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Moonlight Pets

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Moonlight Pets are a series of Promo Kinz from the eStore. Each pet is available to purchase for one day in September in a bundle with an Any Pet Medallion Package for 100,000 eStore Points. The promotion lasts from 12:01 am until 11:59 pm Eastern Time on the specified release date.

The first Moonlight Pet was the Moonlight Wolf released on September 17, 2016. A total of 200 Moonlight Wolves were available for 150,000 eStore Points each. Players could only purchase one pet per eStore account. The promotion did not return in 2017.

In 2018, the Moonlight Tiger was released in a bundle with an Any Pet Medallion Package for 100,000 eStore Points. The bundle was available to purchase in unlimited quantities. This release format has continued each year since 2018.

Players who adopt a Moonlight Pet in the first month of its release are also given exclusive access to bonus events at Today's Activities through September 30.

Moonlight Pets

Moonlight Wolf
September 17, 2016

Moonlight Tiger
September 12, 2018

Moonlight Bear
September 10, 2019

Moonlight Dragon
September 10, 2020

Moonlight Stag
September 9, 2021

Moonlight Pegasus
September 8, 2022

Moonlight Lion
September 7–8, 2023[1]

Moonlight Griffin
September 12, 2024
  1. Due to a power outage at Ganz offices, the Moonlight Lion promotion was extended through September 8, 2023

Companion Pets

Beginning in 2020, themed companion Promo Kinz have been released each year. The companion pets are bundled Free with Purchase of eStore Points. These pets are available on a recurring basis in select eStore bundles and are distinct from the promotional Moonlight Pets, which are only available on their specified release date.

Daylight Dragon

Twilight Doe

Moonlight Unicorn

Twilight Lion

Twilight Phoenix

Moonlight Pet Contests

Moonlight Pets have also been available as contest prizes, typically during their featured year of release.

Moonlight Delight

Moonlight Delight (formerly known as Moonlight Marvel) is an annual contest held in September. Players who purchase a minimum equivalent of 5,000 eStore Points during the promotion are automatically entered into a random draw for eStore pets and items.

Players with higher total purchases during the promotional period receive a proportionally greater number of contest entries. All players can also submit one free entry. Four winners receive a Moonlight Pet each year.

Moonlight Scramble

The Moonlight Scramble is an annual contest available to players with a Facebook account. For a prespecified time period, a puzzle is posted by the eStore each day. Solving the puzzle reveals a letter. Players are instructed to use all letters to unscramble a hidden phrase.

Players are invited to submit their answers the day after the final puzzle is posted. One random winner receives the most recent Moonlight Pet.

Official description (2018):

The Moonlight Wolf is one of the rarest pets in #Webkinz World and this is your chance to win one! Over the next 24 days, we'll be posting a variety of images, puzzles and text, and each one will represent the letter of the day. Collect the letters from all 24 days for the final challenge: unscramble the letters to find the winning phrase! Post the winning phrase on the final contest post for a chance to win a Moonlight Wolf adoption code!


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