The most up-to-date image and information guide on Webkinz Classic items, events, and more!
about this site
- DID YOU KNOW? We have an official mascot now! Say hello to ExtravaGANZa!
- See an error? Help us fix it by reporting it at the top of the page

recent news
- Deluxe Day is February 16th.
- Player Appreciation Day is February 17th.
- The next Maintenance Update is February 12th.
- The Pet of the Month for February is the Red Velvet Fox!
featured pages
New Pages!
You can now view pet emotions here and pet side views here of ALL pets!

upcoming events happening in classic
February Events
- January 20-February 9 Cash Cow 2 Challenge
- January 31-February 6 Kinzville Tea Party
- February 1-28 February Deluxe Challenge
- February 1-28 February WShop Challenge
estore news and events
current events on webkinz newz