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Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz!: Difference between revisions

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Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz! [[Trophy]] was only obtainable during a challenge set for April 23 to April 27, 2018. ItThe waschallenge obtainedreturned byfor completingMarch three23 tasks:to earningMarch 20029, [[KinzCash]]2020. playingIt Antwas Maniaobtained atby thecompleting [[Arcade]],three tasks: Spinspinning the [[Wheel of WOW]] 43 times, and earning 40150 KinzCash playing '''[[PicnicKinzCash]]''' atplaying Dex Dangerous and the Arcade.Lunar AtLugbotz thisat timethe there[[Arcade]], hasn'tand beenwinning anya informationgame ifof the[[Link'd|Link’D]] trophyat willthe return[[Tournament Arena]].
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