(Archive) Map of Kinzville

The most up-to-date image and information guide on Webkinz Classic items, events, and more!

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Doc McStuffins (Sep 17-25)

Doc's Lab Coat and Magical Stethoscope

Classic DOC Shoes

Doc Mobile

Doc Nutritionist Outfit

Doc Special Nutritionist Shoes

Doc's Big Book of Boo Boos

Doc's Eye Doctor Outfit

Doc's Eye Doctor Shoes

Heart Shaped Glasses

Prize Strawberries


Daisy Doe (Apr 1-9)

Basket of Veggies

Fresh Pasta Salad

Organic Olive Bread

Sweet Soy Smoothie


Meet the Newz Team: Steve (Apr 22-28)

Steve Webkinz Prize Box

When players clicked on Steve, they would receive a giftbox which included a random pet medallion and

Fizzy Newz Soda

Plus a random item from this pool:

Steve Webkinz KinzCash Coin

Steve Webkinz Poster

Signed Steve Webkinz Poster


Meet your BFFs: Steve (May 10-28)

Best Banana Apple Cupcake

Best Cherry Berry Cupcake

Best Chilled Berry Cupcake

Best Citrus Cupcake

Best Grape Lime Cupcake

Best Orange Blast Cupcake

Best Sour Apple Cupcake

Best Strawberry Apple Cupcake

Friends Banana Apple Cupcake

Friends Cherry Berry Cupcake

Friends Chilled Berry Cupcake

Friends Citrus Cupcake

Friends Grape Lime Cupcake

Friends Orange Blast Cupcake

Friends Sour Apple Cupcake

Friends Strawberry Apple Cupcake

Kinzville Hot Dog (Jul 1-31)

Look for the Lemon Drop Cow walking around your Map, and click on it to earn one bottle of relish a day!



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