Plants Collection: Difference between revisions

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{{Top Link|[[Collections_GalleryItem Collections| >> Click here to return to the Item Collections GalleryIndex.]]}}
<br>To see Candy Trees and other tree food dispensers, click [[Dispensers & Foods Collection#Food Plants|HERE]], to see Christmas Trees, click [[Christmas Tree Collection|HERE]], and to see tree swings, click [[Swings Collection|HERE]]
<br>To see Growing Gardens Seeds, click [[Growing Seeds & Foods Collection|HERE]]
{| class="greentable" width="70%"
<br>To see Patio Plants and other potted plant food dispensers, click [[Dispensers & Foods Collection#Food Plants|HERE]]
==Bouquets & Vases==
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:A+teachersbouquet.png]]<br>A+ Teacher's Bouquet
|Kinzville Academy (Retired)
|A+ Teacher's Bouquet
|Was a Kinzville Academy Recess prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BemyvalentinebouquetBeautifulbouquet.png]]<br>Beautiful Bouquet
|2019 Flower Collection
|Be My Valentine Bouquet
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand Grand Prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BouquetofmarigoldsBemyvalentinebouquet.png]]<br>Be My Valentine Bouquet
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection
|Bouquet of Marigolds
|Fall Fest prize first introduced in 2013 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ForeveryouroseBouquetoflilies.png]]<br>Bouquet of Lilies
|2021 Easter
|Forever You Rose
|2010 Valentine's Day Gift Box '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FreshcutflowersBouquetofmarigolds.png]]<br>Bouquet of Marigolds
|2013 Fall Fest
|Fresh Cut Flowers
|2018 Spring Celebration Gift Basket item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FreshtulipsfromthegardenChocolatetulipbouquet.png]]<br>Chocolate Tulip Bouquet
|2020 Spring Celebration
|Fresh Tulips from the Garden
|2016 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FreshwildflowersfromthegardenFlowercubvase.png]]<br>Flower Cub Vase
|Clubhouse Tea Party Room
|Fresh Wildflowers from the Garden
|2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GlowingvaseFlowershopbouquet.png]]<br>Flower Shop Bouquet
|Clubhouse Love Frog
|Glowing Vase
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GoldenbasevaseForeveryourose.png]]<br>Forever You Rose
|2010 Valentine
|Golden Base Vase
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HeartsdesirerosesFreshcutflowers.png]]<br>Fresh Cut Flowers
|2018 Spring Celebration
|Heart's Desire Roses
|2008 Valentine's Day Gift Box '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HelpingpawsclubbouquetFreshcuttulips.png]]<br>Fresh Cut Tulips
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Helping Paws Club Bouquet
|Helping Paws Club Medium Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Freshtulipsfromthegarden.png]]<br>Fresh Tulips from the Garden
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Light Pink Rose in Crystal Vase
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Freshwildflowersfromthegarden.png]]<br>Fresh Wildflowers from the Garden
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Lovely Caring Bouquet
|Caring Valley item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LovelytulipcenterpieceGlowingvase.png]]<br>Glowing Vase
|Webkinz Newz
|Lovely Tulip Centerpiece
|2013 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MothersdayfloralbouquetGoldenbasevase.png]]<br>Golden Base Vase
|Mother's Day Floral Bouquet
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PetuniaspetuniasGoogooberrybouquet.png]]<br>Goo-Goo Berry Bouquet
|Click-to-Win:Annual<br>Berry Fest - 2024
|Petunia's Petunias
|Was a Mazin' Hamster Key Craze prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinkhydrangeasHeartsdesireroses.png]]<br>Heart's Desire Roses
|2008 Valentine
|Pink Hydrangeas
|Figurine Specific Item for the Pretty Pink Poodle Figurine '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinkroseincrystalvaseHelpingpawsclubbouquet.png]]<br>Helping Paws Club Bouquet
|Helping Paws
|Pink Rose in Crystal Vase
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PrettypinkrosesJarofflowers.png]]<br>Jar of Flowers
|Click-to-Win:Annual<br>Spring Celebration - 2023 White Chocolate Egg
|Pretty Pink Roses
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Lightpinkroseincrystalvase.png]]<br>Light Pink Rose in Crystal Vase
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection
|Purple Rose in Crystal Vase
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RainbowflowersLovelycaringbouquet.png]]<br>Lovely Caring Bouquet
|Caring Valley
|Rainbow Flowers
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RedroseinacrystalvaseMothersdayfloralbouquet.png]]<br>Mother's Day Floral Bouquet
|Webkinz Newz
|Red Rose in Crystal Vase
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RedrosesMothersdayvase.png]]<br>Mother's Day Vase
|Community Codes
|Red Roses
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Redtulips2Neogothicroses.png]]<br>Neo Gothic Roses
|Community Codes
|Red Tulips
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SingleredrosePinkhydrangeas.png]]<br>Pink Hydrangeas
|Pretty Pink Poodle Figure
|Single Red Rose
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SpringeggbouquetPinkroseinacrystalvase.png]]<br>Pink Rose in a Crystal Vase
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection
|Spring Egg Bouquet
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SunflowersPolarberrybouquet.png]]<br>Polarberry Bouquet
|Click-to-Win:Annual<br>Berry Fest - 2024
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SweetflowerpotPrettypinkroses.png]]<br>Pretty Pink Roses
|Webkinz Newz
|Sweet Flower Pot
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SynthosphanefloorvasePurpleroseincrystalvase.png]]<br>Purple Rose in Crystal Vase
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection
|Synthosphane Floor Vase
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Valentinesbouquetrainbowflowers.png]]<br>Rainbow Flowers
|Valentine's Bouquet
|2007 Valentine's Day Gift Box '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Whiteroseincrystalvaseredroses.png]]<br>Red Roses
|White Rose in Crystal Vase
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YellowroseincrystalvaseRedroseincrystalvase.png]]<br>Red Rose in Crystal Vase
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate
|Yellow Rose in Crystal Vase
|Cinnamon's Flower Stand prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Springeggbouquet.png]]<br>Spring Egg Bouquet
|[[File:Sweetheartbouquet.png]]<br>Sweetheart Bouquet
|2018 Valentine Collection
|[[File:Sweetheartroses.png]]<br>Sweetheart Roses
|2020 Valentine Collection
|[[File:Synthosphanefloorvase.png]]<br>Synthosphane Floor Vase
|[[File:Teapotvase.png]]<br>Tea Pot Vase
|Community Codes
|[[File:Valentinesbouquet.png]]<br>Valentine's Bouquet
|2007 Valentine
|[[File:Vaseofpinkpetunias.png]]<br>Vase of Pink Petunias
|GanzWord Rewards
|[[File:Wateringcanbouquet.png]]<br>Watering Can Bouquet
|2021 Fall Fest
|[[File:Whiteroseincrystalvase.png]]<br>White Rose in Crystal Vase
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection
|[[File:Yellowroseincrystalvase.png]]<br>Yellow Rose in Crystal Vase
|2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection
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==Garden Plants==
