Mazin' Hamster Pets: Difference between revisions

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Content added Content deleted
Line 120:
|Cookie Plushie<br>[[File:cookieplushie.png]]
|valign="top"|<font color="green">Released</font>
|Cookie<br>[[File:Pet 6011Cookieavatar.png|100px]]
|Cookie Ball<br>[[File:cookieball.png]]
|Cookie Design<br>[[File:cookiedesign.png]]
Line 132:
|Hope Plushie<br>[[File:hopeplushie.png]]
|valign="top"|<font color="green">Released</font>
|Hope<br>[[File:Pet 6015Hopeavatar.png|100px]]
|Hope Ball<br>[[File:hopeball.png]]
|Hope Design<br>[[File:hopedesign.png]]
Line 144:
|Pixie Plushie<br>[[File:pixieplushie.png]]
|valign="top"|<font color="green">Released</font>
|Pixie<br>[[File:Pet 6014Pixieavatar.png|100px]]
|Pixie Ball<br>[[File:pixieball.png]]
|Pixie Design<br>[[File:pixiedesign.png]]
Line 156:
|Sparkle Plushie<br>[[File:sparkleplushie.png]]
|valign="top"|<font color="green">Released</font>
|Sparkle<br>[[File:Pet 6016Sparkleavatar.png|100px]]
|Sparkle Ball<br>[[File:sparkleball.png]]
|Sparkle Design<br>[[File:sparkledesign.png]]
Line 168:
|Waffles Plushie<br>[[File:wafflesplushie.png]]
|valign="top"|<font color="green">Released</font>
|Waffles<br>[[File:Pet 6012Wafflesavatar.png|100px]]
|Waffles Ball<br>[[File:wafflesball.png]]
|Waffles Design<br>[[File:wafflesdesign.png]]
Line 180:
|Willow Plushie<br>[[File:wilowplushie.png]]
|valign="top"|<font color="green">Released</font>
|Willow<br>[[File:Pet 6013Willowavatar.png|100px]]
|Willow Ball<br>[[File:willowball.png]]
|Willow Design<br>[[File:willowdesign.png]]

Revision as of 22:36, 15 May 2021

The Mazin’ Hamsters feature arrived in Webkinz World in July 2010.

Adopting Hamsters

Adopting hamsters is different from adoption regular Webkinz Pets. Each Mazin' Hamster comes with a feature code that must be entered in the Code Shop in Webkinz World, rather than the Adoption Center. A Mazin' Hamster will not renew your account like adopting a regular Webkinz Pet does. Each plushie and virtual Mazin' Hamster comes named. During the adoption process you can change your hamster's name by typing the new name in the white box (that says "Sunshine" in the picture below), but once the adoption is complete and like other Webkinz pets, you can not rename your hamster. Other than the special ball and tube designs, no adoption gifts nor any kinzcash are received upon adoption with a few exceptions. The Halloween hamster Spooky comes with a pumpkin hat, and the Christmas-themed hamster Nick, comes with a belt and Santa hat.[1]

All hamsters provide access to a number of exciting places in Webkinz World, in particular the Mazin' Hamster Hamlet, the Mazin' Mall, and the Play Mazes features.

File:Adoption 1.png

File:Adoption 2.png

File:Adoption 3.png

  1. Pictures of Hamster Clothing can be found HERE in the Picture Gallery

Hamster Pets

Each hamster comes with its own special ball design and tube design (like wallpaper/flooring), and a set of "starter" tubes. Collecting multiple hamsters gives players more design options for their mazes, helps them to make their mazes faster, and allows players to save more maze designs.

Plushie Hamsters

Plushie Mazin' Hamsters are sold at Webkinz retailers.

Although each hamster comes with a name, you can change this name at the naming station.

Series 1

Plushie Status Hamster Ball Tube Design
Sunshine Plushie
Retired Oct 10 Sunshine
File:Pet 6001.png
Sunshine Ball
Sunshine Design
Honey Plushie
Released Honey
File:Pet 6002.png
Honey Ball
Honey Design
Presto Plushie
Retired Sept 10 Presto
File:Pet 6003.png
Presto Ball
Presto Design
Sweetie Plushie
Released Sweetie
File:Pet 6004.png
Sweetie Ball
Sweetie Design
Petunia Plushie
Released Petunia
File:Pet 6005.png
Petunia Ball
Petunia Design
Snowflake Plushie
Retired Sept 10 Snowflake
File:Pet 6006.png
Snowflake Ball
Snowflake Design

Series 2

Plushie Status Hamster Ball Tube Design
Cookie Plushie
Released Cookie
Cookie Ball
Cookie Design
Hope Plushie
Released Hope
Hope Ball
Hope Design
Pixie Plushie
Released Pixie
Pixie Ball
Pixie Design
Sparkle Plushie
Released Sparkle
Sparkle Ball
Sparkle Design
Waffles Plushie
Released Waffles
Waffles Ball
Waffles Design
Willow Plushie
Released Willow
Willow Ball
Willow Design


Plushie Status Hamster Ball Tube Design
Spooky Plushie[1]
Seasonal Spooky
Spooky Ball
Spooky Design
Nick Plushie[2]
Seasonal Nick
Nick Ball
Nick Design
Cinnamon Plushie[3]
Seasonal Cinnamon
Cinnamon Ball
Cinnamon Design
Carrots Plushie[4]
Seasonal Carrots
Carrots Ball
Carrots Design
  1. Spooky is the seasonal Hamster for Halloween 2010.
  2. Nick is the seasonal Hamster for Christmas 2010.
  3. Cinnamon is the seasonal Hamster for Valentine's Day 2011
  4. Carrots is the seasonal Hamster for Easter 2011

Virtual-Only Hamsters

Virtual-Only Mazin' Hamsters are sold at the Ganz eStore.

Hamster Status Ball Tube Design
Released Zap Ball
Zap Design
Released Twilight Ball
Twilight Design
Released Fresco Ball
Fresco Design
Released Midnight Ball
Midnight Design
Announced Chili Ball
Chili Design
Announced Sprinkles Ball

Non-Webkinz Hamsters

Ganz, the company that produces Webkinz products, also makes many non-Webkinz items. One of those products is called "Lil Hamsters". Although these hamsters are similar in size and shape to the Mazin' Hamster plushies, they are NOT Webkinz products. When shopping, please be careful to not confuse these Lil Hamsters with the Webkinz Mazin' Hamsters. The Mazin' Hamsters come with a Feature Code tag. The Lil Hamsters do not.