly Jumbleberry Hearth

Jolly Jumbleberry Lounger

Jolly Jumbleberry Nutcracker

Jolly Jumbleberry Sofa

Jolly Jumbleberry Tree

Miscellaneous Items

Tabletop Jolly Jumbleberry Christmas Tree[1]

  1. Available from a Community Code

Item List and Information

Name Cost
Jolly Jumbleberry Bed 900 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Centerpiece 150 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Coffee Table 450 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Dining Chair 280 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Dining Table 600 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Garland 200 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Head Chair 350 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Hearth 1,600 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Lounger 600 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Nutcracker 1,200 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Sofa 800 KC
Jolly Jumbleberry Tree 500 KC
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