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(Picture Guide) Pet Specific Items

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Plush Pet Items

Webkinz Classic Pets

Acorn Barbecue

Amazing Acorn Armoire
Grey Squirrel

Ancient Dynasty Trunk
Chinese Dragon

Ancient Egg Fridge
Key Lime Dino

Ant Hill Thrill Pit

Aquarium Castle Toy Box
Purple Goldfish

Arctic ATV
Siberian Husky

Arctic Window
(Lil Kinz) Polar Bear

Argent Armoire
Silver Labrador

Autumn Paw Print Window
(Lil Kinz) Black Lab

Baby Bunny Buggy
Baby Bunny

Backyard Bubble Maker
Patchy Puppy

Badger Hill

Bagpiper's Trampoline
Scottish Terrier

Baker's Oven
Ginger Cat

Bakin' Snake Stove
Striped Snake

Ball Pit Slide
Maltese Puppy

Bamboo Chute Swing
Charming Panda

Banana Buggy
Berry Cheeky Monkey

Banana Hammock
Cheeky Monkey

Baroque Chest of Drawers
French Bulldog

Barrel Hot Tub
Alpine St. Bernard

Batik Loveseat
Batik Elephant

Batwing Chair

Beachside Gazebo
Tropical Island Pup

Beaded Throne
White Lion

Bean Bag Bed
Sweetheart Pup

Beautiful Blush Treadmill
Pink Pony

Beautiful Swan Mirror
White Swan

Beaver Lodge Bed

Best in Show Throne
Border Collie

Big City Window
(Lil Kinz) Alley Cat

Big Top Go Cart
(Lil Kinz) Elephant

Big Top Tricycle
Sweet Elephant

Birdbath Spa
Pink Cockatoo

Black And Chrome Paw Stove
(Lil Kinz) Black and White Cheeky Dog

Black and White Skunk Fridge

Blingin' Accessories Box
Whooo La La Owl

Blueberry Bumper Car
Blueberry Cheeky Dog

Blueberry Fountain

Bobbin' Robin Jukebox

Bongo Trampoline
Groovy Gorilla

Bouncy Banana Bed
Banana Print Monkey

Bow Wow Bone Tree
Jack Russell Terrier

Boxing Ring Trampoline

Breaching Orca Pond
Orca Whale

Bright Light Sea Lamp

Brilliant Ball Gown
Brilliant Bandit

Brilliant Blue Bed
Blue Bay Dolphin

Brilliant Hibiscus Chair

Bubbly Blue Bathtub
Blue Trigger Fish

Budgie Striped Sofa

Buffet Fruit Juicer
Pink Punch Cheeky Dog

Building Blocks Toy Box
Colorblock Kitty

Buried Bone Fridge
(Lil Kinz) Cocker Spaniel

Buried Treasure Beach
Pirate Parrot

Busy Bee Hive
American Black Bear

Butterfly Antenna[1]

Butterfly Costume[2]

Calicoat Closet
Calico Cat

Candy Cane Seeds
Peppermint Puppy

Candy Cane Slide

Candy Heart Couch
Lovely Love Kitten

Candy Pup Tent
Candy Pup

Canopy Hammock

Canyon Crosswalk

Cardinal Nest Chair

Carefree Cushion
Harmony Puppy

Carefully Carved Lamppost
Red Squirrel

Carousel Chariot Bench
Merry Go Round Pony

Cat Trick Trampoline
(Lil Kinz) Grey and White Cat

Cave Bed
Black Bear

Celebration Throne
American Golden Retriever

Cell Phone Sofa
Texting Puppy

Championship Pool
Brown Boston Terrier

Charming Charcoal Easel

Charming Cherry Bumper
Cherry Soda Pup

Cheeky Cat Range
Cheeky Cat

Cheeky Dog Grill
Cheeky Dog

Cheerful Trampoline
Pom Pom Dino

Cherry Blossom Bird Loveseat
Cherry Blossom Bird

Chic Black Couch
Black Panther

Chic Divan Couch
Poshy Poodle

Chic Satin Bed

Chic Wardrobe
ChiChi Chihuahua

Chillaxin' Couch
Peace n' Love Puppy

Chocolate Fountain
Mocha Pup

Chocolate Loft Barn Bed
Chocolate Milk Cow

Chocolate Milk Fridge
Brown Cow

Cinnamon Bun Bed
Cinnamon Dachshund

Clownfish Clown Car
Tomato Clownfish

Cocoa Basket Bed
Chocolate Lab

Cocoa Power Shower
Cookies 'n Cream Guinea Pig

Colorblock Couch
Colorblock Monkey

Color Changing Chair
Kooky Chameleon

Color Changing Tree

Colorful Costume Trunk
Doodle Fadoodle

Comfy Classic Recliner
Black Cocker Spaniel

Comfy Knitted Chair
Knit Sock Dog

Confetti Launcher
Cheer Pup

Cool Breeze Plumage Fan
Pretty Peacock

Cool Crib
Husky Pup

Cool Pooch Pool Table

Cotton Candy Closet
Cotton Candy Puppy

Cotton Candy Hammock
Candy Googles

Counting Sheep Machine

Countryside Gazebo

Cozy Carrot Couch
Angora Bunny

Cozy Coffin Bed
Zombie Pup

Cozy Pink PJ Pants[3]
Cuddly Koala

Cozy Pink PJ Top[4]
Cuddly Koala

Cozy Pink Slippers[5]
Cuddly Koala

Cozy Snow Burrow Bed
Snow Cap Ferret

Cozy Water Bed
Sea Otter

Crazy Confetti Chest
Blue Googles

Cream Soda Sprinkler
Cream Soda Pup

Crimson Red Robes[6]
Red Panda

Crochety Cat Bed
Grumpy Cat

Culinary Cat Counter
Silversoft Cat

Cupcake Baker's Table
Cupcake Pup

Cup of Cocoa Tub
Donut Pup

Curbside Cuisine Fridge

Cute & Cozy Couch
Lil Peanut Pup

Daisy Driver
Daisy Tortoise

Daisy Flower Bed
Daisy Pig

Dashin' Dachshund Treadmill

Day Dreamer's Window
Dreamy Sheep

Day Outdoors Bathtub
Springer Spaniel

Decadent Dessert Display
Choco Vanilla Pony

Decoy Pond
Black and White Springer

Delightful Desserts Oven
Cinnamon Guinea Pig

Deluxe Grooming Chair
Airedale Terrier

Desert Drive In

Desert Jumper Jeep

Desert Oasis Pond

Desert Tree Sunning Station

Designer Gown
Pizazzy Puppy

Designer Vanity
Ragdoll Cat

Detective Desk
(Lil Kinz) Basset Hound

Dog Day Divan
Basset Hound (2017)

Dog Show Trophy Display
Irish Setter

Domino Effect Area Rug
Domino Cat

Doodle Chair
Scribbles Pup

Double Decker Bus
Old English Sheep Dog

Down Under Burrow

Dug Up Garden Storage

Egg Chair

Electric Purple Drum Set
Plum Porcupine

Elegant Settee
Froo Froo Fox

Elephant's Travel Trunk
Velvety Elephant

Emerald Armchair
Lucky Dino

Enchanted Toy Chest
Twilight Dragon

English Garden Pond
English Cream Retriever

Eucalyptus Tree Perch
Misty Koala

Fall Feast Dining Table
Harvest Owl

Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter & Cabinet

Fancy Futon Couch
Pewter Panda

Fan Tail Chair
Pinktastic Peacock

Fantail Table
Fantail Goldfish

Far Far Away Canopy Bed
Ribbon Unicorn (2017)

Far North Sleigh

American Cocker Spaniel

Festive Candy Fridge
Donkey Pinata

Fiesta Tiled Fountain
Tuxedo Chihuahua

Fifteen Minutes Mic

Fine Ribbon Bed
Ribbon Yorkie

Finger Painting Easel
Colorsplash Tiger

Fire Hydrant Fridge
Bull Dog

Playful Fire Hydrant
Scruffy Puppy

Floating Cloud Haven
Rainbow Pegasus

Flop N' Slop Bathtub
Floppy Pig

Floral Pantry
Springy Kangaroo

Flower Patch Pond

Flower Power Shower
Blossom Giraffe

Fluffy White Bubble Bath
Bichon Frise

Flyin' High Hideaway Chair

Forest Treasures Safe
Opal Owl

Fortune Telling Pig Statue
(Lil Kinz) Pig

Fragrant Flower Bed
Petal Puppy

French Chaise
Poofy Poodle

Friendly Anemone Stove
Polka Back Fish

Frosty Fireplace

Frozen Cherry Blossom Tree
Frosty Fawn

Frozen Food Cache
Beaver (2017)

