Fences Collection: Difference between revisions

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|[[File:Applefarmfence.png]]<br>Apple Farm Fence
|2016 Fall Fest
|Apple Farm Fence
|2016 Fall Fest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Autumnfence.png]]<br>Autumn Fence
|Autumn Fence
|2014 Awesome Autumn Mystery Bag
|2014 Awesome Autumn Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Barnyardfence.png]]<br>Barnyard Fence
|Barnyard Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Barnyardgate.png]]<br>Barnyard Gate
|Barnyard Gate
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:blackcatfence.png]]<br>Black Cat Fence
|Black Cat Fence
|[[File:Bramblefence.png]]<br>Bramble Fence
|Bramble Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildahauntedcastlebasewall.png]]<br>Build-a-Haunted-Castle Base Wall
|Build-a-Haunted-Castle Base Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildahauntedcastlecornerwall.png]]<br>Build-a-Haunted-Castle Corner Wall
|Build-a-Haunted-Castle Corner Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildahauntedcastletopwall.png]]<br>Build-a-Haunted-Castle Top Wall
|Build-a-Haunted-Castle Top Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildasandcastlewall.png]]<br>Build-A-Sand-Castle Wall
|Build-A-Sand-Castle Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildasnowfortbasewall.png]]<br>Build-a-Snow-Fort Base Wall
|Build-a-Snow-Fort Base Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildasnowfortcornerwall.png]]<br>Build-a-Snow-Fort Corner Wall
|Build-a-Snow-Fort Corner Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Buildasnowforttopwall.png]]<br>Build-a-Snow-Fort Top Wall
|Build-a-Snow-Fort Top Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Butterscotchripplefence.png]]<br>Butterscotch Ripple Fence
|Butterscotch Ripple Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Castlecornerwall.png]]<br>Castle Corner Wall
|Castle Corner Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Castledoor.png]]<br>Castle Door
|Castle Door
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Castleportcullis.png]]<br>Castle Portcullis
|Castle Portcullis
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Castlewindowedwall.png]]<br>Castle Windowed Wall
|Castle Windowed Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:chickeefence.png]]<br>Chickee Fence
|Chickee Fence
|[[File:Classicvilladividingwall.png]]<br>Classic Villa Dividing Wall
|Classic Villa Dividing Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Classicvillagate.png]]<br>Classic Villa Gate
|Classic Villa Gate
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Cookiefencepiece.png]]<br>Cookie Fence Piece
|Cookie Fence Piece
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Countryrailfence.png]]<br>Country Rail Fence
|Country Rail Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Countrysideborderfence.png]]<br>Countryside Border Fence
|WShop Seasonal
|Countryside Border Fence
|WShop Seasonal item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Countrysidechristmasfence.png]]<br>Countryside Christmas Fence
|WShop Seasonal
|Countryside Christmas Fence
|WShop Seasonal item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Countrysidecottagefence.png]]<br>Countryside Cottage Fence
|Countryside Cottage Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Countrysidecottagegate.png]]<br>Countryside Cottage Gate
|Countryside Cottage Gate
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Creepydoublefence.png]]<br>Creepy Double Fence
|Creepy Double Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Creepyrailfence.png]]<br>Creepy Rail Fence
|Creepy Rail Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Creepyswampfence.png]]<br>Creepy Swamp Fence
|Creepy Swamp Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Creepyswampgate.png]]<br>Creepy Swamp Gate
|Creepy Swamp Gate
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Desertpalacefence.png]]<br>Desert Palace Fence
|Desert Palace Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Dragonherowall.png]]<br>Dragon Hero Wall
|Dragon Hero Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Eeriedrearyfence.png]]<br>Eerie Dreary Fence
|Eerie Dreary Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Eeriedrearypillar.png]]<br>Eerie Dreary Pillar
|Eerie Dreary Pillar
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Elegantironfence.png]]<br>Elegant Iron Fence
|Elegant Iron Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Elegantstonepillar.png]]<br>Elegant Stone Pillar
|Elegant Stone Pillar
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Elvengardenwall.png]]<br>Elven Garden Wall
