Welcome Room

The most up-to-date image and information guide on Webkinz Classic items, events, and more!

The Welcome Room is an event room in the Clubhouse. Meet and friend other Webkinz players in the Welcome Room. While you're here, don't forget to pick up a special gift from Ms. Birdy!

Drag your Ms. Birdy Gift Box into your room to open it and win one of the following prizes.

Bouncy Ball

Caring Sights Window

Cozy Bed

Cuddly Rug

Favorite Pet Cupcake

Fun to Care Armoire

Great Webkinz Cupcake

Have A Party Cupcake

Lovely Caring Bouquet

Water Bowl

Webkinz Cares Balloon

Webkinz Cares Chocolate Bar

Webkinz Cares Clock

Webkinz Cares Cookie

Webkinz Cares Dining Chair

Webkinz Cares Dining Table

Webkinz Cares Ice Cream Sandwich

Webkinz Cares Place Setting

Webkinz Letter Blocks

You’re A Star Cupcake