Frozen Ice Floe
Sparkle Harp Seal

Frozen Pond

Frozen Treat Fridge
Cocoa Lab

Frozen Tundra Treadmill
Arctic Fox

Fully Wooly Recliner

Funky Moves Music Player
Music N' Dance Pup

Funky Striped Sofa
Striped Cheeky Cat

Fun to Run Yarn Ball
Sterling Cheeky Cat

Garden Stripes Table
American Albino

Getaway Car
Rascally Raccoon

Giant Gumball Wardrobe

Glacier Mist Fridge
Icy Mist Leopard

Glamorous Glitter Vanity
Pink Glitter Fish

Glistening Glacier Throne
Snowy Owl

Glitz n' Glamour Disco Ball
Glamour Gecko

Glorious Garden Patch
Ginger Bunny

Gold Armchair
Blonde Dachshund

Golden Fruit Basket
Golden Langur

Gold Mine

Googles Gem Zen Garden
Pink Googles

Googles Scrying Pond
(Lil Kinz) Googles

Grassland Treadmill

Great Gorilla Hanging Chair
(Lil Kinz) Gorilla

Great Outdoors Window

Great White North Throne

Gumball Pit
Bubblegum Cheeky Cat

Hang Ten Surfboard
Aloha Dolphin

Happily Ever After Carriage
Pink Ribbon Unicorn

Happy Hoppy Tulip Patch
Cheeky Bunny

Happy Ten Years Bed[7]
10 Year Magic W Pup

Happy Ten Years Flooring [8]
10 Year Magic W Pup

Happy Ten Years Wallpaper [9]
10 Year Magic W Pup

Harmony Hammock
Peace Unicorn

Harvest-Time Hammock

Haunted Doghouse
Spooky Pup

Hay Bale Sofa
Black Fresian

Healthy Harvest Dining Table
Gobbler Turkey

Heart Warming Tub
Love Spaniel

Heated Hound Hot Tub
Portuguese Water Dog

Hedgy Hedgehog

Hibernation Hammock
Grizzly Bear

Hidden Hot Spring
Golden Pegasus

Hide and Go Burrow
Prairie Dog

Hide N Seek Peek
Eskimo Dog

Hidey House Lounger
Guinea Pig

High Hops Trampoline
White Wallaroo

High Noon Chair
Howdy Horse

Hogwash Shower
Flutter Pig

Hollow Lounger
Barred Owl

Homemade Carrot Juicer
Holland Lop Bunny

Homemade Helicopter
Dodo Bird

Homespun Stove

Horse Show Victory Photo
Brown Arabian

Hot Water Bottle Bed
British Bulldog

Howl and Prowl TV
Grey Wolf (Plush)

Hungry Pup High Chair
Misty Puppy

Ice Age Icebox
Woolly Mammoth (Plush)

Iceberg Island
Spotted Seal

Ice Cream Sandwich Maker
Ice Cream Pup

Ice Tower Lookout
Ice Dragon

Icy Fishing Hole Fridge
(Lil Kinz) Penguin

Icy Ocean Bathtub
(Lil Kinz) Seal

Jelly Bean Big Screen
Jelly Bean Puppy

Jeweled Fountain
Razzle Dazzle Dog

Jungle Cat Perch
White Tiger

Jungle Climber
Onyx Monkey

Jungle Gym Chair

Jungle Journey Balloon
Grey Langur

King of the Jungle Throne
(Lil Kinz) Lion

Knight's Stable
Black and White Friesian

Knitted Red Hat[11]
Knit Sock Monkey

Knitted Socks[12]
Knit Sock Monkey

Knitted Sock Sweater[13]
Knit Sock Monkey

Komrade Couch
Black Wolf

Lake Lifeguard Chair
Blonde Labrador

Lap It Up Pool
Yellow Lab

Lazy Tree Swing
Panama Sloth

Leaf Litter Nest
Hedgehog (2017)

Leafy Lounger

Leafy Treat Retreat
Lovely Fox

Leaping Dolphin Fountain
Bottlenose Dolphin

Leaping Lemur Trampoline
Ring Tailed Lemur

Lemonade Stand
Citrus Dragon

Lemon Lime Time Clock
Lemon-Lime Gecko

Lightning Lagoon
Stormy Dragon

Lily Pad Trampoline
Flower Frog

Lily Pad Water Bed
(Lil Kinz) Frog

Little Lamb Bed
(Lil Kinz) Lamb

Lizard Lounge Chair
Leopard Lizard

Lollipop Lamp
Lollipop Pup

Long Neck Deck Chair

Longneck TV

Lord of the Pond Throne
Bull Frog

Lost City Throne

Lots of Chocolate Booth
Chocolate Pup

Lovely Acacia Tree
Love Giraffe

Lovely Bamboo Loveseat
Lovestruck Panda

Lovely Monkey Armchair
Love Monkey

Lovely Stained Glass Window
Love Lion

Love Pond
Love Frog

Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace

Luscious Lip Leather Sofa

Luxurious Pink Bubble Bath
Lady Ostrich

Luxury Lounge Chair
Fancy Flamingo

Magical Meadow Bed
(Lil Kinz) Unicorn

Majestic Soaring Sofa

Majestic Wardrobe
Curly Lion

Mangrove Treasure Trove

Marshmallow Seeds
Marshmallow Bunny

Melting Chocolate Chair
Choco Cheeky Dog

Merry Go Round Bridle
Merry Go Round Pony

Merry Go Round Saddle
Merry Go Round Pony

Midnight Snack Fridge
Midnight Owl

Milk Cart Fridge
Bernese Mountain Dog

Milk Carton Fridge
(Lil Kinz) Gold and White Cat

Milk Jug Fridge
Holstein Cow

Milk Truck
(Lil Kinz) Cow

Ming Vase Panda Fridge
(Lil Kinz) Panda

Mini Biodome
Global Panda

Molten Magma Bed
Lava Dragon

Monkey Business Sofa
(Lil Kinz) Monkey

Mosh Ball Pit
Mohawk Chihuahua

Mud Bathtub
Mud Hippo

Muddy Motorcycle

Music Conductor's Tuxedo
Musical Dalmatian

Mustache Mobile
Stache Dach

Mysterious Pool
Silverback Gorilla

Mystical Magic Carpet
Enchanted Elephant

Narwhal Ice Sculpture
Narwhal (2018)

Nocturnal Night Lamp
Grey Owl

Northern Lights Lamp

Northern Nights Bed
(Lil Kinz) Husky

Northern Nights Fireplace
Wintermint Husky

Oatmeal Cookie Trampoline
Oatmeal Kanagroo

Once Upon A Time Dresser
Ribbon Unicorn

On the Farm Alarm Clock

Ornate Cedar Chest
Long Haired Yorkie

Ornate English Garden Gate
Bullmastiff Puppy

Ornate Oriental Spa
Chow Chow

Ossilily Plant Seeds

Patchwork Pillow Bed
Patchwork Cat

Patchwork Sofa
Brown Dog

Pawprint Dining Table

Paw Print Fireplace
Charcoal Cat

Paws and Claws Armoire
Caramel Lion

Peace and Loveseat
Hippie Hippo

Peace 'n Love Van
Peace Out Puppy

Peek a Boo Pond
Arctic Polar Bear

Personal Rainforest Sauna

Pink and Fluffy Fridge
Tickled Pink Cat

Pink and White Scratching Post Chair
Pink and White Cat

Pink Convertible
(Lil Kinz) Pink Poodle

Pink Racc-Liner

Pink Tutu Table
Ballet Pup

P.I. Pickup
Bloodhound Pup

Plasma Peace Sign
Peace Puppy

Playful Dust Pit

Playful Gardener Bottom
Rainbow Hedgehog[14]

Playful Gardener Top
Rainbow Hedgehog[15]

Playful Pond
Mallard Duck

Playful Pot of Gold
Clover Cat

Playful Pup Ball Pit
Pitbull Puppy

Playful Pup Topiary
Green Earth Puppy

Playful Splash Pad
Black Labrador

Poco Fiesta Throne
(Lil Kinz) Chihuahua

Polar Bear Club Swimming Hole
Polar Cub

Polar Lamp Post
Minty Moose

Polar Peppermint Booth
Holiday Puppy

Polar Playpen
Baby Penguin

Polka Dot Dresser
Shimmer Bunny

Polka Dot Shower
Polka Dot Puppy

Pom Pom Shoes
Pom Pom Kitty[16]

Poofy Poodle Chair
(Lil Kinz) Black Poodle

Poolside Sunning Chair
Sun Bear

Pop Art Portrait
Papillon Dog

Porcupine Sculpture

Pot of Gold Pond
Rainbow Armadillo

Pot o' Gold Safe
Clover Puppy

Powder Puffy Couch
Powderpuff Porcupine

Prehistoric Plant

Prehistoric Pond
Darling Dino

Prehistoric Stove
Cocoa Dinosaur

Pretty In Pink Convertible
Ribbon Iguana

Pretty Party Snack Table
Fiesta Unicorn

Pretty Pavilion
Pretty Elephant

Pretty Pink Pasture
Blushing Fawn

Pretty Poodle Vanity
(Lil Kinz)Poodle

Professional Dessert Mixer
Brown Sugar Pup

Puggy Bark-O-Lounger
(Lil Kinz) Pug

Puppy Collar Clock
Boston Terrier

Puppy Patrol Car
German Shepherd

Puppy Patrol Motorcycle
American German Shepherd

Puppy Picnic Table
Tawny Pup

Pup Star Vanity
Dazzle Dachshund

Queen of the Jungle Throne

Quiet Time Reading Nook
Polar Penguin

Rabbit Eared Television
(Lil Kinz) Rabbit

Racetrack Treadmill
(Lil Kinz) Horse

Rainbow Cloud Couch

Rainforest Sleeping Bag
Golden Lion Tamarin

Rainy Rainbow Window
Rainbow Zebra

Rapid Rescue Fire Truck
(Lil Kinz) Dalmatian

Red Headdress[17]
Red Panda

Red Sandals[18]
Red Panda

Red Velvet Fridge
Red Velvet Fox

Reeds N' Rushes Sofa
Spotted Frog

Relaxing Longtub

Relaxing Rocky Sauna

Remote Rainforest
Tree Kangaroo

Retriever Treadmill
(Lil Kinz) Golden Retriever

Ribbon Cave Window
Ribbon Lion

Ribbons & Swirls Chest of Drawers
Swirly Curly Unicorn

Ribbon Tutu Dress
Pretty Kitty

Roaming Gloaming Go-Cart
Hoppy Floppy Bunny

Roamin' The Plains Grill
American Buffalo

Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Glasses[19]
Hound Dog

Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Pants[20]
Hound Dog

Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Shoes[21]
Hound Dog

Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Top[22]
Hound Dog

Rockhopper Chopper
Rockhopper Penguin

Rockin' Croc Swamp Storage

Rocking Wardrobe
Mohawk Puppy

Rock Ledge Bed
Bengal Tiger

Rooster Roadster
Rockabilly Rooster

Royal Fountain
Majestic Tiger

Royal Guard Station
Welsh Corgi

Saberstripes Sofa
Sabertooth Tiger [23]

