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Growing Seeds & Planter Mystery Boxes: Difference between revisions

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===2023 Planter Mystery Box Series 6===
|{{!}}[[File:2023plantermysteryboxseries6.png]]<br>2023 Planter Mystery Box Series 6
|{{!}}[[File:Bellpepperandchivepatioplant.png]]<br>Bell Pepper and Chive Patio Plant
|{{!}}[[File:Bellpepperskillet.png]]<br>Bell Pepper Skillet
The 2023 Planter Mystery Box Series 6 contained one Bell Pepper and Chive Patio Plant that is tradeable and sellable, plus one item from the prize pool below. All prize pool items are only available from this box and are tradeable and sellable.<br>The box was first available as a pre-sale to Deluxe Members on October 4, 2023, followed by official release on October 19, 2023<br>
|{{!}}[[File:Bluevelvetsofa.png]]<br>Blue Velvet Sofa
|{{!}}[[File:Circularstainedglassseat.png]]<br>Circular Stained Glass Seat
|{{!}}[[File:Goldencastlecanopybed.png]]<br>Golden Castle Canopy Bed
|{{!}}[[File:Goldenturkeycookiedispenser.png]]<br>Golden Turkey Cookie Dispenser<ref>The Golden Turkey Cookie Dispenser gives one Golden Turkey Cookie a day</ref>
|{{!}}[[File:Hamburgerhotairballoon.png]]<br>Hamburger Hot Air Balloon
|{{!}}[[File:Lightlivingcoffeetable.png]]<br>Light Living Coffee Table
|{{!}}[[File:Lightlivingflooring.png]]<br>Light Living Flooring
|{{!}}[[File:Whimsicalwickerswing.png]]<br>Whimsical Wicker Swing
[[Category:Information and Guides]]


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