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
To see Growing Gardens Seeds, click [[Growing_Seeds_%26_Foods_Collection|HERE]]
{| class="greentable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:Alliumflowers.png]]<br>Allium Flowers
|Allium Flowers
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ApplefarmfloortileBabybluetulips.png]]<br>Baby Blue Tulips
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Apple Farm Floor Tile
|2016 Fall Fest Soda prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Barnyardflowergarden.png]]<br>Barnyard Flower Garden
|Barnyard Flower Garden
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BarnyardpasturetileBloomingdandelion.png]]<br>Blooming Dandelion
|Pet of the Month (Retired)
|Barnyard Pasture Tile
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BloomingdandelionBluebutterflytrellis.png]]<br>Blue Butterfly Trellis
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Blooming Dandelion
|Was a Pet of the Month prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Bluecrystalflower.png]]<br>Blue Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|Blue Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BluewildflowersBlueirisflowers.png]]<br>Blue Iris Flowers
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Blue Wildflowers
|2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CabbagepatchBluewildflowers.png]]<br>Blue Wildflowers
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Cabbage Patch
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CavepotatoplantBrightredtulips.png]]<br>Bright Red Tulips
|Clubhouse Tulip Room
|Cave Potato Plant
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Charmforestflowerscabbagepatch.png]]<br>Cabbage Patch
|Charm Forest Flowers
|Prize for completing the fifth set of Forest Charms in Magic Mire '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CharmforestlollipopflowersCattaildivider.png]]<br>Cattail Divider
|Charm Forest Lollipop Flowers
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ColorfulcactusCavepotatoplant.png]]<br>Cave Potato Plant
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|Colorful Cactus
|Was a Daily KinzCare prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ColossalcolorfulcactusCharmforestflowers.png]]<br>Charm Forest Flowers
|Magic Mire
|Colossal Colorful Cactus
|Daily KinzCare prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Charmforestlollipopflowers.png]]<br>Charm Forest Lollipop Flowers
|Webkinz Newz
|Corn Field Section
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:CornstalkColorfulcactus.png]]<br>Colorful Cactus
|Daily KinzCare
|Corn Stalk
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CottoncandygrassColossalcolorfulcactus.png]]<br>Colossal Colorful Cactus
|Daily KinzCare (Retired)
|Cotton Candy Grass
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:DaisypatchCornfieldsection.png]]<br>Corn Field Section
|Daisy Patch
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fairytaleforestflowerpatchcornstalk.png]]<br>Corn Stalk
|Fairytale Forest Flower Patch
|Fairytale Forest ?? Box item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fieldofdaisiesfloortiledaisypatch.png]]<br>Daisy Patch
|Field of Daisies Floor Tile
|2017 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Flowered Stone Well
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FlowergardenFairydengarden.png]]<br>Fairy Den Garden
|eStore Promo
|Flower Garden
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fairytaleforestflowerpatch.png]]<br>Fairytale Forest Flower Patch
|eStore Promo
|Forest Floor Tile
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FreshlyplantedgardenFancyferns.png]]<br>Fancy Ferns
|Freshly Planted Garden
|Rare item from the Victorian Garden Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Friendlyfaceflowerfloweredstonewell.png]]<br>Flowered Stone Well
|Friendly Face Flower
|Rare item from the Whimsical Wonderland Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Giantbamboogardenflowergarden.png]]<br>Flower Garden
|Giant Bamboo Garden
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:GiantgladiolusgardenFriendlyfaceflower.png]]<br>Friendly Face Flower
|Giant Gladiolus Garden
|Exclusive item available with pet adoption or from the Wish Factory '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GiantpumpkinpatchGiantbamboogarden.png]]<br>Giant Bamboo Garden
|Giant Pumpkin Patch
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GiantrafflesiaplantGiantgladiolusgarden.png]]<br>Giant Gladiolus Garden
|Giant Rafflesia Plant
|Webkinz Friends prize; also available from the Wish Factory '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Gloriousgardenpatchgiantpumpkinpatch.png]]<br>Gian Pumpkin Patch
|Glorious Garden Patch
|Pet Specific Item for the Ginger Bunny '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GreencrystalflowerGiantrafflesiaplant.png]]<br>Giant Rafflesia Plant
|Webkinz Friends; Wish Factory
|Green Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GuzmaniaplantGiantwaterlily.png]]<br>Giant Water Lily
|Guzmania Plant
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HappyhoppytulippatchGloriousgardenpatch.png]]<br>Glorious Garden Patch
|PSI Ginger Bunny
|Happy Hoppy Tulip Patch
|Pet Specific Item for the Cheeky Bunny '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:IrisgardenGreencrystalflower.png]]<br>Green Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|Iris Garden
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Lightningbugsandgrassguzmaniaplant.png]]<br>Guzmania Plant
|Lightning Bugs and Grass
|The Good Dinosaur Promotion prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LovelylarkspurgardenHalloweengarden.png]]<br>Halloween Garden
|Lovely Larkspur Garden
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MadflowerHappyhoppytulippatch.png]]<br>Happy Hoppy Tulip Patch
|PSI Cheeky Bunny
|Mad Flower
|Rare item from the Whimsical Wonderland Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MinilarkspurplantHolidaygarden.png]]<br>Holiday Garden
|Mini Larkspur Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MixedwildflowersHydrangeadivider.png]]<br>Hydrangea Divider
|Mixed Wildflowers
|2017 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Pinkcrystalfloweririsgarden.png]]<br>Iris Garden
|Pink Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinkdaffodilsLovelylarkspurgarden.png]]<br>Lovely Larkspur Garden
|Pink Daffodils
|2018 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinktulipsMadflower.png]]<br>Mad Flower
|Pink Tulips
|2016 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinkwildflowersMagicmeadowflowerpatch.png]]<br>Magic Meadow Flower Patch
|Pink Wildflowers
|2017 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PrettypinkpastureMagicrainbowplant.png]]<br>Magic Rainbow Plant
|Pretty Pink Pasture
|Pet Specific Item for the Blushing Fawn
|[[File:PrizewinningpumpkinpatchMarigoldpatch.png]]<br>Marigold Patch
|Prize Winning Pumpkin Patch
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PumpkinpatchMinilarkspurplant.png]]<br>Mini Larkspur Plant
|Pumpkin Patch
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PurplecrystalflowerMixedcrocusflowers.png]]<br>Mixed Crocus Flowers
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Purple Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PurplewildflowersMixedpurpletulips.png]]<br>Mixed Purple Tulips
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Purple Wildflowers