Salt and Pepper Fridge
Salt and Pepper Dalmatian

Sand Dune Buggy
Fennec Fox [24]

Sand Dune Den
Curly Camel

Sapphire Lamp Post
Pink Dalmatian

Scented Bubble Bath
Sassy Skunk

Schnauzer Jalopy

Sea Floral Cove
Blossom Sea Turtle

Sea Legend's Bed
Splash Dragon

Seaside Peli-Scope

Secret Statue Safe
Mini Pinscher Dog

Serpentine Stream
Tiger Snake

Shaggy Sofa
Shih Tzu

Shaggy Yorkie Couch
(Lil Kinz) Yorkie

Shell Racer

Shepherd’s Wheel

Shiba Inu Soaker
Shiba Inu

Shinin' Rhino Truck

Shock Rockin' Dress
Mohawk Monkey[25]

Shock Rockin' Face Stickers
Mohawk Monkey[26]

Shock Rockin' Shoes
Mohawk Monkey[27]

Ski Lodge Fire Place
(Lil Kinz) St. Bernard

Slippery Slide
Ice Penguin

Slippery Water Slide
African Black Rhino

Sloping Summit Chair
Mountain Goat

Sneaky Ice Cave
Snow Yeti

Snowdrift Sofa
Snow Soft Kitty

Snow Globe Chair
Snowflake Pup

Snowy Camp Site
Winter Fawn

Snowy Den
Snow Lynx

Snowy Ledge Couch
Snow Leopard

Snuggle Puggle Playpen
Puggle Puppy

Soda Bottle Fridge
Orange Soda Pup

Soda Can Fridge
Grape Soda Pup

Songbird Stereo
Lil Kinz Canary

Soothing Scented Spa
Cinnamon Beagle

Space Shuttle
Squirrel Monkey

Sparkling Acacia Tree Fridge
Enchanted Giraffe

Sparkling Toboggan
Sparkle Penguin

Speedy Jungle SUV

Spiral Pink Roses
Pink and White Dog

Spirit Squad Uniform
Pom Pom Kitty[28]

Spooky Jack-o-Lantern Chair
Pumpkin Puppy

Spooky School Balcony
Misty Wolf

Sports Fan Couch
Bulldog Puppy

Spots N' Dots TV
Spotted Leopard

Spotted Prehistoric Plant
Spotty Dinosaur

Spotted Shell Rug
Spotted Turtle

Spotted Sports Car
Spotted Spaniel

Spring Celebration Table
Butterscotch Bunny

Springtime Basket Chair
Sherbet Bunny

Springtime Clock
Carrots Bunny

Starlight Stable
Mystic Pony

Stone Stable
Pebble Horse

St. Pat's Wishing Bridge
St. Pat's Setter

Strawberry Bubble Bath
Strawberry Cow

Strawberry Jammin' Jukebox
Strawberry Cloud Leopard

Sturdy Stone Lantern
Bull Terrier

Stylish Siamese Settee

Suddenly Spring Trampoline
Cotton Candy Bunny

Sugarplum Princess Costume
Sugar Plum Cheeky Monkey[29]

Sugarplum Princess Costume Shoes
Sugar Plum Cheeky Monkey[30]

Summer Watering Hole
Blonde Cockapoo

Sundae Station
Pink Iced Penguin

Sunny Savannah Window
Radiant Rhino

Sunny Siesta Sofa

Super Fluffy Sofa
(Lil Kinz) Persian Cat

Super Secret Safe

Super Stripy Speedster

Swamp Hovercraft
Camo Croc

Sweet Bakers Oven
Oatmeal Pup

Sweetheart Booth
Lovely Leopard

Sweet Spice Shop
Sweet Spice Cat

Sweet Sweater Stand
Fleecy Sheep

Swiss Cheese Table
White Mouse

Table for Two
Spaniel Pup

Take it Easy Trough
Pot Bellied Pig

Tallest Toy Box
Sunset Giraffe

Tall Grass Bassinet
Baby Zebra

Tall Tree Hideaway
Sifaka Lemur

Tartan Golf Cart
West Highland Terrier

Tasty Bouncy Sofa
Billy Goat

Teacup Tub

Tea for Two Table
Teacup Yorkie

Tender Hearts Love Seat
Love Puppy

Tennis Ball Launcher
Butterscotch Retriever

Tennis Ball Swing

Three Wishes Genie Lamp
Grey Arabian

Tie Dyed Pickup Truck
Tie Dyed Pony

Tie Dyed Tux Hat
Tie Dyed Puppy [31]

Tie Dyed Tux Pants
Tie Dyed Puppy [32]

Tie Dyed Tux Shoes
Tie Dyed Puppy [33]

Tie Dyed Tux Top
Tie Dyed Puppy [34]

Tie Dye Frog Kaleidoscope
Tie Dye Frog

Tiger Stripe Convertible
(Lil Kinz) Tiger

Timeless Treasure TV
Emperor Dragon

Tiny Toy Kingdom
King Schanuzer

Totally Fun Toy Box
Yellow Fluffy Cub

Totally Tangled Liana Swing
African Chimpanzee

Trailblazin' Terrier Scooter
(Lil Kinz) White Terrier

Treasure Throne
Whimsy Dragon

Tree Frog Trampoline
(Lil Kinz) Tree Frog

Tree Hollow Bed

Treehouse Made for Two
Cuddle Cat

Treetop Cradle
Leopard Cub

Treetop Lamp

Treetop Tower

Trendy Tuxedo Armoire
Tuxedo Cat

Triassic Television

Triassic Toy Box
Diggity Dino

Tropical Beach Towel
Surfin' Turtle

Tropical Colors Water Fountain
Toco Tucan

True Blue Bird Bath
Blue Jay

True Luv Wishing Well

Turret Tower Window
King Charles Spaniel

Underpass Hideaway
Midnight Monster

Underwater Fireplace

Underwater Television

Unstable Stable
Night Mare

VIP Booth
Glamorous Gorilla

Wacky Eucalyptus TV
(Lil Kinz) Koala

Wallowing Tub
(Lil Kinz) Hippo

Warm River Spa
Summer Beaver

Warm Woolly Wardrobe
Two Toned Llama

Webkinz Beauty Dress
Pretty Panda[35]

Webkinz Beauty Tiara
Pretty Panda[36]

Wetlands Pond Bathtub

Whale Sized Wardrobe
Blue Whale

Wicker Basket Bed
Corgi Dog

Wild Apricot Tree Swing
Pebble Giraffe

Wild Flower Spa
Lilac Guinea Pig

Wilds of the Jungle Sofa

Wild West Ranch Sign
Longhorn Steer

Windy Moors Den
Fox Terrier

Winged Piano
Sapphire Pegasus

Winged Wardrobe
Glitzy Dragon

Wintergreen Candy Cane Bed
Wintermint Reindeer

Witch's Brew Bathtub
Black Cat

Wooden Trough Bathtub

Woolly Woven Rug

Wrinkled Paper Lanterns
Shar Pei

Yarn Ball Sofa
(Lil Kinz) Black and White Cat

Yeti Mountain Window
Himalayan Cat

Zany Wardrobe
Zig Zag Zebra
  1. The Butterfly Antenna is part of the Butterfly Outfit that comes with the Caterpillar
  2. The Butterfly Costume is part of the Butterfly Outfit that comes with the Caterpillar
  3. The Cozy Pink PJ Pants is part of the Cozy Pink Pajamas set that comes with the Cuddly Koala.
  4. The Cozy Pink PJ Top is part of the Cozy Pink Pajamas set that comes with the Cuddly Koala.
  5. The Cozy Pink Slippers is part of the Cozy Pink Pajamas set that comes with the Cuddly Koala.
  6. The Crimson Red Robes is part of the Crimson Red Outfit that comes with the Red Panda.
  7. The Happy Ten Years Bed is one of three items that comes with the 10 Year Magic W Pup.
  8. The Happy Ten Years Flooring is one of three items that comes with the 10 Year Magic W Pup.
  9. The Happy Ten Years Wallpaper is one of three items that comes with the 10 Year Magic W Pup.
  10. This Item is also the PSI of the 2022 Chimpanzee
  11. The Knitted Red Hat is part of the Knit Sock Outfit that comes with the Knit Sock Monkey.
  12. The Knitted Socks is part of the Knit Sock Outfit that comes with the Knit Sock Monkey.
  13. The Knitted Sock Sweater is part of the Knit Sock Outfit that comes with the Knit Sock Monkey.
  14. The Playful Gardener Bottom is part of the Playful Gardener Outfit that comes with the Rainbow Hedgehog
  15. The Playful Gardener Top is part of the Playful Gardener Outfit that comes with the Rainbow Hedgehog
  16. This is a set with the Spirit Squad Uniform
  17. The Red Headdress is part of the Crimson Red Outfit that comes with the Red Panda.
  18. The Red Sandals is part of the Crimson Red Outfit that comes with the Red Panda.
  19. The Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Glasses is part of the Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Outfit
  20. The Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Pants is part of the Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Outfit
  21. The Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Shoes is part of the Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Outfit
  22. The Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Top is part of the Rock and Roll Jumpsuit Outfit
  23. The Virtual-Only Sabertooth Tiger also has the same pet specific item.
  24. The Virtual-Only Fennec Fox also has the same pet specific item.
  25. Shock Rockin' Dress is part of the Shock Rockin' Outfit
  26. Shock Rockin' Face Stickers is part of the Shock Rockin' Outfit
  27. Shock Rockin' Shoes is part of the Shock Rockin' Outfit
  28. This is a set with the Pom Pom Shoes
  29. Sugarplum Princess Costume is part of the Sugarplum Princess Outfit
  30. Sugarplum Princess Costume Shoes are part of the Sugarplum Princess Outfit
  31. The Tie Dyed Tux Hat is part of the Tie Dyed Tux Outfit
  32. The Tie Dyed Tux Pants is part of the Tie Dyed Tux Outfit
  33. The Tie Dyed Tux Shoes are part of the Tie Dyed Tux Outfit
  34. The Tie Dyed Tux Top is part of the Tie Dyed Tux Outfit
  35. The Webkinz Beauty Dress is part of the Webkinz Beauty Outfit
  36. The Webkinz Beauty Tiara is part of the Webkinz Beauty Outfit

