Cats and Dogs is the name of the Music Video made specifically for October 2009's Pet of the Month, the Golden Retriever. The song is about a cat and a dog wondering why they always fight, tell their differences, and explain how their friendship unites them.


The lyrics are as follows:

Dog: I like chasing cars and things, you like socks and balls and string. Why do we always fight like a cat and dog?

Cat: I like climbin' up top trees, you never wanna climb with me, oh why do we always fight like a cat and dog?

Dog: Hey, hey hey hey! You always make me laugh!

Cat: Hey, hey hey hey! You're the best friend that I have!

Cat: I like fish.

Dog: they stink.

Cat: Glass of Milk?

Dog: Not my drink.

Both: Why do we always fight like a cat and dog?

Dog: I like bones.

Cat: Too dry.

Dog: Fetchin' sticks

Cat: WHY?

Both: Why do we always fight like a cat and dog?

Dog: Hey, hey hey hey! You always make me laugh!

Cat: Hey, hey hey hey! You're the best friend that I have!

dog: I like the Park.

cat: So do I!

Both: Maybe that's why we see eye to eye, let's go to the Park and play like a Cat and Dog! Woohoohoo!

* * *

Dog: I like the Park.

Cat: Me too!

Both: Maybe that's why I like you! Let's go to the Park and play like a Cat and Dog!

Let's go to the Park and play like a Cat and Dog!

Let's go to the Park and play like a Cat and Dog!

Let's go to the Park and play like a Cat and Dog!