|2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RainbowflowerdisplayMixedwildflowers.png]]<br>Mixed Wildflowers
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Rainbow Flower Display
|Ganz eStore Promotional item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RainwashedmeadowOrangelilies.png]]<br>Orange Lilies
|2021 Spring Celebration
|Rain Washed Meadow
|2017 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RedflowerOrangetulips.png]]<br>Orange Tulips
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Red Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RedtulipsPeachbuttercupplant.png]]<br>Peach Buttercup Plant
|Red Tulips
|2017 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SapberriesPinkblossomtrellis.png]]<br>Pink Blossom Trellis
|Webkinz Newz
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SecludedgardenenchantedflowerbedPinkcrocusflowers.png]]<br>Pink Crocus Flowers
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Secluded Garden Enchanted Flowerbed
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SpilledflowergardenPinkcrystalflower.png]]<br>Pink Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|Spilled Flower Garden
|2016 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpringtimemeadowtilePinkdaffodils.png]]<br>Pink Daffodils
|2018 Spring Celebration
|Springtime Meadow Tile
|2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SunflowerPinklilies.png]]<br>Pink Lilies
|2021 Spring Celebration
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TetraterrainmeadowPinktulips.png]]<br>Pink Tulips
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Tetra Terrain Meadow
|Zootopia Promotion prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TetraterrainrainforestPinkwildflowers.png]]<br>Pink Wildflowers
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Tetra Terrain Rainforest
|Zootopia Promotion prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WhitedaffodilsPrehistoricplant.png]]<br>Prehistoric Plant
|PSI Stegosaurus
|White Daffodils
|2018 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WhitetulipsPrizewinningpumpkinpatch.png]]<br>Prize Winning Pumpkin Patch
|White Tulips
|2016 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Whitewildflowerspumpkinpatch.png]]<br>Pumpkin Patch
|White Wildflowers
|2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WitheredplantsPurplecrocusflowers.png]]<br>Purple Crocus Flowers
|2019 Spring Celebration
|Withered Plants
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:WizkinzflowercolumnPurplecrystalflower.png]]<br>Purple Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|Wiz Kinz Flower Column
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:YellowcrystalflowerPurplewildflowers.png]]<br>Purple Wildflowers
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Yellow Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YellowdaffodilsRainbowflowerdisplay.png]]<br>Rainbow Flower Display
|eStore Promo
|Yellow Daffodils
|2018 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YellowtulipsRedandwhitestripetulips.png]]<br>Red and White Stripe Tulips
|Clubhouse Tulip Room
|Yellow Tulips
|2016 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Redandyellowstripetulips.png]]<br>Red and Yellow Stripe Tulips
|Clubhouse Tulip Room
|[[File:Redirisflowers.png]]<br>Red Iris Flowers
|2022 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Redflower.png]]<br>Red Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|[[File:2017redtulips.png]]<br>Red Tulips
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|[[File:Secludedgardenenchantedflowerbed.png]]<br>Secluded Garden Enchanted Flowerbed
|[[File:Serenegladiolusgarden.png]]<br>Serene Gladiolus Garden
|[[File:Singleredrose.png]]<br>Single Red Rose
|[[File:Southwesterngardenpatch.png]]<br>Southwestern Garden Patch
|[[File:Spilledflowergarden.png]]<br>Spilled Flower Garden
|2016 Spring Mystery Bag
|[[File:Springmeltflowerpatch.png]]<br>Spring Melt Flower Patch
|eStore Promo
|[[File:Tigerlilypatch.png]]<br>Tiger Lily Patch
|[[File:Tributetomomgarden.png]]<br>Tribute to Mom Garden
|[[File:Whitecrocusflowers.png]]<br>White Crocus Flowers
|2019 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Whitedaffodils.png]]<br>White Daffodils
|2018 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Whiteirisflowers.png]]<br>White Iris Flowers
|2022 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Whitelilies.png]]<br>White Lilies
|2021 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Whitetulips.png]]<br>White Tulips
|2016 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Whitewildflowers.png]]<br>White Wildflowers
|2016 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Witheredplants.png]]<br>Withered Plants
|[[File:Wizkinzflowercolumn.png]]<br>Wiz Kinz Flower Column
|[[File:Yellowblossomtrellis.png]]<br>Yellow Blossom Trellis
|Webkinz Newz
|[[File:Yellowcrystalflower.png]]<br>Yellow Crystal Flower
|Adventure Park Quick Quest
|[[File:Yellowdaffodils.png]]<br>Yellow Daffodils
|2018 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Yellowirisflowers.png]]<br>Yellow Iris Flowers
|2022 Spring Celebration
|[[File:yellowrosetrellis.png]]<br>Yellow Rose Trellis
|[[File:Yellowtulips.png]]<br>Yellow Tulips
|2016 Spring Celebration
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==Potted PlantsGrass==
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
To see Patio Plants and other potted plant food dispensers, click [[Dispensers_%26_Foods_Collection#Food_Plants|HERE]]
{| class="greentable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:AmaryllisApplefarmfloortile.png]]<br>Apple Farm Floor Tile
|2016 Fall Fest
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BabybuttercupsplantBarnyardpasturetile.png]]<br>Barnyard Pasture Tile
|Baby Buttercups Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BambootreeCottoncandygrass.png]]<br>Cotton Candy Grass
|Bamboo Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BarrelcactusFieldofdaisiesfloortile.png]]<br>Field of Daisies Floor Tile
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Barrel Cactus
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BeanstalkplanterForestfloortile.png]]<br>Forest Floor Tile
|Bean Stalk Planter
|Adventure Park prize from the Beanstalk Birthday Quest '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BegoniaflowerboxLightningbugsandgrass.png]]<br>Lightning Bugs and Grass
|Good Dinosaur Promo
|Begonia Flower Box
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BellacourtbloomingflowerPrairiefiresedge.png]]<br>Prairie Fire Sedge
|Bellacourt Blooming Flower
|Rare item from the Palace Princess Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BeyondbeleafcactusPrettypinkpasture.png]]<br>Pretty Pink Pasture
|PSI Blushing Fawn
|Beyond Be-leaf Cactus
|Seasonal WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BloomingbroccolitreeRainwashedmeadow.png]]<br>Rain Washed Meadow
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Blooming Broccoli Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BlossominghangingplantRainbowapplefloortile.png]]<br>Rainbow Apple Floor Tile
|Blossoming Hanging Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BlossomingtreeSpringtimemeadowtile.png]]<br>Springtime Meadow Tile
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Blossoming Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BluepetuniasTetraterrainmeadow.png]]<br>Tetra Terrain Meadow