Webkinz Next Pets

African Fire Pit
Pride Lion

Awesome Acacia Tree
Giraffe (2021)[1]

Bamboo Dragon Rider
Panda (2022)

Barnyard Bed
Holstein Cow

Carefree Tree Bed
Sloth (2022)

Country Garden Bed
White Rabbit

Golden Pool
Golden Retriever (2020)

Jungle Gym Chair
Chimpanzee (2022)[2]

Kitty Condo
Grey Tabby Cat

Majestic Meadow Bed
Unicorn (2020)

Parisian Croissant Oven
French Bulldog (2023)

Saharan Savannah Shower
Elephant (2021)

Spaniel Gazebo
Cocker Spaniel (2022)

Spired Stable
Rocky Mountain Horse

Swimming Swamp
Landrace Pig

Tea Party Buffet[3]
Teacup Yorkie (2023)

  1. The Awesome Acacia Tree gives one Acacia Cookie a day
  2. This Item is also the PSI of the 2009 Chimpanzee
  3. The Tea Party Buffet gives one Fancy Biscuits a day

eStore Pet Items

Classic eStore Pets

Amber Armchair

Amethyst Bed
Amethyst Hound

Aquamarine Dresser
Aquamarine Puppy[1]

Aquamarine Floor Lamp
Aquamarine Puppy[2]

Aquarius Retriever

Arctic Airplane
Chillaxin Penguin

Arctic Tusk Tub

Asteroid Armchair
Moon Dragon

Astral Dreams Bed
Midnight Marten

Astronomer's Desk
Scorpio Snake

Autumn Patio Fire Pit
Autumn Bunny

Autumn Sauna
Harvest Leopard

Awesome Avocado Wardrobe
Avocado Bear

Axo Lagoon

Baby Blue Bumper Car
Lil Blue Lamb

Balance Perch
Libra Eagle

Bamboo Bliss Lounger

Blooming Desert Garden
Cactus Cat

Blossoming Flower Tree
Purple Floral Fox

Blue Avenue Coupe Car
Blue Avenue Kitten

Blue Avenue Day Bed
(AKA Uptown Lounge)
Blue Avenue Pomeranian

Blue Ball Cap

Blue Easter Egg Chair
Blue Springtime Chick

Blue Fairykinz Cottage
Fairykinz Panda Cub

Blue Half Heart Window
Lil Blue Sweetheart Cow

Blue Hillside Slide
Lil Blue Chipmunk

Blue Moon Lagoon
Moon Fox

Blue Spring Carousel Cottage
Lil Blue Spring Unicorn

Blue Spring Egg Cottage
Lil Blue Spring Kitten

Blue Spring Greenhouse
Lil Blue Piglet

Blue Spring Wishing Well
Lil Blue Spring Fawn

Blue Toadstool Slide
Lil Blue Spring Bunny

Bog Boat
Jewel Beetle

Book Nook Hideaway
Baby Monkey

Bountiful Bread Table
Pioneer Pony

Bountiful Daybed
Harvest Unicorn

Brilliant Bubble Geyser
Seafoam Sparkle Dolphin

Bubblegum Balloon
Pink Hippo

Buttercup Bathtub
Buttercup Pig

Caketop Chair
Sugar Coated Kitty

Candy Cane Canopy Bed
Minty Reindeer

Candy Car
Lollipop Snail

Candy Counter Fridge
Candy Leopard

Candy Steam Whistle
Sour Watermelon Hound

Capricorn Window
Capricorn Goat

Carnival Candy Cart
Quirky Carnival Cub

Quirky Carnival Wagon Bed
Quirky Carnival Unicorn

Carrot Car
Floppy Eared Bunny[3]

Cave Painting
Prehistoric Mammoth

Celebration Canopy Bed
St. Bernard Puppy

Celestial Swing
Celestial Unicorn

Charmed Cabinet
Mystical Squirrel

Charmed Chamber Rocking Chair
Charmed Fox

Cheeky Cherry Wardrobe
Cheeky Cherry Hippo

Chocolate Bridge
Love Cub

Chocolate Coin Pond
Polar Gummy

Christmas Eve Nook
Jolly Jubilee Reindeer

Clockwork Fridge

Clockwork Stove

Cloud Balcony
Cloud Pegasus

Cloud Control Station
Airborne Puppy

Cloud Nine Window
Love Dino

Cloud Plane
Cloud Lion

Cobweb Couch
Zombie Bloodhound

Comfy Corner Wardrobe
Rainbow Panda

Conceal Appeal Lounger
Camo Rhino

Cookie Sandwich Wardrobe
Cookies and Cream Giraffe

Cool Tones Bed
Grey Himalayan

Cool Tones Fireplace

Cool Tones Shower
Maned Wolf

Cool Tones Wardrobe
Golden Shepherd Pup

Cosmic Couch
White Cosmic Bear

Country Garden Gazebo
Countryside Mouse

Country Quilted Wardrobe
Homespun Polar Bear

Cozy Cotton Couch
Cotton Top Tamarin

Cozy Log Hideaway
Purple Floral Fawn

Cozy Crochet Bunny Sofa
Cozy Crochet Bunny

Cozy Gift Bed
Green Snowy Kitten

Cracked Egg Cottage
Fluffy Speckled Chick

Creepy Bat Cave
Vampire Bat

Creepy Zombie Truck
Zombie Bear

Cryptic Crystal Ball
Mystical Otter

Crystal Hollow
Dawn Dragon

Cupcake Forklift
Cookies and Cream Koala

Cute Kiwi Bathtub
Cute Kiwi

Cute Quilted Couch
Patchwork Leopard

Cute Quilted Tent
Patchwork Cow

Cute Quilting Table
Buttons Bear

Daisy Canopy Bed
Daisy Lion

Dashing Day Bed
Dapple Dachshund

Dawn of Time Window

Daytime Rest Chamber
Vampire Monkey

Denim & Lace Shower
Denim & Lace Giraffe

Denim & Lace Wardrobe
Denim & Lace Pony

Desert Dome
Desert Rain Frog

Diamond Piano
Diamond Doggie

Dino Egg Swing
Baby Raptor

Dog Sled Bed
Holiday Husky

Dragon Hero Slide
Sea Dragon

Dragon Nursery Bookshelf
Enchanted Dragon

Dragon Windmill
Nightfall Dragon

Elegant Vanity
Elegant Dino

Elegant Vardo Wagon
Gypsy Vanner

Elf House
Holiday Elf

Emerald TV
Emerald Lab

Emerald Wizard Costume Hat
Emerald Dragon[4]

Emerald Wizard Costume Shoes
Emerald Dragon[5]

Emerald Wizard Costume Tuxedo
Emerald Dragon[6]

Enchanting Winter Tower
Polar Unicorn

Exquisite Egg Chair
Spring Celebration Bunny

Fabled Fireplace

Fabulous Staircase Slide
Sequin Fox

Fairykinz Shower
Fairykinz Tiger Cub

Fall Floral Spa
Harvest Butterfly

Fangtastic Organ
Vampire Panther Cub

Fantastic Flower Bed
Floral Fox

Farm Playground
Blue Ribbon Goat

Favorite Fireplace Spot
Whippet Puppy

Ferris Wheel Lamp
Carousel Horse

Fiesta Dining Table
Fiesta Bull

Fine Perfume Bath
Renaissance Palace Butterfly

Finest Floral Wardrobe
Floral Pony

Fins of Stone Punching Bag
Betta Fish

Fire Sign Carousel
Sagittarius Buck

Float Away Fantasy Fridge
Cloud Sheep

Fly 90s Staircase Slide
Beanbag Bear

Forest Hollow Cave
Earth Dragon

Forest Travelers Luggage
Red Velvet Fawn

Foxglove Bed
Storybook Goose

Freaky Forest Tree Perch
Cheshire Cat

Fresh Fall Perch
Autumn Owl

Frosty Snowmobile
Snowy Googles

Fuzzy Creature Couch
Purple Monster

Garden Party Hanging Chair
Garden Badger

Garnet Desk
Garnet Rover[7]

Garnet Desk Chair
Garnet Rover[8]

Garnet Poster
Garnet Rover[9]

Getaway Slide
Grey Vole

Gingerbread Bed
Gingerbread Puppy

Gingerbread Oven
Poinsettia Lion

Gingerbread Roll Growing Garden Seeds
Gingerbread Bear

Gingerbread Trunk
Gingerbread Elephant

Golden Feast Dining Table
Golden Turkey

Golden Lamp Post Lounger
Golden Eagle

Gold Sparkle Wardrobe
Turtle Dove

Gourmet Cupcake Maker
Maple Moose

Greenhouse Gazebo
Lovely Butterfly

Green Cauldron Hot Tub
Lil Trouble Toad

Green Cute Cave
Lil Green Bat

Green Hidden Hollow
Lil Green Snake

Green Mushroom Cottage
Lil Green Goblin

Green Snowy Bath
Green Snowy Puppy

Green Spring Greenhouse
Lil Green Piglet

Green Spring Swing
Lil Green Duckling

Green Swamp Tree Hideout
Lil Green Weremonster

Gushing Green Geyser
Shamrock Dragon

Harmony Stone Statue
Harmony Dragon

Haunted Patio Perch
Haunted Owl

Haystack Sleeping Nook
Pioneer Pig

Heart Air Balloon
Love Kitten

Heart Bubble Fountain
Sweetheart Whale

Heavenly Harp
White Cosmic Wolf

Hidden Clover Den
Clover Lion

Hidden Log Den

Hidden Treehouse Bed
Camo Cow

Highland Meadow Window
White Highland Calf

Hikers Rest Bench
Northern Trails Stag

Holiday Carriage Bed
Snowball Bunny

Holiday Gum Drop Seeds
Gingerbread Elf

Holiday Hat Hot Air Balloon
Holiday Hedgehog

Holiday Hearts Bed
Holly Fox

Holiday Light Up Car
Holiday Helper Dragon

Holiday Silver Lounger
Holiday Red Reindeer

Holiday Tree Slide
Minty Pig

Holiday Wishes Piano
Sugar Cookie Mouse

Homespun Stove
Homespun Groundhog

Honeycomb Closet

Hot Fudge Willow Tree
Ice Cream Scoop Snail

Hot Springs Bath
Iceberg Bear

Ice Palace Window
Ice Swan

Icy North Fireplace
Agouti Husky

Icy Piano
Winter Reindeer Pegasus

I Love Webkinz Sign
Neon Winged Zebra

Igloo Sled
Snow Bear

Jackalope Hat
Tinker Jackalope[10]

