Today's Activities

The most up-to-date image and information guide on Webkinz Classic items, events, and more!

Today's Activities is a location that lists daily and hourly events in Webkinz. The page functions as a dashboard from which players can participate in various activities. It can be accessed from the Things to Do menu, Map of Kinzville, and Kinzville Times.

Recurring events are available as daily activities and a selection of random rotating events is offered each day. Hourly events take place from 4 pm to 11 pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 11 pm on weekends. All events are scheduled in KinzTime.


Today's Activities was introduced in April 2005. Prior to 2011, the Hourly Activities, Daily Activities, and Deluxe Activities were displayed on separate tabs. A Today's Winners tab was also included. The interface changed in May 2011 to display all events on a single tab. Recurring events are labeled "All Day!" and Deluxe-only events are labeled "Deluxe Members."

Random Events

These activities are available on a random basis. Certain activities always appear for twenty-four hours when available, such as the Deluxe Prize Machine. Other activities are only available on an hourly basis, and some rotate between daily and hourly availability. Events also vary in availability to Free and Full Members:

Daily Events

Recurring daily activities are listed after the 10 pm event on any given day. These events can also be accessed from their respective locations on the Things to Do menu:

Special Events

>> Click here to see the Archive of special events at Today's Activities

Select activities are available on a preplanned basis. These activities are typically reported on Webkinz Newz prior to their availability:

  1. Player Appreciation gifts are available from Today's Activities when the gift is an eStore item. Items that are exclusively or originally available as Player Appreciation gifts are awarded upon login.

Retired Events

Event Icons