|Zootopia Promo
|Blue Petunias
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CatnipplanterTetraterrainrainforest.png]]<br>Tetra Terrain Rainforest
|Zootopia Promo
|Catnip Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|Celebrate Summer Planter
|Community Code prize '''Tradeable'''
==Hedges & Shrubs==
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:CheckeredchasepottedplantButterflybushhedge.png]]<br>Butterfly Bush Hedge
|Checkered Chase Potted Plant
|Was a Mazin' Hamsters Mall prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ClassicvillapottedflowerCaramelcornshrub.png]]<br>Caramel Corn Shrub
|Classic Villa Potted Flower
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ColorchangingsparkleplantFairywillowshrub.png]]<br>Fairy Willow Shrub
|Color Changing Sparkle Plant
|2013 Fun Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DecorativewheelbarrowFallforestshrub.png]]<br>Fall Forest Shrub
|eStore Fall Mystery Promo<br>2023 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag
|Decorative Wheelbarrow
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Denim&laceplanterFreshicyshrub.png]]<br>Fresh Icy Shrub
|Denim & Lace Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Expressyourelfplantergeraniumbush.png]]<br>Geranium Bush
|Express Your Elf Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FairydengardenHibiscusbush.png]]<br>Hibiscus Bush
|Vacation Island
|Fairy Den Garden
|Ganz eStore Promotion item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FallmumsdividerIcynorthhedge.png]]<br>Icy North Hedge
|Fall Mums Divider
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FestivepoinsettiasLuckygoldenshrub.png]]<br>Lucky Golden Shrub
|Festive Poinsettias
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2017 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FlamingoplantstandOvergrownarchway.png]]<br>Overgrown Archway
|Flamingo Plant Stand
|2018 Summer Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FlorasflowerpotPaintedrosebush.png]]<br>Painted Rose Bush
|Flora's Flowerpot
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FlowerpotdividerPolarberryshrub.png]]<br>Polarberry Shrub
|Flower Pot Divider
|2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GardenhangingbasketsPurplefloweringhedge.png]]<br>Purple Flowering Hedge
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Garden Hanging Baskets
|May 2017 Deluxe Day prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GiantvenusflytrapRadiantrosebush.png]]<br>Radiant Rose Bush
|PSI Rainforest Boa
|Giant Venus Fly Trap
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GoldsparkleplanterReindeerplanter.png]]<br>Reindeer Planter
|Gold Sparkle Planter
|2017 Elf Stocking prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GrandestateplanterRoosterplanter.png]]<br>Rooster Planter
|Grand Estate Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Halloweengardenrosebush.png]]<br>Rose Bush
|Halloween Garden
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HibiscustreeRosebushhedge.png]]<br>Rose Bush Hedge
|Hibiscus Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Holidaygardenroundhedge.png]]<br>Round Hedge
|Holiday Garden
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HolidayplanterShriveledshrubs.png]]<br>Shriveled Shrubs
|Holiday Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HotbananapepperplantSnowcoveredhedge.png]]<br>Snow Covered Hedge
|2017 Winterfest
|Hot Banana Pepper Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HotpepperpottedplantSnowybush.png]]<br>Snowy Bush
|eStore; Also was awarded for 2022 January Player Appreciation
|Hot Pepper Potted Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:IronwoodplanterSpringeggshrub.png]]<br>Spring Egg Shrub
|Iron Wood Planter
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:JellybeantreeSpringoasishedge.png]]<br>Spring Oasis Hedge
|eStore Spring Mystery Promo<br>2024 Sunny Spring Super Mystery Bag
|Jellybean Tree
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Juniperbonsaitreespiralbush.png]]<br>Spiral Bush
|Juniper Bonsai Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Magnoliatreesquarehedge.png]]<br>Square Hedge
|Magnolia Tree
|Mirror, Mirror Promotion item; has also been a GanzWorld Rewards prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MiniatureorangetreeSummercitrusbush.png]]<br>Summer Citrus Bush
|Miniature Orange Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MinibiosphereTrickortreatstreethedge.png]]<br>Trick or Treat Street Hedge
|2019 Halloween Seasonal WShop
|Mini Biosphere
|Seasonal WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ModpatioplantWandsparklebush.png]]<br>Wand Sparkle Bush
|Webkinz Newz
|Mod Patio Plant
|2017 Flower Collection Event prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MoonflowerWhitefloweringhedge.png]]<br>White Flowering Hedge
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Moon Flower
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MosaiczingozflowerpotWhiterosesarch.png]]<br>White Roses Arch
|Deluxe May 2022
|Mosaic Zingoz Flower Pot
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MothersdaybuttercupsplantWildbluerosebush.png]]<br>Wild Blue Rose Bush
|2018 Spring Celebration
|Mother's Day Buttercups Plant
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MothersdaylightbloomWildblueberrybush.png]]<br>Wild Blueberry Bush
|Mother's Day Light Bloom
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MothersdaypottedtigerlilyWildpinkrosebush.png]]<br>Wild Pink Rose Bush
|2018 Spring Celebration
|Mother's Day Potted Tiger Lily
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:NafariaspottedvineWildwhiterosebush.png]]<br>Wild White Rose Bush
|2018 Spring Celebration
|Nafaria's Potted Vine
|Trading Cards Series 4 item; also available from Nafaria as a Host Gift '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ObservantpottedplantWorkofartshrubbery.png]]<br>Work of Art Shrubbery
|Observant Potted Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|Paleolithic Plane
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinkpetuniasBabybuttercupsplant.png]]<br>Baby Buttercups Plant
|Pink Petunias
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Playfulflowerpotbarrelcactus.png]]<br>Barrel Cactus
|Playful Flower Pot
|Pet Specific Item for the Petal Print Skunk '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PoisonivyplantBeanstalkplanter.png]]<br>Bean Stalk Planter
|Adventure Park Beanstalk Birthday Quest
|Poison Ivy Plant
|Nafaria's Star Trading prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PonytailpalmBearplanter.png]]<br>Bear Planter
|Ponytail Palm
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PottedelmtreeBellacourtbloomingflower.png]]<br>Bellacourt Blooming Flower
|Potted Elm Tree
|Fall Fest prize first introduced in 2007 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Pottedgreenteabegoniaflowerbox.png]]<br>Begonia Flower Box
|Potted Green Tea
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PottediceflowerBenchplanter.png]]<br>Bench Planter
|Potted Ice Flower
|Winterfest prize first introduced in 2010 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PottedicicletreeBeyondbeleafcactus.png]]<br>Beyond Be-leaf Cactus
|WShop (Retired)
|Potted Icicle Tree
|Winterfest prize first introduced in 2008 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PottedmapletreeBlossominghangingplant.png]]<br>Blossoming Hanging Plant