Jackalope Trousers
Tinker Jackalope[11]

Jackalope Waistcoat
Tinker Jackalope[12]

Jawbreaker Sorter
Candy Apple Camel

Jolly Jubilee Shower
Jolly Jubilee Otter

Jolly Jumbleberry Swing
Jumbleberry Snail

Jolly Tree Perch
Lil Jolly Owl

Jungle Nest Swing

Kinz Air Pilot Glasses
Winged Tiger[13]

Kinz Air Pilot Hat
Winged Tiger[14]

Kinz Air Pilot Pants
Winged Tiger[15]

Kinz Air Pilot Shoes
Winged Tiger[16]

Kinz Air Pilot Top
Winged Tiger[17]

Kitten Fishing Pond
Bobtail Kitten

Knitted Hammock
Sock Elephant

Knitted Hot Air Balloon
Sock Pig

Knitted Swing
Sock Cow

Knitted Wardrobe
Sock Bear

Koala Cuddles Wardrobe
Snuggly Koala

Lavish Carriage Gazebo
Royal Elephant

Lavish Lounger
Sequin Peacock

Lazy Days Hammock
Green Sloth

Lemon Drop Wardrobe
Lemon Drop Cow

Little Llama Dresser
Spotted Llama

Long Necked Slide
Upbeat Chic Giraffe

Love Bear Cottage
Love Bear

Lovely Tree Swing
Love Puffin

Love Potion Cauldron
Sweetheart Monster

Lunar Swing
Moon Monkey

Lustrous Pearl Sideboard
Pearl Pup[18]

Luxurious Clock
Red Velvet Raccoon

Luxury Elephant Pool
Baby Elephant

Mach Speed Flight Pants
Sugar Glider [19]

Mach Speed FlightSuit Top
Sugar Glider [20]

Mach Speed Helmet
Sugar Glider [21]

Magical Munchkin Cottage
Lil Magical Munchkin

Magic Elven Fountain
Noble Elk

Magic Meadow Tree Swing
Magic Meadows Unicorn

Mama Owl Hot Air Balloon

Mango Car
Mango Gecko

Mangrove Bed

Marigold Wardrobe
Marigold Cow

Master of Disguise Closet
Undercover Cat

Max'n And Relax'n Beach Chair
Chillin' Sea Lion

Meadow Bridge
Mint Chocolate Sheep

Mellow Marsh
Marshmallow Chipmunk

Mermazing Bath Tub
Mermazing Hippo

Merry Mistletoe Bath
Merry Mistletoe Goose

Merry Mistletoe Toy Box
Merry Mistletoe Bunny

Merry Morning Fireplace
Sugar and Spice Fawn

Midnight Ice Pool
Winter Tortoise

Midnight Munchkin Cottage
Lil Midnight Munchkin

Milestone Throne
Decade Dragon

Mindreader's Hat
Mystical Mouse[22]

Mindreader's Robe
Mystical Mouse[23]

Mindreader's Shoes
Mystical Mouse[24]

Mischievous Munchkin Cottage
Lil Mischievous Munchkin

Modern Farmhouse Fireplace
Farm Kitten

Molten Meals Oven
Fire Fawn

Monarch Wardrobe
Monarch Butterfly

Monstrous Cave

Moonlit Evergreen
Winter Solstice Stag

Mug of Love Cottage
Valentine Fawn

Murky Fountain Perch

Musical Ice Box
Ice Fawn

Mysterious Marsh
Spotted Sea Monster

Mystical Moonlight Fountain
Moonlight Dragon

Mythical Tapestry
Magical Hippogriff

Neighborhood View Window
Borzoi Puppy

Neon Futon
Neon Pallas Cat

Nice Nutcracker Train
Baby Polar Moose

Nightmare Tower
Vampire Bunny

Northern Lights Porch
Northern Lights Moose

Northern Lights Seat
Reindeer Calf

Northern Trails Dreamcatcher Chair
Northern Trails Bear

Northern Trails Jelly Bean Plant Seeds
Northern Trails Lynx

Northern Trails River Slide
Northern Trails Otter

Northern Trail Storage
Blue Bison Calf

Ocean Emeralds Side Table
Green Seadragon

Octopus Couch
Blue Tang

Ohh La La Cafe Table
French Hen

Ohh La La Shower
French Poodle

Opal Dining Chair
Opal Pup[25]

Opal Dining Table
Opal Pup[26]

Orange Cauldron Hot Tub
Lil Toil Toad

Orange Cute Cave
Lil Orange Bat

Orange Hidden Hollow
Lil Orange Snake

Orange Hillside Slide
Lil Orange Chipmunk

Orange Mushroom Cottage
Lil Orange Goblin

Orange Spring Carriage
Lil Orange Pony

Orange Swamp Tree Hideout
Lil Orange Weremonster

Orange Sweet Garden Silo
Lil Orange Goat

Orange Toadstool Slide
Lil Orange Spring Bunny

Orchid Bathtub
Rainforest Frog

Painted Peacock Piano
Painted Caterpillar

Pastel Paradise Wardrobe
Sweet Spring Lamb

Patchwork Holiday Island
Beagle Puppy

Peaceful Stream
Muntjac Deer

Pearl Place Setting
Pearl Pup[27]

Pegasus Palace Tower
Olympus Pegasus

Peppermint Snow Racer
Peppermint Snail

Peppermint Swirl Slide
Waffle Wallaby

Perfectly Purple Bumper Car
Lil Kinz Purple Lamb

Peridot Coffee Table
Peridot Dog[28]

Peridot Side Table
Peridot Dog[29]

Peridot Table Lamp
Peridot Dog[30]

