Clocks Collection

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Item Availability Tradeable

Antique Store Clock
WShop Yes

Apple Clock
Series 1 Figurines for the Dr. Monkey, MD figure Yes

Arte's Clock
Trading Card Series 3; also available from Arte's Host letters Yes

Bake Shop Wall Clock
eStore No

Beach House Clock
Wshop Yes

Big Bark Clock Tower
Pet Specific Item for the Small Signature Beagle Yes

Bloomin' Grandfather Clock
Curio Shop Yes

Blufadoodle Crazy Clock
eStore No

CandyKinz Clock Tower
eStore No

Carnivalesque Clock
eStore No

Classic Diner Clock
WShop Yes

Classic Wooden Clock
WShop Yes

Classroom Clock
WShop Yes

Clock of the Future
Rare (retired) Yes

Compass Clock
Vacation Island Souvenir Shop Yes

Creepy Clocktower
eStore No

Creepy Clock Tower Swing
eStore No

Creepy Ghostfather Clock
WShop (seasonal) Yes

Crime Fighter's Clock
Curio Shop Only Yes

Crustacean Clock
WShop Yes

Cucumber Clock
eStore No

Cukoo Cat Clock
Exclusive (retired) Yes

Cukoo Kitty Clock
GanzWorld Rewards Yes

Dark Wizard Clock
eStore No

Deluxe Clock
Wheel of Deluxe Yes

Digital Alarm Clock
eStore No

Digital Stopwatch Clock
Series 2 Figurines Reindeer Runner Yes

Dog Bone Grandfather Clock
eStore No

Fairy Den Clock
eStore Promo Yes

Farm Time Kitchen Clock
eStore No

Game Board Wall Clock
Trading Card Series 1 Yes

Gingerbread Clock
eStore No

Gingerbread Clock Tower
eStore No

Gothic Halloween Clock
eStore No

Grandfather Clock
Exclusive (retired) Yes

Grape Wall Clock
Wshop Yes

Green Apple Clock
Webkinz Friends Yes

Grey Owl Clock Radio
eStore No

Handmade Zingoz Clock
Daily KinzCare Yes

Hickory Clock
WShop (seasonal); also available through GanzWorld Rewards Yes

Holiday Home Grandfather Clock
2014 eStore Customer Appreciation gift Yes

Holiday Nutcracker Clock
eStore Promo Yes

Jolly Jubilee Clock
eStore No

Kinzville Academy Clock
eStore No

Kinzville Cuckoo Clock
Pet of the Month Exclusive Yes

Kinzville Gingerbread Clock Tower
WShop (map, seasonal)

Kinzville Town Square Clock
Webkinz Friends

Lavender Flair Clock
eStore No

Lemon-Lime Time Clock
PSI Lemon-Lime Gecko Yes

Lots of Dots Clock
eStore No

Luxurious Clock
PSI Red Velvet Raccoon Yes

Magical Phoenix Clock
eStore No

Magical Toy Emporium Clock
eStore No

Modern Floor Clock
eStore No

Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
Rare Yes

Nocturnal Clock
PSI Purple Panther Yes

Nursery Wall Clock
WShop Yes

Olympus Statue Clock
eStore No

On the Farm Alarm Clock
PSI Rooster Yes

Peppermint Clock Slide
eStore No

Pink Hearts Clock
Series 1 Figurines True Friends Chihuahua Yes

Polka Dot Clock
eStore No

Polka Dot Wall Clock
Exclusive Yes

Puppy Collar Clock
PSI Boston Terrier Yes

Purple Petal Digital Wall Clock
eStore No

Red Heart Alarm Clock
Exclusive Yes

Relaxing Red Clock Storage
eStore No

Rock Around the Croc Clock
PSI Rock Candy Croc Yes

Rockin' Robot Digital Clock
Exclusive (retired) Yes

Scoreboard Clock
WShop Yes

Secluded Garden Sundial
eStore No

Sequin Heart Clock
eStore No

Snowflake Wall Clock
Christmas Countdown 2022 Yes

Snowman Clock
2015 SantaKinz Choice Yes

Spooky Gothic Clock Storage
eStore No

Spring Celebration Clock Tower
2014 White Chocolate Egg Grand Prize Yes

Springtime Clock
PSI Carrots Bunny Yes

Stainless Steel Clock
WShop Yes

Starry Night Grandfather Clock
WShop Yes

Stone Sundial
WShop Yes

Stopwatch Clock
Kinzville Academy No

Sugarberry Wall Clock
Jumbleberry Fields Yes

Sugar Cookie Clock Tower
2016 Holiday Cheer Stocking Yes

Sunburst Wall Clock
WShop Yes

Sunlit Sundial
PSI Sun Dragon Yes

Tabby's Job Clock
eStore No

Tiki Pineapple Clock
eStore No

Time Warp Clock
Exclusive (retired) Yes

Tinkerpunk Grandfather Clock
eStore No

Tin Man Clock
Prize Klaw Yes

Totally Tik Tok Clock
eStore No

Town Square Clock
WShop (seasonal) Yes

Trading Card Clock
Trading Card Series 1 Yes

Train Station Floor Clock
WShop Yes

Twinkling Rainbow Clock
eStore No

Upbeat Chic Clock
eStore No

Warped Grandfather Clock
eStore No

Webkinz Cares Clock
Webkinz Cares; also available from the Webkinz X Challenge and Ms. Birdy Gift Boxes Yes

Winter Wonderland Clock
Seasonal WShop Yes

Wooden Grandfather Clock
Exclusive (retired) Yes

Woodland Fairy Clock
eStore Promo Yes

Zodiac Sundial
PSI Taurus Bull Yes
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