
The most up-to-date image and information guide on Webkinz Classic items, events, and more!

i'm a wonk about home before dark and autowikibrowser, and i'm good at googling. i'm gifted9 in webkinz, discord, and webkinz insider, gifted09 on webkinz newz, and webkinzgifted9 on reddit. i contributed to the webkinz insider wiki, mostly in the wigev, and i make occasional edits to the real wikipedia. stay hydrated and donate to internet archive

all my automated edits are marked as minor, and all manual are not. unregistered edits to article talk pages are probably me, noting stray thoughts while on a public computer

this user is a wikignome

significant contribs

Home Before Dark

Plushie KinzStyle Clothing

Jellybean Challenge



to do: in progress

(Picture_Guide)_Ganz_eStore_Promo_Gift_With_Purchase googlery

Smoothie Moves reverse engineer

category: Wacky Zingoz & Zangoz, Wacky Zingoz & Zangoz Collection

User:Gifted9/strength class ?


Adventure Park Daily Quest Dig Prizes

Fashion Class

Kinzville Academy#Hopscotch

(Item Guide) Zumwhere & Zumbuddies + zummies cost


talk:waterfall Collection - add to article

talk:(Item Guide) Exclusives

to do: not started

WackyER Zingoz - pics,[-guide-]-best-easiest-routes-669085

Color Storm reverse engineer

vehicles Collection page is not exhaustive

remaster of kinzcash guide?

Counter Collection ?

Sleeping Bag Collection ?

Pet Expressions ?

zingoz pop tutorial [1]

pinky's big adventure tutorial [2]

chef challenge tutorial [3]

supermodelz tutorial [4]

SPREE! Mall Archives



  1. All measures are in pixels

ImageSize = width:160 height:550 PlotArea = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10 AlignBars = justify

DateFormat = yyyy Period = from:1917 till:1991 TimeAxis = orientation:vertical ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920

  1. there is no automatic collision detection,
  2. so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar


 bar:Leaders color:red width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S
 from:start till:1924 shift:($dx,15)   text:Vladimir~Ilyich~Lenin
 from:1924  till:1953 shift:($dx,5)    text:Josef~Stalin
 from:1953  till:1964 shift:($dx,5)    text:Nikita~Khrushchev
 from:1964  till:1982 shift:($dx,5)    text:Leonid~Brezhnev
 from:1982  till:1984 shift:($dx,-12)  text:Yuri~Andropov
 from:1984  till:1985 shift:($dx,4)    text:Konstantin~Chernenko fontsize:XS
 from:1985  till:end  shift:($dx,10)   text:Mikhail~Gorbachev


<timeline> ImageSize = width:1600 height:1500 PlotArea = left:40 right:5 top:10 bottom:10 DateFormat = mm/dd/yyyy TimeAxis = orientation:vertical format:mm/yyyy Period = from:01/01/1905 till:12/31/1923 AlignBars = early ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1 start:01/01/1905 ScaleMinor = unit:month increment:1 start:01/01/1905

Colors =

 id:gray value:gray(0.7)