Perky Penguin Sofa
Perky Penguin

Photo Finish Photo
Pink Greyhound

Picnic Basket Car
Cairn Terrer

Pinata Rocking Horse
Fiesta Chihuahua

Pineapple Spa
Pineapple Turtle

Pink Blossom Hideout
Lovely Panda

Pink Bubble Machine
Cotton Candy Sheep

Pink Flower Bed
Lil Pink Butterfly

Pink Friends Forever Wardrobe
Pink Sweetheart Bunny

Pink Spring Breeze Plane Lil Pink Spring Corgi

Pink Spring Carousel Cottage
Lil Pink Spring Unicorn

Pink Spring Egg Cottage
Lil Prink Spring Kitten

Pink Spring Wishing Well
Lil Pink Spring Fawn

Pink Sweet Garden Silo
Lil Pink Goat

Pizza Party Perch
Bedtime Puppy

Playful Bog Bed
Baby Alligator

Playful Country Hedge
Countryside Hedgehog

Playful Flower Pot
Petal Print Skunk

Poinsettia Swing
Poinsettia Lion Cub

Polished Pumpkin Fireplace
Kiger Mustang

Polka Dot Drum Set
Lots of Dots Rhino

Polka Dot Fireplace
Polka Dot Dalmatian

Polka Dot Piano
Polka Dot Cow

Pom Pom Pattern Rug
Pom Pom Chinchilla

Powdered Donut Plant Seeds
Winter Goat

Precious Pink Bumper Car
Lil Kinz Pink Lamb

Pretty Palm Bed

Pretty Peppermint Swing
Peppermint Panda

Pretty Pine Fireplace
Pine Wolf

Pumpkin Carving Station
Candy Corn Mouse

Pumpkin Train
Sweet Corn Tiger

Puppet Heater
Sock Monkey

Puppy Grub Tub

Puppy Love Car
Puppy Love Pup

Purple Cauldron Hot Tub
Lil Twisted Toad

Purple Cute Cave
Lil Purple Bat

Purple Easter Egg Chair
Purple Springtime Chick

Purple Flower Bed
Lil Purple Butterfly

Purple Friends Forever Wardrobe
Purple Sweetheart Bunny

Purple Frost Slide
Winter Squirrel

Purple Half Heart Window
Lil Purple Sweetheart Cow

Purple Hidden Hollow
Lil Purple Snake

Purple Hillside Slide
Lil Purple Chipmunk

Purple Mushroom Cottage
Lil Purple Goblin

Purple Satin Flower Seat<br?Petal Print Giraffe

Purple Spring Breeze Plane
Lil Purple Spring Corgi

Purple Spring Carousel Cottage
Lil Purple Spring Unicorn

Purple Spring Carriage
Lil Purple Pony

Purple Spring Greenhouse
Lil Purple Piglet

Purple Spring Swing
Lil Purple Duckling

Purple Spring Wishing Well
Lil Purple Spring Fawn

Purple Swamp Tree Hideout
Lil Purple Weremonster

Purple Sweet Garden Silo
Lil Purple Goat

Purple Toadstool Slide
Lil Purple Spring Bunny

Pyramid Cottage
Egyptian Mau Kitten

Pyre Nest Bed

Quaint Cottage Bed
House Mouse

Quilted Christmas Fireplace
Quilted Robin

Radiant Rose Bush
Rainforest Boa

Radiant Rose Fireplace
Red Velvet Tabby

Rainbow Tower Slide
Sparkling Mouse

Red-Hooded Riding Car

Red Mystical Ice Sculpture
Red Peppermint Unicorn

Red Rose Bath
Love Hedgehog

Roaring Roasting Pit
Leo Lion

Rock Around the Croc Clock
Rock Candy Croc

Rocky Den
Dingo Puppy

Rocky Pond
Blue Salamander

Ruby Window
Ruby Retriever

Salad Dressing Fountain
Cauliflower Sheep

Sand Dune Slide

Sapphire Bathtub
Sapphire Spaniel

Seashell Cottage Shower
Fur Seal Pup

Seashell Racer
Lil Otter Pup

Seaside Manor Desk
Seaside Puffin

Seaspray Sub
Seaspray Dolphin

Secluded Garden Cellar
Pixie Bunny

Secluded Garden Shed
Pixie Fox

Secret Garden Bench
Rose Lion

Shadowy Slide
Vampire Kitten

Shamrocking Swing
Pine Marten

Shimmering Stained Glass Window
Aries Ram

Shimmering Star Lamp
Green Shimmer Snake

Shooting Star Shower
Virgo Horse

Silo Slide
Blue Ribbon Cow

Sing Along Piano
Copper Husky Pup

Sky View Ranch Wardrobe
Sky View Alpaca

Sleek Sequin Tub
Brilliant Penguin

Sleepover Sofa Bed
Sleepover Cub

Sleepy Sloth Wardrobe
Baby Sloth

Slime Slide
Fluffy Bog Muskrat

Slimy Monster Bathtub
Friendly Monster

Sly Reading Nook
Fox Kit

Smitten Kitten Window Seat
Smitten Kitten

Snake Charmer Basket Bed
Royal Cobra

Snow Covered Bridge
Wooly Piglet

Snug Hollow Bed

Soft Sofa
Fleecy Soft Kitten

Soft Spice Hanging Bed
Cinnamon Squirrel

Solar Speedster
Sun Fox

Southwestern Wardrobe
Baby Bison

Sparkling Cotton Candy Tree
Cotton Candy Raccoon[31]

Spotted Tea Trolley
Polka Dot Bobcat

Sprawling Candy Plant Centerpiece
Gelato Parrot

Spring Melody Harp
Spring Songbird

Spring Orange Egg Bridge
Lil Orange Spring Gosling

Spring Patio Hanging Bed
Sweet Spring Guinea Pig

Spring Purple Egg Bridge
Lil Purple Spring Gosling

Spring Yellow Egg Bridge
Lil Yellow Spring Gosling

Sprocket Swing
Tinker Chimera

Stainless Steel Fireplace
Maltese Tiger

Starry Car
Glitter Fawn

Steamy Sauna Bubble
Air Fawn

Storm Cloud Throne

Stormy Sofa
Raindrop Kitten

Strawberry Stove
Strawberry Chiffon Squirrel

Stylish Kitchen Nook
Stylish House Cat

Stylish Salon Seating
Afghan Hound

Sugar and Spice Piano
Sugar and Spice Puppy

Sugar Cookie Barn Bed
Sugar Cookie Sheep

Sultan's Seat
Desert Monkey

Summer Citrus Wardrobe
Summer Citrus Bobcat

Sunflower Cottage
Earthly Fox

Sunflower Hill
Sunflower Dragon

Sunflower Spa
Sunflower Lion

Sunlit Sundial
Sun Dragon

Sunshine Stained Glass Window
Olympus Phoenix

Super Soft Napping Couch
Wheaten Terrier Puppy

Super Sticky Sofa
Bubblegum Mammoth

Super Sugar Swing
Sugar Rush Butterfly

Surf Shack Wardrobe
Sunset Seahorse

Sweet Blossom Bench
Sweet Pea Dragonfly

Sweet Green Wagon Bed
Lil Green Spring Calf

Sweetheart Bench
Sweetheart Fox

Sweetheart Stained Glass Carriage
Sweetheart Pony

Sweet Peach Sofa
Peaches and Cream Cow

Sweet Purple Wagon Bed
Lil Purple Spring Calf

Sweet Safari Nook
Tawny Lion Cub

Sweet Spotted Wardrobe

Sweet Spring Hot Air Balloon
Sweet Spring Raccoon

Sweet Yellow Wagon Bed
Lil Yellow Spring Calf

Swing in the Sky
Rainbow Rascal

Tall Grass Trampoline
South African Springbok

Tall Tails Forest

Tar Pit Oasis
Dire Wolf

Taste Tester Fountain
Licorice Fish

Teddy Bear Piano
Cuddly Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear Wardrobe
Snuggly Teddy Bear

Tender Tidings Slide
Tender Tidings Elephant

Three Ring Swing
Big Top Elephant

Tiger Lily Gazebo
Tiger Lily Kitten

Toadstool Hollow Trampoline
Toadstool Frog

Topaz Sink
Topaz Terrier[32]

Topaz Toilet
Topaz Terrier[33]

Treasure Map Throw Rug
Magnificent Macaw

Treats For Santakinz
Mistletoe Mouse

Trendsetter Fireplace

Tricky Dollhouse Safe
Curious Mouse

Tricky Magical Blackboard
Charming Rat

Tricky Tree Perch
Lil Tricky Owl

Tropical Shower
Tropical Agouti

Truck Of Terror
Trick or Treat Troll

Tulip Carriage
Tulip Pony

Twinkle Light Gazebo

Twin Side Tables
Gemini Butterfly

Underwater Archway
Pisces Fish

Underwater Garden
Blossom Fish

Underwater Ruins Slide

Upbeat Chic Piano
Upbeat Chic Owl

Victorian Icebox Fridge
Blue Persian Kitten

Villa Courtyard Swing
Donkey Foal

Villa Flower Tricycle
Wild Piglet

Vintage Music Box
Be Merry Bear

Vintage Rocking Horse
Be Merry Fawn

Violet Bathtub
Violet Lion

Waffle Bowl Mixer
Mint Chocolate Cow

Waterfall Slide
Beaver Kit

Water Sign Waterfall
Cancer Crab

Webkinz Dragster

Wheel Barrow Chair
Storybook Rabbit

White Mystical Ice Sculpture
White Peppermint Unicorn

Wilderness Porch
Silver Fox

Wild Fields Window
Dandy Lion

Wildflower Pond
Tigerlily Pup

Wild Outdoor Tent
Teal Zebra

Wild Savannah Wardrobe
Lion Cub

Winged Window
Violetwing Butterfly

Winter Polar Toboggan
Polarberry Bear

Winter Raccoon Ball Pit
Baby Raccoon

Winter Wreath Swing
Chillaxin Sloth

Wise Enchanter Boots[34]
Enchanted Goat

Wise Enchanter Crown[34]
Enchanted Goat

Wise Enchanter Robe[34]
Enchanted Goat

Wise Tree Perch
Lil Wise Owl

Wishful Emerald Vanity
Good Fortune Hedgehog

Wondrous Treasure Bed
Mystical Crab

Yellow Easter Egg Chair
Yellow Springtime Chick

Yellow Flower Bed
Lil Yellow Butterfly

Yellow Spring Breeze Plane
Lil Yellow Spring Corgi

Yellow Spring Carriage
Lil Yellow Pony

Yellow Spring Swing
Lil Yellow Duckling

You and Me Vanity
You and Me Puppy

Yuletide Pear Tree

Zebra Toy Box
Zebra Foal

Zen Dragon Stone Statue
Zen Dragon

Zircon Sofa
Zircon Puppy

Zodiac Sundial
Taurus Bull

  1. This is a set with the Aquamarine Floor Lamp
  2. This is a set with the Aquamarine Dresser
  3. The Floppy Eared Bunny has also been available as a free pet when opening a new Webkinz account.
  4. This is part of a set with the Emerald Wizard Costume Shoes and Tuxedo
  5. This is part of a set with the Emerald Wizard Costume Hat and Tuxedo
  6. This is part of a set with the Emerald Wizard Costume Hat and Shoes
  7. This is part of a set with the Garnet Desk Chair and Poster
  8. This is part of a set with the Garnet Desk and Poster
  9. This is part of a set with the Garnet Desk and Desk Chair
  10. This is part of a set with the Jackalope Trousers and Waistcoat
  11. This is part of a set with the Jackalope Hat and Waistcoat
  12. This is part of a set with the Jackalope Hat and Trousers
  13. This is part of a set with the Kinz Air Pilot Hat, Pants, Shoes, and Top
  14. This is part of a set with the Kinz Air Pilot Glasses, Pants, Shoes, and Top
  15. This is part of a set with the Kinz Air Pilot Glasses, Hat, Shoes, and Top
  16. This is part of a set with the Kinz Air Pilot Glasses, Hat, Pants, and Top
  17. This is part of a set with the Kinz Air Pilot Glasses, Hat, Pants, and Shoes
  18. This is part of a set with 2 Pearl Place Settings
  19. The Mach Speed Flight Pants are part of the Mach Speed Outfit
  20. The Mach Speed Flight Suit Top is part of the Mach Speed Outfit
  21. The Mach Speed Flight Helmet is part of the Mach Speed Outfit
  22. Mindreader's Hat is part of the Mind Reader’s Outfit
  23. Mindreader's Robe is part of the Mind Reader’s Outfit
  24. Mindreader's Shoes are part of the Mind Reader’s Outfit
  25. This is part of a set with the Opal Dining Table
  26. This is part of a set with 2 Opal Dining Chairs
  27. This is part of a set with the Lustrous Pearl Sideboard
  28. This is part of a set with the Peridot Side Table and Table Lamp
  29. This is part of a set with the Peridot Coffee Table and Table Lamp
  30. This is part of a set with the Peridot Coffee Table and Side Table
  31. The Sparkling Cotton Candy Tree gives one Cotton Candy Wisp a day
  32. This is part of a set with the Topaz Toilet
  33. This is part of a set with the Topaz Sink
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 This item is part of the Wise Enchanter Outfit that comes with the Enchanted Goat

Promo eStore Pets

For a full archive of how these Pets & PSIs were available, see (Archive) eStore Promos.

