Zumbuddies are plush toys that include Feature Codes which can be used to unlock Zumwhere. Each Zumbuddy also gives a pet buddy that can follow Webkinz or Lil'Kinz around. The first five Zumbuddies or Zumbuddy Klips that a player purchases will unlock a new Zum Room in Zumwhere. After that, the player will be awarded a new Zum Room every five Zumbuddies.

In February 2010, a new series of Zumbuddy toys was announced. Six new Zums were released: Zoro, Zami, Zype, Zane, Zuzu, and Zip.


Series 1

Series 2

Series 3

Series 4

Virtual Only



Main Article: Zumwhere

Zumwhere is the virtual world where your Zums live and play. Zumwhere can be located in the Magical Forest.

Like Webkinz, Zums are pets that can be taken care of and played with. The player may purchase Zum-specific items from the Z-Shop with the currency "zummies" (as well as KinzCash) to give to their Zum. The Zum Room functions similar to Webkinz' rooms: the option to purchase and edit rooms are available, a button to zoom is placed above, and even a miniature dock is present to hold and organize Zum items.
