Amanda Panda manages the Wish Factory. She is also the host of the Wheel of Wishes and Token Balloon Darts. She has also made an appearance in a W Tales Book and has many items based after her. She is 16.

According to Plumpy, Amanda's favorite job at the Employment Office is Ms. Birdy's Assistant. Amanda also has four siblings: Peter Panda, Penny Panda, Patrick Panda, and Polly Panda.


She is described as: "Amanda is a city panda at heart, but she and her family moved to Kinzville after her dad switched jobs. Amanda had a really hard time adjusting and making friends, even though her four younger siblings (especially her 10-year-old sister Polly) did quite well. Eventually, Amanda met Kimmy and things started to look up. Amanda is very artistic, into fashion, and a little self-absorbed. Her family is relatively strict, and her parents aren’t thrilled about her rebellious side. Her siblings love her and look up to her, but sometimes wish she wasn’t such a drama queen."


Amanda Panda can be found in the following books:

  • Amanda Panda's Journey Home

Special Items

Webkinz Host Friends

The first time a new Webkinz World member makes a Wish of the Day in the Wish Factory. the member will receive a request to become friends with Amanda Panda. Even if they select "no", Webkinz members can later send a friend request to "Amanda Panda" to invite her to be their friend. Players who send a Webkinz World letter or package to Amanda Panda will occasionally get a letter or even a gift in return from her.