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Trophy Collection: Difference between revisions

fixed formatting, added sources, & tradability
(fixed formatting, added sources, & tradability)
Line 6:
<br>Ant Mania Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Atlantiles Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Bamboo Break Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>BananzatrophyBananza Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Banner Blitz Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Banners Abound Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Booger Gets an A Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Bounce 'N Burst Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>BowlingtrophyBowling Trophy
|Webkinz Friends - Quest Prizes
<br>Bronze Amateur Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Bronze Beauty Pageant Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Bronze Cooking Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Bronze Deluxe Beauty Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Bronze Deluxe Cooking Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Bronze Deluxe Running Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Bronze Polar Plunge Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Bronze Running Race Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Candy Bash 2 Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Candy Bash Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Cash Cow 2 Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>CashcowtrophyCash Cow Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Cash Cow Trophy 2
Line 138:
<br>CheckerstrophyCheckers Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Chocolate Wacky Trophy
|Wacky Zingoz Celebration - Webkinz World Click-to-Win
<br>Clothing Design Trophy
|Contest Trophies
<br>Clubhouse Trophy
<br>Color Storm Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Crafty Critterz Trophy
|Awarded to a player whose craft suggestion is used on Crafty Critterz posts
<br>Dashing Dolphin Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Dead End Dangers Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Dex Dangerous Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>DicekinztrophyDicekinz Trophy
|The DiceKinz Trophy was only awarded on
June 6, 2012 to players who owned (or had previously opened)
DiceKinz packs.
<br>Dogbeard's Bathtub Battles Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Eager Beaver Adventure Park Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Fantastic First Flags Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>First Webkinz Day Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Fishing Derby Trophy
|Webkinz Newz - Video Challenge Prizes - Pet of the Month
<br>Flag Finder Fury Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Flag Fortune Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Flag Order Forage Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Floor Flag Follies Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Flutterbugged Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Football Trophy Stand
Line 264 ⟶ 266:
<br>Friends of the Earth Trophy
|Webkinz Newz - Video Challenge Prizes - Pet of the Month
<br>Frosty Finish Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Galloping Garden Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Get Eleven Solitaire Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Go-Go Googles Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Gold Amateur Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Gold Beauty Pageant Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Gold Card Collector Trophy
|Trading Cards - Series 1
<br>Gold Cooking Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Gold Deluxe Beauty Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Gold Deluxe Cooking Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Gold Deluxe Running Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Golden Tennis Trophy
|Figures & Items - eStore Figure Specific Items
Center Court Collie Figure
<br>Golden Trumpet Trophy
|Figures & Items - Series 1 Figure Specific Items
Trumpet Playing Googles Figure
<br>Gold Polar Plunge Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Gold Running Race Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Gold Zingoz Pop Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's Atomic Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's Classroom Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's Company Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's Home Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's Lab Trophy 2
Line 402 ⟶ 406:
<br>Goober's Secret Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goober's University Lab Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Goody Gumdrops Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Grand Grotto Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Halloween Hunt Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Hatch the Dragon Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Hedge Maze Mania Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Holiday Hustle Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Home Before Dark Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Hoppy Little Rocketship Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Hungry Hog Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Inventing Trophy 1st Place
<br>Inventing Trophy 2nd Place
<br>Inventing Trophy 3rd Place
<br>Item Design Trophy
|Contest Trophies
<br>Jewel Jaunt Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Jumbleberry Blast Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Jumbleberry Fields Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Large Gem Finder Trophy
|Gem Hunt - Doug the Dog
<br>League of Champions Trophy
|Retired W-shop - Beautiful Game Theme
<br>Leap of Faith Flags Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Lilypadz 2 Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>LilypadztrophyLilypadz Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Link'dtrophyd Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Looping Laps Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Lunch Letters Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Master Blaster 600 Trophy
|Arcade Trophies - Wacky Zingoz Celebration
<br>Master Chef Trophy
|Contest Trophies
<br>Medium Gem Finder Trophy
|Gem Hunt - Doug the Dog
<br>Member of the Day Trophy
|Awarded each day to a player who has set up a My Page profile (retired)