|Elven Garden Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Fairydenfencepiece.png]]<br>Fairy Den Fence Piece
|2014 Summer Super Mystery Bag
|Fairy Den Fence Piece
|2014 Summer Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fallgardenfence.png]]<br>Fall Garden Fence
|2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag
|Fall Garden Fence
|2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fallgardengate.png]]<br>Fall Garden Gate
|Fall Garden Gate
|2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag
|2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fallivyfencepiece.png]]<br>Fall Ivy Fence Piece
|2014 Awesome Autumn Mystery Bag
|Fall Ivy Fence Piece
|2014 Awesome Autumn Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fallivyfencepillar.png]]<br>Fall Ivy Fence Pillar
|Fall Ivy Fence Pillar
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Falltimestonewall.png]]<br>Fall Time Stone Wall
|Fall Time Stone Wall
|2018 Fall Super Mystery Bag
|2018 Fall Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Farmyardfence.png]]<br>Farmyard Fence
|Farmyard Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Freakystonewall.png]]<br>Freaky Stone Wall
|WShop Seasonal
|Freaky Stone Wall
|WShop Seasonal item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Ghostiefence.png]]<br>Ghostie Fence
|Ghostie Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Gingerbreadfence.png]]<br>Gingerbread Fence
|Gingerbread Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:goldengateborderfence.png]]<br>Golden Gate Border Fence
|Deluxe Prize Machine
|Golden Gate Border Fence
|Deluxe Prize Machine item
|[[File:goldengatefence.png]]<br>Golden Gate Fence
|Deluxe Prize Machine
|Golden Gate Fence
|Deluxe Prize Machine item
|[[File:Goodneighborsfence.png]]<br>Good Neighbors Fence
|Good Neighbors Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Gumdropfence.png]]<br>Gumdrop Fence
|Gumdrop Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Halloweenhatfence.png]]<br>Halloween Hat Fence
|Halloween Hat Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Halloweentriplefence.png]]<br>Halloween Triple Fence
|Halloween Triple Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Happyholidaysfence.png]]<br>Happy Holidays Fence
|2013 Holiday Present Stocking
|Happy Holidays Fence
|2013 Holiday Present Stocking item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:harvestwreathfence.png]]<br>Harvest Wreath Fence
|Harvest Wreath Fence
|[[File:Holidaycheerfence.png]]<br>Holiday Cheer Fence
|Holiday Cheer Fence
|2013 Holiday Present Stocking
|2013 Holiday Present Stocking item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Holidaylanternfence.png]]<br>Holiday Lantern Fence
|Holiday Lantern Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Holidaywackyfence.png]]<br>Holiday Wacky Fence
|Holiday Wacky Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Iceblockwall.png]]<br>Ice Block Wall
|WShop Seasonal
|Ice Block Wall
|WShop Seasonal item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Icingonthecakefence.png]]<br>Icing on the Cake Fence
|Icing on the Cake Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Icyfence.png]]<br>Icy Fence
|Icy Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Jungleflowerfence.png]]<br>Jungle Flower Fence
|Jungle Flower Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Luckyshamrockfence.png]]<br>Lucky Shamrock Fence
|Lucky Shamrock Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Ornateenglishgardengate.png]]<br>Ornate English Garden Gate
|Pet Specific Item for the Bullmastiff Puppy
|Ornate English Garden Gate
|Pet Specific Item for the Bullmastiff Puppy '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Paintedeggwalldivider.png]]<br>Painted Egg Wall Divider
|Painted Egg Wall Divider
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Peppermintfencepiece.png]]<br>Peppermint Fence Piece
|Peppermint Fence Piece
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Pineforestfence.png]]<br>Pine Forest Fence
|eStore Promo
|Pine Forest Fence
|Not yet released
|[[File:Pinkblossomtrellis.png]]<br>Pink Blossom Trellis
|Webkinz Newz
|Pink Blossom Trellis
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Pinklollipopfence.png]]<br>Pink Lollipop Fence
|Pink Lollipop Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Poinsettiatrellis.png]]<br>Poinsettia Trellis
|Poinsettia Trellis
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Pointedpicketfence.png]]<br>Pointed Picket Fence
|Pointed Picket Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Purpleblossomtrellis.png]]<br>Purple Blossom Trellis
|Purple Blossom Trellis
