i hate doing anything manually that i could potentially automate and you probably do too, so here are some instructions to use autohotkey on webkinz picture guide

toot oriole


1. download and install the current version of autohotkey

2. copy and paste one of the below scripts into a text document, and save with extension .ahk

3. the following are universal adjustment to consider before you run any script

  • sleep times: if you have slow internet, are troubleshooting, or are running this script for the first time, increase the sleep time. i add an extra 0 at the end to be safe
  • MouseClick coordinates: ensure the mouseclick coordinates are correct. they likely are not and will need to be adjusted

4. double-click the script to run, stand by until finished



variation: rotatable

before you run the script, the following need to be adjusted:

  • dirs: and mass download url: these will need to be adjusted depending on what files you're downloading
  • rotatable.csv and Filedirectory.csv: create these files per the commented-out instructions, in the same folder as the rest of the files to be uploaded
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; mass download

itemName := 1 ;column number of item name (should be "Itemname" no "File:" or ".png"
itemNo := 2 ;column number of item number
dirs := ["ne", "se", "sw", "nw"] ;cardinals
delimiter := ","
Loop, Read, rotatable.csv
   Cell := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,delimiter)
   Loop % dirs.Length()
   	url := "https://assets.webkinz.com/swf/item/" . Cell[itemNo] . "/" . dirs[A_index] . ".png?v=v327_255"	;url concatenation
	MouseClick, L, 494, 74 ;click on address bar
	sleep 200
  	send, %url% ;enter url
	sleep 600
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000
	MouseClick, R, 864, 702 ;right click on image
	sleep 500
	MouseClick, L, 874, 712 ;save picture
	sleep 500
	imageName := Cell[itemName] . dirs[A_index] . ".png" ;item name string concatenation
	send, %imageName%
	sleep 900
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000

	sleep 1000

; mass upload
url:= "http://webkinzpictureguide.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Special:Upload"
itemName := 1
Loop, Read, Filedirectory.csv ;Filedirectory is a one-column .csv file of computer directory address to image files 
	Cell := A_LoopReadLine
	MouseClick, L, 494, 74 ;click address bar
	sleep 200
  	send, %url%
	sleep 600
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000
	MouseClick, L, 233, 957 ;click ignore warnings
	sleep 600
	MouseClick, L, 372, 442 ;click upload file
	sleep 1000
	send, %Cell% ;enter image address
	sleep 600
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000
	MouseClick, L, 246, 1176 ;click upload
	sleep 3000

variation: wallpaper or flooring

before you run the script, the following need to be adjusted:

  • dirs: and mass download url: these will need to be adjusted depending on what files you're downloading
  • _flooring.csv and _Filedirectory.csv: create these files per the commented-out instructions, in the same folder as the rest of the files to be uploaded
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; mass download
#1:: ; windows key + 1 activates

itemName := 1 ;column number of item name (should be "Itemname" no "File:" or ".png"
itemNo := 2 ;column number of item number
dirs := ["small", "medium", "large"] ; room sizes
delimiter := ","
Loop, Read, _flooring.csv
   Cell := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,delimiter)
   Loop % dirs.Length()
   	url := "http://assets.webkinz.com/swf/item/" . Cell[itemNo] . "/" . dirs[A_index] . ".png"	;url concatenation
	MouseClick, L, 358, 60 ; click address bar
	sleep 200
  	send, %url% ;enter url
	sleep 600
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000
	MouseClick, R, 864, 600 ;right click on image
	sleep 500
	MouseClick, L, 874, 630 ;save picture
	sleep 500
	imageName := Cell[itemName] . dirs[A_index] . ".png" ;item name string concatenation
	send, %imageName%
	sleep 900
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000

	sleep 1000

; mass upload
#2:: ; windows key + 2 activates
url:= "http://webkinzpictureguide.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Special:Upload"
itemName := 2
Loop, Read, _Filedirectory.csv ;_Filedirectory is a one-column .csv file of computer directory address to image files 
	Cell := A_LoopReadLine
	MouseClick, L, 358, 60 ; click address bar
	sleep 200
  	send, %url%
	sleep 600
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000
	MouseClick, L, 152, 649 ; click ignore warnings, chrome needs to be zoomed out to 67%
	sleep 600
	MouseClick, L, 233, 331 ; click choose file
	sleep 1000
	send, %Cell% ; enter image address
	sleep 600
	send, {enter}
	sleep 1000
	MouseClick, L, 155, 800 ; click upload
	sleep 3000