Autumn Tree Slide
Harvest Sheep

Baby Carriage Bed
Wolf Pup

Beaver Lodge Tent
Northern Trails Beaver

Big Link Swing
Ten Ton Elephant

Blazing Wardrobe
Fire Bear

Blue Harlequin Bed
Great Dane Puppy

Bobcat Den
Bobcat Kitten

Candy Cosmos Seeds
Fairykinz Raccoon

Cedar Toy Trunk
Sleepy Woodland Dragon

Checkered Shirt
Hopping Bunny

Cheerful Barge Bed
Keeshond Puppy

Cheese Wedge Cottage
Cheddar Goat

Cherished Churro Cafe[1]
Signature Andean Mountain Cat

Cherry Blooms Hot Tub
Akita Puppy

Chilly Mountain Pool
Bernedoodle Puppy

Chocolate Crib
Chocolate Lamb

Chocolate Egg Airplane
Chocolate Cow

Christmas Toy Trunk
Snowy Retriever Puppy

Clover Patch Bed
Clover Cub

Coral Reef Den
Cute Octopus

Country Café[2]
Signature Collie

Covered Wagon Daybed
Pot Bellied Piglet

Cozy Mohair Bed
Scottish Fold Cat

Crown Beanbag Bed
Purple Persian Kitten

Cursed Cottage
Vampire Rat

Dancing Dasher Sleigh
Dancing Dasher Elk

Dino Egg Day Bed
Baby Ankylosaurus

Dino Rocker
Cheetah Cub

Dire Wolf Den
Gray Dire Wolf Pup

Dragon Air Ship
Daylight Dragon

Dragon Egg Cradle
Mystical Dragon

Enchanted Earth Tower
Earthly Pegasus

Express Exercise Wheel
Bengal Kitten

Fairykinz Bed
Fairykinz Kitten

Fairykinz Bathtub
Fairykinz Bear Cub

Fierce Fountain
Sizzling Swan

Forest Floor Trapdoor
Earth Fawn

Friendly Dragon Stone Statue
Friendly Dragon

Frozen Fun Slide
Glacial Fox

Frozen River Slide
Winter Otter

Fun Flower Windmill
Fresh Spring Fawn

Glimmering Throne
Golden Winged Tiger

Golden Canopy Bed
Golden Fawn

Golden Chariot Bed
Sparkling Pegasus

Fictional Fireplace
Golden Deluxe Dragon

Golden Loft Bed
Golden Dox Puppy

Good Fortune Kimono
Harmony Crane

Great Eggscape Hot Air Balloon
Kiwi Bird

Green Leaf Trike
Dusty Border Collie Puppy

Green Mystical Ice Sculpture
Green Peppermint Unicorn

Green Stripes Bed
Green Tabby

Green Velvet Daybed
Green Sparkle Bulldog

Groovy Couch
Peace Bear

Half Moon Hammock
Mystic Moon Bear

Holiday Silver Sleigh
Holiday Silver Reindeer

Hollow Tree Perch
Spectacled Owl

Happy 10 Year Wardrobe
10 Year Magic W Cat

Highlander Hat[3]
Tartan Terrier

Highlander Jacket[3]
Tartan Terrier

Highlander Kilt[3]
Tartan Terrier

Highlander Shoes[3]
Tartan Terrier

Homestead Tractor Bed
Cattle Dog

Hopping Drum Kit
Hopping Bunny

Icy Snow Cone Cart
Signature Icy Summit Fox[4]

Lap Pool
Soft Rainbow Tiger

Levitating Love Seat
Cosmic Bear

Lighthouse Tower
Maine Coon Cat

Lookout Tub
Dwarf Antelope

Lucky Window Seat
Clover Unicorn

Luxury Lounging Sofa
Merle Frenchie Puppy

Melted Chocolate Slide
Chocolate Duck

Merry Mistletoe Fireplace
Merry Mistletoe Bear

Moonlight Bed
Moonlight Griffin

Moonlight Castle
Moonlight Pegasus

Moonlight Cloud Chariot
Moonlight Unicorn

Moonlight Garden
Moonlight Tiger

Moonlit Meadow Bed
Moonlight Stag

Moonlight Touring Roadster
Moonlight Wolf

Moor Views Balcony
Gordon Setter

Morning Glory Swing
Morning Glory Lion Cub

Mountainside Burrow Bed
Silversoft Chinchilla

Mystical Flames Couch
Twilight Phoenix

Mystical Moonlight Cave Bed
Moonlight Lion

Mystical Twilight Ridge
Twilight Lion

Nocturnal Clock
Purple Panther

Nomad Tent
Northern Trails Buffalo

Northern Lights Hot Air Balloon
Aurora Fawn

Northern Trails Canoe Couch
Northern Trails Eagle

Old-Fashioned Soda Shop[5]
Signature Barbet

Out of this World Ice Pop Stand[6]
Signature Collie Aussie Shepherd

Peaceful Pine Hammock
Baby Weasel

Peppermint Carnation Cottage
Peppermint Carnation Lion Cub

Perfect Purple Savanna Window
Playful Purple Giraffe

Pink Flutter Bed
Flutter Cow

Playful Slide
Snow Leopard Cub

Pristine Piano
Abyssinian Cat

Prize Klaw Machine
Midnight Carousel Horse

Puppy Bed
Apricot Schnoodle Puppy

Puppy Sofa
Sheltie Puppy

Puppy Stove
Pumi Puppy

Puppy Wardrobe
Chow Chow Puppy

Purse Cottage
Teacup Pomeranian

Quiet Cave
Cougar Cub

Quilted Christmas Slide
Holiday Puppy

Rainforest Perch Bed
Black Panther Cub

Really Rainbow Couch
Rainbow Googles

Red Velvet Rose Couch
Red Velvet Rabbit

Rock Ledge Lookout
Caracal Kitten

Rosy Rock Garden
Stone Lion

Satin Curtains
Rosy Satin Guinea Pig

Serene Green Swing
Panda Cub

Serenity Cottage
Serenity Fairy Fox

Silky Smooth Drapes
Silk Sparrow

Silky Soft Sofa
Silkie Chicken

Sizzling Seat
Fire Songbird

Ski Chalet Cafe[7]
Signature Kermode Bear

Sleek Satin Bed
Rosy Satin Cow

Sleek Sequin Armoire
Brilliant Tuxedo Kitty

Sleek Sequin Vanity
Brilliant Tortoise

Sleep Under The Stars Hammock
Moonlight Bear

Sleepy Puppy Sofa
Elegant French Bulldog

Snowy Hill Hideaway
White Dire Wolf Pup

Snowy Mountain Peak
Snowy Summit Wolf

Soft Sparkle Wardrobe
Holiday Kitten

Solid Gold Hot Air Balloon
Golden Dalmatian

Sparkling Air Balloon
Brilliant Pegasus

Sparkling Diamond Gazebo
Diamond Dragonfly

Sparkling Star Bed
Magical Retriever

Spellbook Perch
Apprentice Owl

Spring Basket Car
Chocolate Bunny

Springtime Convertible
Spring Shepherd

Stargazing Deck
Starry Stallion

Starlight Mint Sofa
Sweet Tooth Tiger

Story Time Throne
Fabled Goose

Striped Safari SUV
Pink Zebra

Sugar Cookie Sleigh
Sugar Cookie Reindeer

Sugar Cookie Whirlpool
Sugar Cookie Puppy

Sugar Plum Piano
Sugar Plum Sparkle Pegasus

Sunken Sword Cellar

Sun's Embrace Bed
Mystical Panda

Sweet Blossom Bed
Purple Dragonfly

Sweet Flower Den
Sweet Spring Fox

Tall Tree Hammock

Tender Tidings Tree Den
Tender Tidings Tiger

Thoroughbread Cafe
Signature Horse[8]

Timeless Touring Car
Timeless Wolf

Totem Pole Safe
Northern Trails Wolf

Tranquility Cottage
Tranquility Fairy Fox

Tranquility Spring
Tranquility Hippo

Trusted Tree Hideaway
Silk Moth

Twilight Wardrobe
Twilight Doe

Twinkling Harp
Rainbow Sparkle Fawn

Twinkling Rainbow Wardrobe
Sparkling Puppy

Violet Tree Swing
Violet Lion Cub

White Chocolate Waterfall
White Chocolate Bunny

Wintergreen Candy Cane Bed
Wintermint Reindeer

Wishing Well Spa
Mystical Purple Hedgehog

  1. The Cherished Churro Cafe gives one Cinnamon Sugar Churro a day
  2. The Country Cafe gives one Yummy Carrot Pupcake a day
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 This item is part of the Highlander Outfit that comes with the Tartan Terrier
  4. The Icy Snow Cone Cart gives one Summit Snow Cone a day
  5. The Old-Fashioned Soda Shop gives one Old-Fashioned Soda a day
  6. The Out of this World Ice Pop Stand gives one Rocket Ice Pop a day
  7. The Ski Chalet Cafe gives one Blueberry Paw Cookie a day
  8. Dispenses one Spiced Apple Carrot Mini Loaves per day

