Hi there! Unfortunately, the owner of the wiki has to give you permission to edit. Did you try to contact her? If not, here's how you do it:

Are you interested in editing the Webkinz Picture Guide?
If so please contact Michele/User:Choircutie in one of the following ways:

  • Send a Private Message to Michele on Webkinz Town
  • Send a Private Message to dancerchick914 on Webkinz Insider
  • Send a Private Message to Michele Webkinz (facebook.com/dancerchick914)
  • Or email me at dancerchick914@facebook.com

Users joining without consulting Michele first will be blocked.

If you have any questions, please ask on my talk page. Thanks! Loopy (talk) 04:42, 16 September 2018 (UTC)

Webkinz Username: mozart43

Been playing Webkinz since 2010 and I'd love to help out whenever and however I can!