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:quiltedornamentfence.png]]<br>Quilted Ornament Fence
|Quilted Ornament Fence
|[[File:Rainbowarchfence.png]]<br>Rainbow Arch Fence
|Rainbow Arch Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Rainbowpicketfence.png]]<br>Rainbow Picket Fence
|Webkinz Newz
|Rainbow Picket Fence
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Rosebush.png]]<br>Rose Bush
|Rose Bush
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Sandyelephantfence.png]]<br>Sandy Elephant Fence
|Sandy Elephant Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Santakinzfencepiece.png]]<br>SantaKinz Fence Piece
|2016 Holiday Cheer Stocking
|SantaKinz Fence Piece
|2016 Holiday Cheer Stocking item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Santakinzfencepost.png]]<br>SantaKinz Fence Post
|2016 Holiday Cheer Stocking
|SantaKinz Fence Post
|2016 Holiday Cheer Stocking item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Schoolyardfence.png]]<br>Schoolyard Fence
|Webkinz Newz
|Schoolyard Fence
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Secludedgardenwall.png]]<br>Secluded Garden Wall
|Secluded Garden Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Semiprivatefence.png]]<br>Semi-Private Fence
|Semi-Private Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Snowyholidayfence.png]]<br>Snowy Holiday Fence
|Was a WShop ; now retired
|Snowy Holiday Fence
|Was a WShop item; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Spookyfence.png]]<br>Spooky Fence
|Spooky Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Spookystonewall.png]]<br>Spooky Stone Wall
|Spooky Stone Wall
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Springgardenfence.png]]<br>Spring Garden Fence
|Spring Garden Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Springgardengate.png]]<br>Spring Garden Gate
|Spring Garden Gate
|2016 Spring Super Mystery Bag
|2016 Spring Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:springowlfence.png]]<br>Spring Owl Fence
|Spring Owl Fence
|[[File:Springvinefencepiece.png]]<br>Spring Vine Fence Piece
|Spring Vine Fence Piece
|2015 Spring Super Mystery Bag
|2015 Spring Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Springvinefencepillar.png]]<br>Spring Vine Fence Pillar
|Spring Vine Fence Pillar
|2015 Spring Super Mystery Bag
|2015 Spring Super Mystery Bag item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Sweetbutterflyfence.png]]<br>Sweet Butterfly Fence
|Sweet Butterfly Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Threecookiefence.png]]<br>Three Cookie Fence
|Ganz eStore Promotional
|Three Cookie Fence
|Ganz eStore Promotional item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:trickortreatstreetfence.png]]<br>Trick or Treat Street Fence
|WShop Season
|Trick or Treat Street Fence
|WShop Season item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Tubefencing.png]]<br>Tube Fencing
|Was a Mazin' Hamsters Moolah Mountain ; now retired
|Tube Fencing
|Was a Mazin' Hamsters Moolah Mountain prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Twocookiefence.png]]<br>Two Cookie Fence
|Two Cookie Fence
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Valentinefencepiece.png]]<br>Valentine Fence Piece
|Valentine Fence Piece
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Veggiegardenfence.png]]<br>Veggie Garden Fence
|2018 Fall Fest
|Veggie Garden Fence
|2018 Fall Fest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Valentinepotsfence.png]]<br>Valentine Pots Fence
|Valentine Pots Fence
|[[File:Victoriangardenfencing.png]]<br>Victorian Garden Fencing
|Victorian Garden Fencing
|Rare item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Weatheredstoneborderwall.png]]<br>Weathered Stone Border Wall
|Weathered Stone Border Wall
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Weatheredstonewall.png]]<br>Weathered Stone Wall
|2017 Milk Chocolate Egg
|Weathered Stone Wall
|2017 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:whimsicalbistrofencedivider.png]]<br>Whimsical Bistro Fence Divider
|Whimsical Bistro Fence Divider
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Whitepicketfence.png]]<br>White Picket Fence
|White Picket Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Wroughtironfence.png]]<br>Wrought Iron Fence
|Wrought Iron Fence
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Yellowblossomtrellis.png]]<br>Yellow Blossom Trellis
|Webkinz Newz
|Yellow Blossom Trellis
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Yellowrosetrellis.png]]<br>Yellow Rose Trellis
|Yellow Rose Trellis
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
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