|Potted Maple Tree
|Fall Fest prize first introduced in 2012 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PottedpinklilyBlueorchid.png]]<br>Blue Orchid
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Potted Pink Lily
|2014 Flower Collection prize; has also been a Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Pottedplantwalldividerbluepetunias.png]]<br>Blue Petunias
|Potted Plant Wall Divider
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PottedsugarmapletreeBohoterracottaplanters.png]]<br>Boho Terracotta Planters
|Potted Sugar Maple Tree
|Fall Fest prize first introduced in 2015 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PottedtigerlilyBucketoftulips.png]]<br>Bucket of Tulips
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Potted Tiger Lily
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PrehistoricplantCandybashcactus.png]]<br>Candy Bash Cactus
|Candy Bash 2 Arcade Challenge
|Prehistoric Plant
|Pet Specific Item for the Stegosaurus '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PrincipalsofficeplantCatnipplanter.png]]<br>Catnip Planter
|Principal's Office Plant
|Super School Log-in Event prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PristineplanterCelebratesummerplanter.png]]<br>Celebrate Summer Planter
|Community Codes
|Pristine Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Checkeredchasepottedplant.png]]<br>Checkered Chase Potted Plant
|Mazin Hamsters (Retired)
|Purple Potted Flowers
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PurplepottediceflowerChickenflowerplanter.png]]<br>Chicken Flower Planter
|2022 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag
|Purple Potted Ice Flower
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RainbowjellycactusChipmunkplanter.png]]<br>Chipmunk Planter
|Rainbow Jelly Cactus
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RosegardenhangerClassicvillapottedflower.png]]<br>Classic Villa Potted Flower
|Rose Garden Hanger
|2017 Summer Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Colorchangingsparkleplant.png]]<br>Color Changing Sparkle Plant
|2013 Fun Mystery Bag
|Rubber Boot Garden
|2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SaguarocactusCowplanter.png]]<br>Cow Planter
|Saguaro Cactus
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SparkleplantCowflowerplanter.png]]<br>Cow Flower Planter
|Sparkle Plant
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Daffodilspringflowercontainer.png]]<br>Daffodil Spring Flower Container
|2019 Spring Mystery Bag
|Spider Plant
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpottedprehistoricplantDaisydivider.png]]<br>Daisy Divider
|eStore Promo
|Spotted Prehistoric Plant
|Pet Specific Item for the Spotty Dinosaur '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Springblossomingtreedecorativewheelbarrow.png]]<br>Decorative Wheelbarrow
|Spring Blossoming Tree
|2016 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Delightfulflowerpotdivider.png]]<br>Delightful Flower Pot Divider
|eStore Promo
|Steeped Tea Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:StrikeaposingplantDelightfulpatioplant.png]]<br>Delightful Patio Plant
|Growing Garden Seeds2019 Series 3
|Strike-a-Posing Plant
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TomatoplantpillarDenim&laceplanter.png]]<br>Denim & Lace Planter
|Tomato Plant Pillar
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:TulipplanterElfplanter.png]]<br>Elf Planter
|2021 Stocking
|Tulip Planter
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Expressyourelfplanter.png]]<br>Express Your Elf Planter
|Urban Beautification Bicycle Planter
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:VaseofpinkpetuniasFallbenchplanter.png]]<br>Fall Bench Planter
|2022 Fall Mystery Bag
|Vase of Pink Petunias
|GanzWorld Rewards item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WateringcangardenFallfloralplanter.png]]<br>Fall Floral Planter
|eStore Promo Themed ?? Boxes<br>Fall Floral
|Watering Can Garden
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:WhitedaisiesFallflowercontainer.png]]<br>Fall Flower Container
|2020 Fall Mystery Bag
|White Daisies
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YangyinblossomFallmumsdivider.png]]<br>Fall Mums Divider
|Yang Yin Blossom
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Festivepoinsettias.png]]<br>Festive Poinsettias
|Christmas Countdown 2017
|[[File:Flamingoplantstand.png]]<br>Flamingo Plant Stand
|2018 Summer Mystery Bag
{| class="greentable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:Florasflowerpot.png]]<br>Flora's Flowerpot
|Webkinz Newz
|[[File:Flowerpotdivider.png]]<br>Flower Pot Divider
|2017 Spring Mystery Bag
|[[File:Funflowercontainer.png]]<br>Fun Flower Container
|[[File:Gardenhangingbaskets.png]]<br>Garden Hanging Baskets
|Deluxe May 2017
|[[File:Gardenpartyhangingbasket.png]]<br>Garden Party Hanging Basket
|[[File:Giantvenusflytrap.png]]<br>Giant Venus Fly Trap
|Exclusive (Retired)
|[[File:Giraffeplanter.png]]<br>Giraffe Planter
|[[File:Goldsparkleplanter.png]]<br>Gold Sparkle Planter
|2017 Stocking
|[[File:Grandestateplanter.png]]<br>Grand Estate Planter
|[[File:Holidayplanter.png]]<br>Holiday Planter
|[[File:Hotbananapepperplant.png]]<br>Hot Banana Pepper Plant
|[[File:Hotpepperpottedplant.png]]<br>Hot Pepper Potted Plant
|[[File:Indoorbirdofparadiseplant.png]]<br>Indoor Bird of Paradise Plant
|[[File:Indoorpalmplant.png]]<br>Indoor Palm Plant
|Growing Garden Seeds 2019 Series 2
|[[File:Indoorrubberplant.png]]<br>Indoor Rubber Plant
|eStore Promo
|[[File:Ironwoodplanter.png]]<br>Iron Wood Planter
|[[File:Ladybugplanter.png]]<br>Ladybug Planter
|2021 Spring Mystery Bag
|[[File:Lambflowerplanter.png]]<br>Lamb Flower Planter
|2022 Summer Mystery Bag
|[[File:Lovelytulipcenterpiece.png]]<br>Lovely Tulip Centerpiece
|2013 Spring Celebration Collection
|[[File:Merrymistletoeplanter.png]]<br>Merry Mistletoe Planter
|[[File:Modpatioplant.png]]<br>Mod Patio Plant
|2017 Flower Collection
|[[File:Moonflower.png]]<br>Moon Flower
|[[File:Mosaiczingozflowerpot.png]]<br>Mosaic Zingoz Flower Pot
|[[File:Mothersdaybuttercupsplant.png]]<br>Mother's Day Buttercups Plant
|Webkinz Newz
|[[File:Mothersdaylightbloom.png]]<br>Mother's Day Light Bloom
|[[File:Mothersdaypottedtigerlily.png]]<br>Mother's Day Potted Tiger Lily
|Webkinz Newz
|[[File:Nafariaspottedvine.png]]<br>Nafaria's Potted Vine
|Series 4 Trading Cards; Host Gift (Nafaria)
|[[File:Observantpottedplant.png]]<br>Observant Potted Plant
|[[File:Owlplanter.png]]<br>Owl Planter
|eStore Summer Mystery<br>2024 Summer Super Mystery Bag
|[[File:Paintedsunflowerplanter.png]]<br>Painted Sunflower Planter
|[[File:paleolithicplant.png]]<br>Paleolithic Plant
|[[File:Peachfloralplanter.png]]<br>Peach Floral Planter
|[[File:Petuniaspetunias.png]]<br>Petunia's Petunias
|Mazin Hamsters (Retired)
|[[File:Pigflowerplanter.png]]<br>Pig Flower Planter
|[[File:pinkpetunias.png]]<br>Pink Petunias
|[[File:Playfulflowerpot.png]]<br>Playful Flower Pot
|PSI Petal Print Skunk
|[[File:Poinsettiastrellis.png]]<br>Poinsettias Trellis
|[[File:Poisonivyplant.png]]<br>Poison Ivy Plant
|Nafaria's Star Trading
|[[File:Polkadotflowerdivider.png]]<br>Polka Dot Flower Divider
|eStore Promo
|[[File:Pottedgreentea.png]]<br>Potted Green Tea
|[[File:Pottedhouseplant.png]]<br>Potted House Plant
|Daily KinzCare
|[[File:Pottediceflower.png]]<br>Potted Ice Flower
|2010 Winterfest
