Webkinz Guide:About

The most up-to-date image and information guide on Webkinz Classic items, events, and more!

Welcome to the Webkinz Guide!

Migration, merger, and rebranding

Webkinz Picture Guide at Shoutwiki moved to the new host Miraheze on June 1, 2022, due to frequent unannounced downtime on the old host. Webkinz Wiki at Fandom forked and merged with Webkinz Guide on August 23, 2022, to consolidate resources into one central Webkinz fanwiki. We decided on the new name of Webkinz Guide to reflect the expansive nature of the resource and purchased the .com domain. (Webkinz Guide has no affiliation with the in-game item of the same name.)

For readers

All content from Webkinz Picture Guide is preserved, so you'll be able to use the site the same way you did before. The Webkinz Picture Guide site at Shoutwiki will be deleted soon.

Webkinz Wiki content was subject to heavy pruning during the merger, and continues to undergo significant changes to align with quality standards. Content you seek may be moved, merged, or appear different, so thanks for your patience while we're under construction. Due to Fandom's global policies, Webkinz Wiki at Fandom will remain online indefinitely.

For editors

Editors from Webkinz Picture Guide or Webkinz Wiki can make an account under your old username to keep your contributions. Please review the updated Webkinz Guide:Rules, and lend a hand where you can!