Rockerz Pet Items

Autograph Signing Station
Rockerz Fox

Boom Box Bed
Rockerz Bunny

Country Banjo Stage
Rockerz Horse

Disco Dance Floor
Rockerz Poodle

Dressing Room Vanity
Rockerz Cat

Groovy Solo Stage
Rockerz Cow

Heartthrob Performance Platform
Rockerz Puppy

Punk Stunt Stage
Rockerz Monkey

Pyro Performance Stage
Rockerz Raccoon

Reggae DJ Booth
Rockerz Dog

Rockin' Drum Set
Rockerz Bulldog

Rockin' Radio Interview Station
Rockerz Coyote

Rockin' Recording Booth
Rockerz Papillon

Rockerz Backstage Wardrobe
Rockerz Zebra

Shock Rock Stage Flare
Rockerz Lion

Webkinz Rockerz Name in Lights
Rockerz Leopard

Rockerz Clothing Outfits

Rockerz Bulldog Outfit [1]

Rockerz Black Stomping Boots

Rockerz Punk Leather Jacket

Rockerz Punk Pants

Rockerz Bunny Outfit [2]

Hip Hop Hat

Hip Hop Hoodie

Hip Hop Sneakers

Rockerz Cat Outfit [3]

Rockerz Pink Feather Skirt

Rockerz Superstar Sunglasses

Rockerz Superstar Top

Rockerz Canvas Shoes

Rockerz Cow Outfit [4]

Rockerz Braided Headband

Rockerz Flower Power Dress

Rockerz Flower Power Sandals

Rockerz Coyote Outfit [5]

Country Sweet Heart Hat

Southern Romance Boots

Folk Singer Boho Dress

Rockerz Dog Outfit [6]

Island Flip Flops

Reggae DJ Top

Reggae Hat

Rockerz Fox Outfit [7]

Black Ripped Jeans

Gold Chain Shades

Zipper Denim Vest

Rockerz Horse Outfit [8]

White Cowboy Hat

White Tassel Cowboy Boots

White Tassel Leather Vest

Rockerz Leopard Outfit [9]

Red Leather Pants

Red Rocking Bandana

Rockin' White Sneakers

Rockerz Lion Outfit [10]

Rockerz Headbanging Bandanna

Rockerz Leather Jacket

Rockerz Purple Stomping Boots

Rockerz Monkey Outfit [11]

High Boots

Red Plaid Pants

Sleeveless Black Leather Jacket

Rockerz Papillon Dog Outfit [12]

Black High Heel Boots

Black Tutu Dress

Pink Frame Sunglasses

Rockerz Poodle Outfit [13]

Funky White Hat

Groovy Bellbottom Leather Pants

Groovy Disco Jacket

Rockerz Puppy Outfit [14]

Purple Ball Cap

Purple High Cut Sneakers

White Bubble Vest with Purple Hoodie

White Skinny Jeans

Rockerz Raccoon Outfit [15]

Glam Rock Face Sticker

Glam Rock Jumpsuit

Glam Rock Platform Boots

Rockerz Zebra Outfit [16]

Rockin' Red Hood

Dance Practice Shoes

Shining Red Tutu

Red Hood
  1. The Rockerz Bulldog Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Rockerz Black Stomping Boots, Rockerz Punk Leather Jacket, and Rockerz Punk Pants.
  2. The Rockerz Bunny Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Hip Hop Hat, Hip Hop Hoodie, and Hip Hop Sneakers.
  3. The Rockerz Cat Outfit is made up of 4 pieces: Rockerz Pink Feather Skirt, Rockerz Superstar Sunglasses, Rockerz Superstar Top, and Rockerz Canvas Shoes.
  4. The Rockerz Cow Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Rockerz Braided Headband, Rockerz Flower Power Dress, and Rockerz Flower Power Sandals.
  5. The Rockerz Coyote Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Country Sweet Heart Hat, Southern Romance Boots, and Folk Singer Boho Dress.
  6. The Rockerz Dog Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Island Flip Flops, Reggae DJ Top, and Reggae Hat.
  7. The Rockerz Fox Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Black Ripped Jeans, Gold Chain Shades, and Zipper Denim Vest.
  8. The Rockerz Horse Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: White Cowboy Hat, White Tassel Cowboy Boots, and White Tassel Leather Vest.
  9. The Rockerz Leopard Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Red Leather Pants, Red Rocking Bandana, and Rockin' White Sneakers.
  10. The Rockerz Lion Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Rockerz Headbanging Bandanna, Rockerz Leather Jacket, and Rockerz Purple Stomping Boots.
  11. The Rockerz Monkey Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: High Boots, Red Plaid Pants, and Sleeveless Black Leather Jacket.
  12. The Rockerz Papillon Dog Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Black High Heel Boots, Black Tutu Dress, and Pink Frame Sunglasses.
  13. The Rockerz Poodle Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Funky White Hat, Groovy Bellbottom Leather Pants, and Groovy Disco Jacket.
  14. The Rockerz Puppy Outfit is made up of 4 pieces: Purple Ball Cap, Purple High Cut Sneakers, White Bubble Vest with Purple Hoodie, and White Skinny Jeans.
  15. The Rockerz Raccoon Outfit is made up of 3 pieces: Glam Rock Face Sticker, Glam Rock Jumpsuit, and Glam Rock Platform Boots.
  16. The Rockerz Zebra Outfit is made up of 4 pieces: Rockin' Red Hood, Dance Practice Shoes, and Shining Red Tutu and Red Hood.

Signature Pet Items

Signature Pets

Alpine Cave
Snow Leopard

Alps Rescue Station
Bernese Mountain Dog

Ancient Dig Site
Marble Cat

Around the World Plane
Border Terrier

Aztec Cat Fountain

Bamboo Chute Slide

Banana Boom Box

Burrowing Cliffside Slide
Black Footed Ferret

Cat's Meow Garden
Calico Cat

Cocoa Cafe Booth

Cool Cat String Swing
Orange Tabby

Country Sensation Stage
Australian Shepherd

Cozy Canopy Bed
Bengal Cat

Cozy Hayloft Hideaway

Cozy Lop Crop
Lop Bunny

Cozy Tree Hideaway
Woodland Raccoon

Daring Den Slide
Arctic Fox

Designer Catwalk
Ragdoll Cat

Doggy Diving Pool
German Short Haired Pointer

Double Decker Bus Bed

Empire Tower Bed
Chow Chow

Enchanted Loch
West Highland Terrier

Forest Ranger Tower

Friendly Forest Window

Frozen Fountain

Golden Tux Jacket[1]
Golden Retriever

Golden Tux Dress Shoes[2]
Golden Retriever

Golden Tux Shades[3]
Golden Retriever

Golden Tux Top Hat[4]
Golden Retriever

Golden Tux Trousers[5]
Golden Retriever

African Wild Dog

Handbag Bed
Short-Haired Yorkie

Hot Dog Shop
Miniature Dachshund

Howling Ridge
Timber Wolf

Icy Arctic Organ
Harp Seal

Lazy Muddy River
Pot-Bellied Pig

Log Lodge Pool

Majestic Dog Mansion
Cocker Spaniel

Muddy Mire

Muddy River Raft Ride

Noble Stone Monument
Siamese Cat

Northern Research Igloo
Siberian Husky

Outback Elevator

Palatial Platform
King Charles Spaniel

Panoramic City Window

Playful Pup Bed
Yellow Labrador Retriever

Puppy Patrol Command Station
German Shepherd

Royal Pup Portrait

Sand Dune Sandbox
Wild Bactrian Camel

Savanna Mane Stage

Silo Storage Tower
Normande Cow

Sky High Shower

Sneaky Silo
Barn Owl

Snowdrift Hideaway
Arctic Hare

Spot of Tea Slide
English Spot Bunny

Sunny Savannah Oasis

Tulip Tower Windmill
Dutch Bunny

Water Dog Falls
Portuguese Water Dog

Weightlifter's Station
Bull Terrier

White Tiger Crystal Fountain
White Bengal Tiger

  1. The golden tux jacket is a part of the Golden Tuxedo outfit that comes with the Signature Golden Retriever.
  2. The golden tux dress shoes are a part of the Golden Tuxedo outfit that comes with the Signature Golden Retriever.
  3. The golden tux shades are a part of the Golden Tuxedo outfit that comes with the Signature Golden Retriever
  4. The golden tux top hat is a part of the Golden Tuxedo outfit that comes with the Signature Golden Retriever
  5. The golden tux trousers are a part of the Golden Tuxedo outfit that comes with the Signature Golden Retriever

Signature Endangered Pets

Arctic Ice Spa
Endangered Polar Bear

Canopy Treadmill
Endangered Clouded Leopard

Desert Break
Endangered Dama Gazelle

Endangered Island Getaway
Endangered Red Wolf

Hibernation Hut
Endangered Brown Bear

Jumbo Jungle Shower
Endangered Asian Elephant

Jungle Gym Slider
Endangered Spotted Jaguar

Juniper Tree Hammock
Endangered Iberian Lynx

Mountain Climbing Cliff
Endangered Cougar

Mud Wallow Hot Springs
Endangered Black African Rhinoceros

Peaceful Plains Piano
Endangered Cape Mountain Zebra

Rainforest Retreat
Endangered Western Lowland Gorilla

Secluded Spa
Endangered Red Panda

Wild Game Gourmet BBQ
Endangered Bengal Tiger

Small Signature Pets

Banana Split Sundae Station
Small Signature Chimpanzee

Big Bark Clock Tower
Signature Beagle

Catnip Canopy Gazebo
Small Signature Grey Tabby Cat

Fine Dining Table
Signature Small Tuxedo Cat

Flock Watch Tower
Signature Small German Shepherd

Fortune Teller's Table
Signature White Persian Cat

Frantic Frisbee Flinger
Signature Small Black Lab

Golden Glide Water Slide
Small Signature Golden Retriever

Golden Honey Waterfall
Signature Black Bear

Nutty Conveyor Belt
Small Signature Chipmunk

Precious Purse Swing
Small Signature Pug

Sly Slide
Signature Fox

Swell Shelter Bed
Small Signature Sea Turtle

Woolly Carnival Canon
Signature Small Lamb

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