|[[File:Pottedpinklily.png]]<br>Potted Pink Lily
|2014 Flower Collection
|[[File:Pottedplantwalldivider.png]]<br>Potted Plant Wall Divider
|[[File:Pottedspringsapling.png]]<br>Potted Spring Sapling
|Click-to-Win:Annual<br>Spring Celebration - 2023 White Chocolate Egg
|[[File:Pottedtigerlily.png]]<br>Potted Tiger Lily
|[[File:Pottedtropicalplant.png]]<br>Potted Tropical Plant
|Vacation Island<br>Sheldon's Souvenir Shop - Current
|[[File:Prettyfallplanter.png]]<br>Pretty Fall Planter
|[[File:Principalsofficeplant.png]]<br>Principal's Office Plant
|Kinzville Super School Giveaway
|[[File:Purplepottediceflower.png]]<br>Purple Potted Ice Flower
|Webkinz Newz
|[[File:Purplepottedflowers.png]]<br>Purple Potted Flowers
|[[File:Purplewitchhazelplant.png]]<br>Purple Witch Hazel Plant
|[[File:Raccoonplanter.png]]<br>Raccoon Planter
|[[File:Rainbowjellycactus.png]]<br>Rainbow Jelly Cactus
|Exclusive (Retired)
|[[File:Redtulips.png]]<br>Red Tulips
|[[File:Regencypottedfern.png]]<br>Regency Potted Ferm
|[[File:Reindeerplanter.png]]<br>Reindeer Planter
|[[File:Retrorainbowplant.png]]<br>Retro Rainbow Plant
|Clubhouse Retro Rainbow Room
|[[File:Rosegardenhanger.png]]<br>Rose Garden Hanger
|2017 Summer Mystery Bag
|[[File:Rubberbootgarden.png]]<br>Rubber Boot Garden
|2017 Spring Mystery Bag
|[[File:saguarocactus.png]]<br>Saguaro Cactus
|[[File:Santakinzplanter.png]]<br>SantaKinz Planter
|2021 Stocking
|[[File:Sleepyslothplanter.png]]<br>Sleepy Sloth Planter
|[[File:Smallsucculentplant.png]]<br>Small Succulent Plant
|2021 Spring Celebration
|[[File:Sparkleplant.png]]<br>Sparkle Plant
|Exclusive (Retired)
|[[File:spiderplant.png]]<br>Spider Plant
|[[File:Splitleafhouseplant.png]]<br>Split Leaf House Plant
|2022 Fall Fest
|[[File:Spottedprehistoricplant.png]]<br>Spotted Prehistoric Plant
|PSI Spotty Dinosaur
|[[File:Springeggplanter.png]]<br>Spring Egg Planter
|[[File:Springflowerpotdivider.png]]<br>Spring Flower Pot Divider
|eStore Spring Mystery Promo<br>2021 Spring Super Mystery Bag
|[[File:Springpatiodivider.png]]<br>Spring Patio Divider
|[[File:BluebutterflytrellisSquirrelplanter.png]]<br>Squirrel Planter
|Blue Butterfly Trellis
|Exclusive item available with pet adoption or from the Wish Factory '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FairywillowshrubStrikeaposingplant.png]]<br>Strike-a-Posing Plant
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Fairy Willow Shrub
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FreshicyshrubStripedelfplanter.png]]<br>Striped Elf Planter
|2021 Stocking
|Fresh Icy Shrub
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:GeraniumbushStylishpetuniaplanter.png]]<br>Stylish Petunia Planter
|Geranium Bush
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HibiscusbushSucculentplant.png]]<br>Succulent Plant
|2021 Spring Celebration
|Hibiscus Bush
|Vacation Island Raffle item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LuckygoldenshrubSucculentplantshelf.png]]<br>Succulent Plant Shelf
|2021 Spring Celebration
|Lucky Golden Shrub
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PaintedrosebushSummerpatioplanter.png]]<br>Summer Patio Planter
|Painted Rose Bush
|Rare item from the Whimsical Wonderland Theme '''Tradeable'''
|Poinsettia Trellis
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PolarberryshrubSweetflowerpot.png]]<br>Sweet Flower Pot
|Polarberry Shrub
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PurplefloweringhedgeTomatoplantpillar.png]]<br>Tomato Plant Pillar
|Purple Flowering Hedge
|2017 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RadiantrosebushTulipbootplanter.png]]<br>Tulip Boot Planter
|Radiant Rose Bush
|Pet Specific Item for the Rainforest Boa '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Rosebushtulipplanter.png]]<br>Tulip Planter
|Rose Bush
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Urbanbeautificationbicycleplanter.png]]<br>Urban Beautification Bicycle Planter
|Round Hedge
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SerenefloweringplantValentineplanter.png]]<br>Valentine Planter
|eStore Promo
|Serene Flowering Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SnowcoveredhedgeWaterfountainplanter.png]]<br>Water Fountain Planter
|Snow Covered Hedge
|2017 Winterfest Cookie prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SnowybushWateringcandivider.png]]<br>Watering Can Divider
|eStore Promo
|Snowy Bush
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SquarehedgeWateringcangarden.png]]<br>Watering Can Garden
|Square Hedge
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WandsparklebushWhiteorchid.png]]<br>White Orchid
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Wand Sparkle Bush
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Whitefloweringhedgewhitedaisies.png]]<br>White Daisies
|White Flowering Hedge
|2017 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WildblueberrybushWickedhalloweenplant.png]]<br>Wicked Halloween Plant
|Wild Blueberry Bush
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:WildbluerosebushWishingwellplanter.png]]<br>Wishing Well Planter
|Wild Blue Rose Bush
|2018 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WildpinkrosebushYangyinblossom.png]]<br>Yang Yin Blossom
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Wild Pink Rose Bush
|2018 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WildwhiterosebushYellowechinaceaplanter.png]]<br>Yellow Echinacea Planter
|Wild White Rose Bush
|2018 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WorkofartshrubberyYelloworchid.png]]<br>Yellow Orchid
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Work of Art Shrubbery
|Rare item from the Victorian Garden Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YellowrosetrellisYuccaindoorplant.png]]<br>Yucca Indoor Plant
|Growing Garden Seeds 2019 Series 1
|Yellow Rose Trellis
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
Line 891 ⟶ 1,345:
==Topiary PlantsTopiaries==
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:FairytopiaryBunnytopiary.png]]<br>Bunny Topiary
|2022 Spring Celebration
|Fairy Topiary
|Prize for completing the seventh set of Forest Charms in Fairy Falls '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CircleoffriendstopiaryButtercuppigtopiary.png]]<br>Buttercup Pig Topiary
|Circle of Friends Topiary
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ClovertopiaryButterflytopiary.png]]<br>Butterfly Topiary
|Deluxe Membership<br>Deluxe Day - May 2024
|Clover Topiary
|2017 Lucky Leprechaun prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DivingdolphintopiaryCircleoffriendstopiary.png]]<br>Circle of Friends Topiary
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Diving Dolphin Topiary
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FlowertopiaryClovertopiary.png]]<br>Clover Topiary
|Clubhouse 2017 Lucky Leprechaun
|Flower Topiary
|2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GreyowltopiaryDarlingdoetopiary.png]]<br>Darling Doe Topiary
|2019 Fall Fest
|Grey Owl Topiary
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HamstergardentopiaryDivingdolphintopiary.png]]<br>Diving Dolphin Topiary
|Hamster Garden Topiary
|Was a Mazin' Hamsters Timed Challenge prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HedgyhedgehogFairytopiary.png]]<br>Fairy Topiary
|Fairy Falls
|Hedgy Hedgehog
|Pet Specific Item for the 2008 Hedgehog '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HippotopiaryFallturkeytopiary.png]]<br>Fall Turkey Topiary