^+s::Pause,Toggle ; ctrl shift s pauses script

gimp mass crop to content.ahk

if you have lots of pictures with variable amounts of transparent space that needs to be cropped out and are too broke to pay for photoshop, here is a script to "crop to content" them all in gimp

before you run the script, the following need to be adjusted:

  • open all pictures that require "crop to content" in gimp and ensure the rightmost tab is selected
  • ensure a new folder for your cropped pictures is the alphabetical first subfolder; i usually name it "_cropped"
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; open all pictures that require "crop to content" in gimp and ensure the rightmost tab is selected, then run this script to crop all to content and save copies in a subfolder

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseClick, L, 203, 46 ; click "image"
	sleep 200
  	send, {down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{enter} ; select "crop to content"
	sleep 200
  	send, {ctrl down}{shift down}{e down}{ctrl up}{shift up}{e up} ; export image
	sleep 1000
	send, {down}{down}{enter}  ; selects destination folder (ensure a new folder for your cropped pictures is the alphabetical first subfolder)
	sleep 500
  	send, {enter} ; export
	sleep 2000 ; export settings page is pretty slow
  	send, {enter} ; export again as (default settings)
	sleep 500
  	send, {ctrl down}{pgup down}{ctrl up}{pgup up} ; previous tab

^+s::Pause,Toggle ; ctrl shift s pauses script



#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

#Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors.

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; While CapsLock is toggled On

; Script will display Mouse Position (coordinates) as a tooltip at Top-Left corner of screen.

; Also allows to copy them (to clipboard) with a PrintScreen button.

#SingleInstance force ; only one instance of script can run

#Persistent ; to make it run indefinitely

settimer start1, 0 ; "0" to make it update position instantly



if !GetKeyState("capslock","T") ; whether capslock is on or off


 tooltip ; if off, don't show tooltip at all.



 { ; if on

 CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen ; makes tooltip to appear at position, relative to screen.

 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; makes mouse coordinates to be relative to screen.

 MouseGetPos xx, yy ; get mouse x and y position, store as %xx% and %yy%

 tooltip %xx% %yy%, 0, 0 ; display tooltip of %xx% %yy% at coordinates x0 y0.

 PrintScreen:: ; assign new function to PrintScreen. If pressed...

 clipboard == %xx% %yy% ; ...store %xx% %yy% to clipboard.




mass rename.ahk

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; mass-rename wiki pages. this one is for appending "icon" to the end of the filename for theme icons

; open all the pages that need to be renamed in different tabs

^+s:: ; ctrl shift s to activate

	Send {alt down}{shift down}{m down}{alt up}{shift up}{m up} ; alt-shift-m is default mediawiki hotkey to move a page
	sleep 3000 ; wait for it to load
	MouseClick, L, 999, 482 ; click inside the "move page" box. you'll need to adjust it for your zoom/resolution settings
	Send {tab}{tab}{end} ; select the box then move cursor to end
	Send {left}{left}{left}{left}icon ; back up the cursor to just preceding ".png", then write "icon"
	Send {tab}all theme icons end in "themeicon" for consistency ; add a reason
	Send {tab}{space} ; uncheck redirect
	Send {enter} ; move it
	sleep 4000 ; wait for it to load (it's slow)
	Send {ctrl down}{w down}{ctrl up}{w up} ; ctrl-w closes tab
	sleep 500 ; wait for next tab to load

^+w::Pause,Toggle ; ctrl-shift-w to pause