<br>Mermonkey Artifact Trophy
|Vacation Island - Don't Rock the Boat
<br>Ms.Cowoline's Roll Call Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>MvptrophyhatMVP Trophy Hat
|eStore Promo
<br>New Bamboo Break Trophy
<br>Operation Gumball Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Pennant Plunge Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Petal Pursuit Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Pet Design Trophy
|Contest Trophies
<br>Pet Party Parade Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>PicnictrophyPicnic Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Pinky's Big Adventure Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Pizza Palace Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Polarberry Jam Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Polar Plunge Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Polar Plunge Trophy 2
Line 672 ⟶ 676:
<br>Pumpkin Patch Protector Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Quizzy's Trophy Piece
<br>Rapid Rally Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Ripe Roundup Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Rockerz Backstage Run Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Room Design Trophy
|Contest Trophies
<br>Room Design Trophy 2
|Contest Trophies
<br>Room Rummage Flags Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Runner up Trophy
Line 726 ⟶ 730:
<br>Scrambled Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Second Webkinz Day Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Secret Chef Trophy
|Awarded to a player who is first to solve a secret (food) recipe
<br>Series 2 Collector Trophy
|Trading Cards - Series 2
<br>Shrewd Searchers Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Silver Amateur Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Beauty Pageant Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Cooking Competition Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Deluxe Beauty Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Deluxe Cooking Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Deluxe Running Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Microphone Trophy
|Wheels & Games - Prize Klaw - Green Capsule
<br>Silver Polar Plunge Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Silver Running Race Trophy
|Webkinz Stadium Trophies
<br>Silver Zingoz Pop Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Small Gem Finder Trophy
|Gem Hunt - Doug the Dog
<br>Smoothie Moves Trophy
|Arcade Trophies (Only on Mobile)
<br>Social Media Superstar Trophy
|Awarded to players who are active on various social media platforms
<br>Speedy Scurry Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Speedy Slalom Slopes Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>SpreetrophySpree Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Stack 'em Up Solitaire Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Stardrops Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Starting Speedways Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Streaky Standards Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Supermodelz Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Super Slugger 600 Trophy
|Arcade Trophies - Wacky Zingoz Celebration
<br>Tile Towers Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Token Collector Trophy
|Randomly awarded when depositing a Wish Token in the Wish Machine
<br>Tour de Flags Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Treasures of the Crystal Sea Trophy
|Vacation Island - Treasures of the Crystal Sea Game
<br>Tricky Treasure Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>Triple Strike Solitaire Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Tropical Troubles Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Tulip Trouble Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Tunneling Twigzy Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Vexed Veggies Search Trophy
|Mazin' Hamsters - Maze Trophies
<br>WackyER Zingoz Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Wacky's Bullseye Batter Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy
|Arcade Trophies - Wacky Zingoz Celebration
<br>Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy 2
Line 972 ⟶ 976:
<br>Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy Stand
Line 978 ⟶ 982:
<br>Wacky Zingoz Triple Trophy Champ
Line 984 ⟶ 988:
<br>Wacky Zingoz Triple Trophy Champ Badge
Line 990 ⟶ 994:
<br>Waddell's Icecap Adventure Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Webkinz Day Year 10 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 11 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 12 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 13 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 14 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 15 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 16 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 3 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 4 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 5 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 6 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 7 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 8 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Day Year 9 Trophy
|Holiday Gifts - Webkinz Day Gifts
<br>Webkinz Elite Trophy
|Family Score Prizes
<br>Webkinz Mobile Crystal Trophy
|Login Events - Time Capsules
<br>Webkinz Player Trophy
|Family Score Prizes
<br>Webkinz Rally Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Webkinz Wisdom Trophy
|Family Score Prizes
<br>Wheel of WOW Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Where's Wacky Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Whimsy Skies Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Wishing Well 2 Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>WritingtrophyWriting Trophy
|Contest Trophies
<br>Writing Trophy 2
|Contest Trophies
<br>Writing Trophy 3
|Contest Trophies
<br>Writing Trophy 4
|Contest Trophies
<br>Zacky's Quest Trophy
Line 1,164 ⟶ 1,168:
<br>Zingoz Bounce Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>Zingoz Bounce Trophy 2
Line 1,176 ⟶ 1,180:
<br>Zingoz Dunk Trophy
|Wheels & Games - Dunk the Zingoz
<br>Zingoz Pie Throw Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenges
<br>Zingoz Pop Gold Trophy
Line 1,194 ⟶ 1,198:
<br>Zingoz Switcherooz Trophy
|Challenges - Trophy Challenge
<br>Zingoz Zangoz Trophy
|Arcade Trophies
<br>ZumtrophyZum Trophy
|Zumwhere & Zumbuddies - Zums Sightings - Zum Collection Prizes


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