|Player Appreciation November 2022
|Hippo Topiary
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LovetopiaryFamilytogethertopiary.png]]<br>Family Together Topiary
|Love Topiary
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LuckyspiraltopiaryGreyowltopiary.png]]<br>Grey Owl Topiary
|Lucky Spiral Topiary
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MsbirdytopiaryHamstergardentopiary.png]]<br>Hamster Garden Topiary
|Mazin Hamsters (Retired)
|Ms. Birdy Topiary
|Family Score prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:OvergrownarchwayHedgyhedgehog.png]]<br>Hedgy Hedgehog
|PSI 2008 Hedgehog
|Overgrown Archway
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Peacocktopiaryhippotopiary.png]]<br>Hippo Topiary
|Peacock Topiary
|May 2018 Deluxe Day prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PlayfulpuptopiaryHungryhippotopiary.png]]<br>Hungry Hippo Topiary
|eStore Promo Seeds & Planter Boxes<br>2024 Planter Mystery Box Series 2
|Playful Pup Topiary
|Pet Specific Item for the Earth Pup '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RazieltopiaryKoalacuddlestopiary.png]]<br>Koala Cuddles Topiary
|Raziel Topiary
|Was a SPREE! prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpiralbushLiontopiary.png]]<br>Lion Topiary
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Spiral Bush
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpiralpinkrosesLovekittentopiary.png]]<br>Love Kitten Topiary
|eStore Promo
|Spiral Pink Roses
|Pet Specific Item for the Pink and White Dog '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpringeggtopiaryLovetopiary.png]]<br>Love Topiary
|Webkinz Newz
|Spring Egg Topiary
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:TopiaryofclubsLuckyspiraltopiary.png]]<br>Lucky Spiral Topiary
|Topiary of Clubs
|Trading Cards Series 2 item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TopiaryofdiamondsMsbirdytopiary.png]]<br>Ms Birdy Topiary
|Family Score
|Topiary of Diamonds
|Trading Cards Series 2 item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TopiaryofheartsPeacocktopiary.png]]<br>Peacock Topiary
|Deluxe May 2018
|Topiary of Hearts
|Trading Cards Series 2 item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TopiaryofspadesPenguintopiary.png]]<br>Penguin Topiary
|Topiary of Spades
|Trading Cards Series 2 item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TurkeytopiaryPlayfulpuptopiary.png]]<br>Playful Pup Topiary
|PSI Earth Pup
|Turkey Topiary
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:VictoriangardensculptedtreePuppylovetopiary.png]]<br>Puppy Love Topiary
|Victorian Garden Sculpted Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ZangoztopiaryRazieltopiary.png]]<br>Raziel Topiary
|Zangoz Topiary
|WackyER Zingoz prize only available during the Wacky Zingoz Celebration upon reaching a score of 11,000 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZumtopiaryRosydolphintopiary.png]]<br>Rosy Dolphin Topiary
|Zum Topiary
|Zumwhere prize for completing the Tricky Zum collection
|[[File:Smittenkittentopiary.png]]<br>Smitten Kitten Topiary
|eStore Promo
|[[File:Spiralpinkroses.png]]<br>Spiral Pink Roses
|PSI Pink and White Dog
|[[File:Springeggtopiary.png]]<br>Spring Egg Topiary
|[[File:Topiaryofclubs.png]]<br>Topiary of Clubs
|Series 2 Trading Cards
|[[File:Topiaryofdiamonds.png]]<br>Topiary of Diamonds
|Series 2 Trading Cards
|[[File:Topiaryofhearts.png]]<br>Topiary of Hearts
|Series 2 Trading Cards
|[[File:Topiaryofspades.png]]<br>Topiary of Spades
|Series 2 Trading Cards
|[[File:Turkeytopiary.png]]<br>Turkey Topiary
|[[File:Unicorntopiary.png]]<br>Unicorn Topiary
|[[File:Wackytopiary.png]]<br>Wacky Topiary
|Deluxe August 2022
|[[File:Zangoztopiary.png]]<br>Zangoz Topiary
|Wacky Zingoz Celebration
|[[File:Zumtopiary.png]]<br>Zum Topiary
Line 1,012 ⟶ 1,514:
{| class="greentable sortable" width="70%"
To see Candy Trees and other tree food dispensers, click [[Dispensers_%26_Foods_Collection#Food_Plants|HERE]], to see Christmas Trees, click [[Christmas_Tree_Collection|HERE]], and to see tree swings, click [[Swings_Collection|HERE]]
{| class="greentable" width="70%"
|- align="left"
|[[File:Acaciatree.png]]<br>Acacia Tree
|[[File:Alpineevergreentrees.png]]<br>Alpine Evergreen Trees
|Mazin Hamsters (Retired)
|[[File:Appleblossomtree.png]]<br>Apple Blossom Tree
|[[File:Applesaplingtree.png]]<br>Apple Sapling Tree
|[[File:Aquamarinebutterflytree.png]]<br>Aquamarine Butterfly Tree
|[[File:Autumnclimbingtree.png]]<br>Autumn Climbing Tree
|2017 Fall Mystery Bag
|[[File:Autumnpatiolightuptrees.png]]<br>Autumn Patio Light Up Trees
|eStore Promo
|[[File:Autumntrees.png]]<br>Autumn Trees
|[[File:Bambootree.png]]<br>Bamboo Tree
|[[File:Baobabtree.png]]<br>Baobab Tree
|[[File:Barnyardfloweringtree.png]]<br>Barnyard Flowering Tree
|[[File:Beanstalkclimbingtree.png]]<br>Bean Stalk Climbing Tree
|Adventure Park Beanstalk Birthday Quest
|[[File:Beautifulbirch.png]]<br>Beautiful Birch
|[[File:Bloomsamazingtree.png]]<br>Bloom's Amazing Tree
|Amazing World
|[[File:Bloomingbroccolitree.png]]<br>Blooming Broccoli Tree
|[[File:Bloomingtree.png]]<br>Blooming Tree
|Adventure Park Camel Chaos Mini Quest
|[[File:Blossomingflowertree.png]]<br>Blossoming Flower Tree
|PSI Purple Floral Fox
|[[File:Blossomingtree.png]]<br>Blossoming Tree
|[[File:Blushingwillow.png]]<br>Blushing Willow
|2017 Spring Mystery Bag
|[[File:Botanicalgardentree.png]]<br>Botanical Garden Tree
|[[File:Bowwowbonetree.png]]<br>Bow Wow Bone Tree
|PSI Jack Russell Terrier
|[[File:Brownelmtree.png]]<br>Brown Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz
|[[File:Busybeehive.png]]<br>Busy Bee Hive
|PSI American Black Bear
|[[File:Campkinzlanterntree.png]]<br>CampKinz Lantern Tree
|2014 Marshmallow Collection
|[[File:Carvedgemtree.png]]<br>Carved Gem Tree
|2014 Stocking
|[[File:Cassiatree.png]]<br>Cassia Tree
|2019 Summer Mystery Bag
|[[File:Changingseasonstree.png]]<br>Changing Seasons Tree
|[[File:Charmingcherrytree.png]]<br>Charming Cherry Tree
|[[File:Cherryblossombutterflytree.png]]<br>Cherry Blossom Butterfly Tree
|Deluxe April 2014
|[[File:cherryblossomtree.png]]<br>Cherry Blossom Tree
|[[File:Chillycyprustree.png]]<br>Chilly Cyprus Tree
|[[File:Classicvillacypresstrees.png]]<br>Classic Villa Cypress Trees
|[[File:2010climbingtree.png]]<br>Climbing Tree
|[[File:Colorchangingtree.png]]<br>Color Changing Tree
|PSI 2017 Chameleon
|[[File:Colorfulautumntree.png]]<br>Colorful Autumn Tree
|[[File:Cottoncandytree.png]]<br>Cotton Candy Tree
|[[File:Countrysidepinetree.png]]<br>Countryside Pine Tree
|2016 Christmas Seasonal WShop
|[[File:Cranberrytrees.png]]<br>Cranberry Trees
|[[File:Creepycrawlyhalloweentree.png]]<br>Creepy Crawly Halloween Tree
|[[File:Creepyswampgrove.png]]<br>Creepy Swamp Grove
|[[File:Creepyswamptree.png]]<br>Creepy Swamp Tree
|[[File:Cursedtree.png]]<br>Cursed Tree
|[[File:Darlinghearttrees.png]]<br>Darling Heart Trees
|[[File:Deepforesthideout.png]]<br>Deep Forest Hideout
|[[File:Deliciousdeciduoustree.png]]<br>Delicious Deciduous Tree
|[[File:Dogwoodtree.png]]<br>Dogwood Tree
|2019 Summer Mystery Bag
|[[File:Dreideldecoratedtree.png]]<br>Dreidel Decorated Tree
|[[File:Elegantalder.png]]<br>Elegant Alder
|Trash Recycling
|[[File:elmtree.png]]<br>Elm Tree
|[[File:Enchantedevergreentree.png]]<br>Enchanted Evergreen Tree
|[[File:Fairydenwillow.png]]<br>Fairy Den Willow
|[[File:Fairyforesttree.png]]<br>Fairy Forest Tree
|[[File:Fairykinzwillow.png]]<br>Fairykinz Willow