Define $dx = 20 # shift text to right side of bar


  bar:event width:20 color:gray shift:($dx,-4) 
 at:12/31/1923 text:"1924: Plutarco Elías Calles elected President, succeeding Álvaro Obregón.   
 at:09/01/1923 text:"Though minor revolts and mutinies persist over the years, de la Huerta's defeat marked the end of large scale fighting in Mexico."
 at:07/15/1923 text:"Adolfo de la Huerta accuses Obregón of corruption and starts an uprising against his government in November of 1923. He is later defeated at the Battle of Esperanza on January 24, 1924 and is forced to flee the country."
 at:06/01/1923 text:"Obregón signs Bucarelli Agreements on oil, US formally recognizes Obregón government."
 at:01/01/1923 text:"1923: Villa ambushed and murdered in Parral, Chihuahua"
 at:02/01/1921 text:"1921: Obregón appoints José Vasconcelos as Secretary of Education and begins slow implementation of land reform laws."
 at:12/01/1920 text:"Obregón assumes office as President."
 at:10/01/1920 text:"Villa signs peace agreement with new President Adolfo de la Huerta, retires to his hacienda in Durango."
 at:05/21/1920 text:"Carranza, en route to Veracruz, murdered in Tlaxcalantongo, Puebla. With Carranza's death, the 10 year revolution officially ends. Félix Díaz leaves for exile."
 at:04/01/1920 text:"Carranza flees Mexico City, after a failed assassination attempt." 
 at:02/01/1920 text:"1920:Obregón, backed by labor unions, and Zapatista elements, declares Plan of Agua Prieta against Carranza."
 at:11/26/1919 text:"Felipe Ángeles executed in Chihuahua."
 at:06/01/1919 text:"Villa's last major raid, at Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua."
 at:04/19/1919 text:"Col. Jesús Guajardo murders Zapata in Chinameca, Morelos."
 at:03/01/1919 text:"1919: Zapata sends an open letter to Carranza for redress of peasant greivances."
 at:12/01/1918 text:"Felipe Ángeles returns to Mexico and rejoins Villa."
 at:06/01/1918 text:"First Mexican labor union, CROM, created. Organization has strong ties to Obregón."
 at:02/01/1918 text:"1918: General Pablo González begins attacking Zapatistas and laying waste to Morelos."
 at:08/01/1917 text:"Obregón breaks with Carranza, resigns as a head General of Federal Army."
 at:05/01/1917 text:"Carranza signs and accepts new Constitution, sworn into office as President. Zapata refuses to recognize him as President." 
 at:01/01/1917 text:"1917:Pershing's army departs Mexico."
 at:11/15/1916 text:"Congress of Querétaro meets to begin drafting a new Mexican Constitution. Zapata refuses to attend."
 at:08/15/1916 text:"Zapatistas seize water pumping station south of Mexico City, Villa attacks Torreón." 
 at:07/01/1916 text:"General Pershing's US Army expedition force enters Chihuahua to hunt for Villa."
 at:05/15/1916 text:"Villa's raid on Columbus, New Mexico. Félix Díaz returns to Mexico and attempts to raise rebellion."
 at:04/01/1916 text:"Federals defeat Zapatistas at Tlatizapán, Morelos"
 at:02/15/1916 text:"Villistas murder 18 employees of the US ASARCO company, in Santa Isabel, Chihuahua." 
 at:01/01/1916 text:"1916: Victoriano Huerta dies in custody in El Paso, Texas"
 at:11/15/1915 text:"Using US power for giant searchlights, Obregón repels Villa night attack at Agua Prieta, Sonora."
 at:10/01/1915 text:"US permits Obregón to relocate Mexican federal troops via US railroads."  
 at:08/15/1915 text:"Pascual Orozco escapes, then is killed in shootout with Texas Rangers in Lobo, Texas" 
 at:07/01/1915 text:"Victoriano Huerta and Pascual Orozco arrested in US for plotting with Germans to retake Mexico. Felipe Ángeles exiles himself in Texas."
 at:05/15/1915 text:"Obregón loses arm to Villista artillery fire, advances to Aguascalientes. "
 at:04/01/1915 text:"Obregón defeats Villa at the Battle of Celaya. Wilson recognizes Carranza as legal President of Mexico."
 at:02/15/1915 text:"Obregón and Carranza retake Mexico City. Obregón begins raising workers' Red Brigades to fight Villa."
 at:01/01/1915 text:"1915: Obregón attacks Zapatistas in Puebla"
 at:12/01/1914 text:"Villa and Zapata occupy Mexico City"
 at:10/15/1914 text:"Carranza and Obregón flee to Veracruz"
 at:09/01/1914 text:"Convention of Aguascalientes held, Carranza deposed. Eulalio Gutiérrez installed as president."
 at:05/15/1914 text:"Obregón advances to Guadalajara; Villa takes Zacatecas. Huerta resigns; he and Pascual Orozco leave for exile."
 at:04/01/1914 text:"Villa, with Gen. Felipe Ángeles, takes Gómez Palacio and Torreón. Zapata takes control of the state of Guerrero. US Marines occupy the port of Veracruz."
 at:02/15/1914 text:"Zapatista army attacks Tláhuac; Villa meets with General Hugh Scott in El Paso, Texas. The Tampico Affair causes further rift between Mexico and US."
 at:01/01/1914 text:"1914: Villa meets US Army General John J. Pershing in Ojinaga, Chihuahua."
 at:11/15/1913 text:"Villa takes control of Chihuahua state as provisional governor."
 at:10/01/1913 text:"Villa defeats Federals at Cd. Juárez, Ojinaga, and Chihuahua."
 at:08/15/1913 text:"Huerta dissolves Congress due to inquiries about Madero's death." 
 at:07/01/1913 text:"Venustiano Carranza issues Plan of Guadalupe to oust Huerta. Félix Díaz sent to diplomatic duty in Japan by Huerta."
 at:05/15/1913 text:"Huerta betrays Reyes and Díaz, takes control of government, orders murder of Abraham González. Orozco returns to Mexico to be Huerta's chief general."
 at:04/01/1913 text:"The Ten Tragic Days, Feb 9-19. In collusion with the US Ambassador, Huerta arrests Madero, then has Madero and Pino Suárez murdered." 
 at:02/15/1913 text:"Reyes, Díaz and Huerta conspire for coup d'état with Henry Lane Wilson."
 at:01/01/1913 text:"1913: Reyes and Díaz escape jail" 
 at:05/01/1912 text:"Huerta and Villa crush the Orozco rebellion. Orozco flees to Los Angeles, California."
 at:03/01/1912 text:"1912: Orozco rebels against Madero. Félix Díaz and Bernardo Reyes arrested."
 at:11/25/1911 text:"November 25: Zapata issues Plan of Ayala"
 at:10/01/1911 text:"Madero becomes President."
 at:06/01/1911 text:"Diaz resigns. Francisco León de la Barra assumes presidency."
 at:04/01/1911 text:"Pascual Orozco and Pancho Villa take Ciudad Juárez."
 at:02/01/1911 text:"1911: Madero leads disastrous attack at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, but is defeated."
 at:12/01/1910 text:"November 20: Revolution begins" 
 at:10/15/1910 text:"Madero issues Plan of San Luis Potosí"
 at:09/01/1910 text:"Madero escapes jail, flees to USA"
 at:08/01/1910 text:"Madero jailed"
 at:06/01/1910 text:"Díaz wins rigged election."
 at:04/01/1910 text:"1910: Diaz has 6,000 maderista activists arrested and jailed."
 at:06/01/1908 text:"1908: Los grandes problemas nacionales and the Creelman interview with Porfirio Díaz published" 
 at:06/01/1906 text:"1906: Ricardo Flores Magón, in exile in St Louis, Missouri, USA, issues proclamation calling for Díaz's ouster."  