|eStore Promo
|[[File:AcaciatreeFallforestfloweringtree.png]]<br>Fall Forest Flowering Tree
|eStore Fall Mystery Promo<br>2023 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag
|Acacia Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:AlpineevergreentreesFallforesttree.png]]<br>Fall Forest Tree
|eStore Fall Mystery Promo<br>2023 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag
|Alpine Evergreen Trees
|Was a Mazin' Hamsters Mall prize; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:AncientoaktreeFallfuntree.png]]<br>Fall Fun Tree
|2017 Acorn Collection
|Ancient Oak Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ApplesaplingtreeFalloaktree.png]]<br>Fall Oak Tree
|Deluxe September 2019
|Apple Sapling Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:AquamarinebutterflytreeFalltree.png]]<br>Fall Tree
|2017 Fall Mystery Bag
|Aquamarine Butterfly Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:AutumnclimbingtreeFallwisteriatree.png]]<br>Fall Wisteria Tree
|Autumn Climbing Tree
|2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BackyardbuckeyetreeFantasticfruittree.png]]<br>Fantastic Fruit Tree
|Backyard Buckeye Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BarnyardflowingtreeFeelslikefalltrees.png]]<br>Feels Like Fall Trees
|2015 Fall Mystery Bag
|Barnyard Flowing Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BeanstalkclimbingtreeFeelslikespringtrees.png]]<br>Feels Like Spring Trees
|2017 Spring Mystery Bag
|Bean Stalk Climbing Tree
|Adventure Park Grand Prize from the Beanstalk Birthday Quest '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BeautifulbirchFestivefirtree.png]]<br>Festive Fir Tree
|Beautiful Birch
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Bloomingtreefirtree.png]]<br>Fir Tree
|Blooming Tree
|Adventure Park Grand Prize from the Camel Chaos Mini Quest '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BloomsamazingtreeFirstsnowappletree.png]]<br>First Snow Apple Tree
|Bloom's Amazing Tree
|Amazing World prize for reaching Level 10 XP in Amazing World; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Flourishingtreeandflowerbed.png]]<br>Flourishing Tree and Flower Bed
|Blossoming Flower Tree
|Pet Specific Item for the Purple Floral Fox '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BlushingwillowFlowertopiary.png]]<br>Flower Topiary
|2017 Spring Mystery Bag
|Blushing Willow
|2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BotanicalgardentreeFloweringfringetree.png]]<br>Flowering Fringe Tree
|Botanical Garden Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:BowwowbonetreeFlowingpalmtree.png]]<br>Flowing Palm Tree
|Vacation Island
|Bow Wow Bone Tree
|Pet Specific Item for the Jack Russell Terrier '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BrownelmtreeFourseasonstree.png]]<br>Four Seasons Tree
|Brown Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BusybeehiveFreakyforesttreeperch.png]]<br>Freaky Forest Tree Perch
|PSI Cheshire Cat
|Busy Bee Hive
|Pet Specific Item for the American Black Bear '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CampkinzlanterntreeFreshlyplantedgarden.png]]<br>Freshly Planted Garden
|CampKinz Lantern Tree
|2014 Marshmallow Collection Event prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CarvedgemtreeFrozencherryblossomtree.png]]<br>Frozen Cherry Blossom Tree
|PSI Frosty Fawn
|Carved Gem Tree
|2014 Sweet Snowflake Stocking prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ChangingseasonstreeGardenpartytree.png]]<br>Garden Party Tree
|eStore Promo
|Changing Seasons Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Charmingcherrytreegardensprucetree.png]]<br>Garden Spruce Tree
|Charming Cherry Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:CherryblossombutterflytreeGhostlypottedmaple.png]]<br>Ghostly Potted Maple
|2018 Halloween Challenge
|Cherry Blossom Butterfly Tree
|April 2014 Deluxe Day prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CherryblossomtreeGiantoaktree.png]]<br>Giant Oak Tree
|2019 Fall Fest
|Cherry Blossom Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Chillycyprustreeginkgotree.png]]<br>Ginkgo Tree
|Chilly Cyprus Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ClassicvillacypresstreesGlampingtree.png]]<br>Glamping Tree
|eStore Promo
|Classic Villa Cypress Trees
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ClimbingtreeGoldenappletree.png]]<br>Golden Apple Tree
|Climbing Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ColorchangingtreeGoldenelmtree.png]]<br>Golden Elm Tree
|Color Changing Tree
|Pet Specific Item for the 2017 Chameleon
|[[File:ColorfulautumntreeGrandcharmlingtree.png]]<br>Grand Charmling Tree
|Fairy Falls
|Colorful Autumn Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:CottoncandytreeGrannysmithappletree.png]]<br>Granny Smith Apple Tree
|Cotton Candy Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:CountrysidepinetreeHauntedhickorytree.png]]<br>Haunted Hickory Tree
|Countryside Pine Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Healthyharvesthawthornetree.png]]<br>Healthy Harvest Hawthorne Tree
|Cranberry Trees
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Cursedtreehibiscustree.png]]<br>Hibiscus Tree
|Cursed Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:DarlinghearttreesHollowtreehideout.png]]<br>Hollow Tree Hideout
|eStore Promo
|Darling Heart Trees
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:DeepforesthideoutHollowtreepedestal.png]]<br>Hollow Tree Pedestal
|2020 Spring Celebration
|Deep Forest Hideout
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:DeliciousdeciduoustreeHollyberrytree.png]]<br>Holly Berry Tree
|Delicious Deciduous Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:DreideldecoratedtreeIcecreamtree.png]]<br>Ice Cream Tree
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Dreidel Decorated Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:ElegantalderIcecreamtreereplica.png]]<br>Ice Cream Tree Replica
|Elegant Alder
|Trash Recycling prize for recycling 400 items
|[[File:ElmtreeIcyholidaytrees.png]]<br>Icy Holiday Trees
|2021 Stocking
|Elm Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:EnchantedevergreentreeIndoormoneytreeplant.png]]<br>Indoor Money Tree Plant
|Growing Garden Seeds2019 Series 2
|Enchanted Evergreen Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FairydenwillowJacarandatree.png]]<br>Jacaranda Tree
|2019 Spring Mystery Bag
|Fairy Den Willow
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FairyforesttreeJellybeantree.png]]<br>Jellybean Tree
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Fairy Forest Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FairykinzwillowJellylollipoptree.png]]<br>Jelly Lollipop Tree
|Exclusive (Retired)
|Fairykinz Willow
|Ganz eStore Promotional item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fallfuntreejuniperbonsaitree.png]]<br>Juniper Bonsai Tree
|Fall Fun Tree
|2017 Acorn Collection Event prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FalltreeLemonsourwoodtree.png]]<br>Lemon Sourwood Tree
|Fall Tree
|2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FallwisteriatreeLovelyacaciatree.png]]<br>Lovely Acacia Tree
|PSI Lovely Giraffe
|Fall Wisteria Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FantasticfruittreeLovelylocusttree.png]]<br>Lovely Locust Tree
|Fantastic Fruit Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FeelslikefalltreesLuckyblossomingtree.png]]<br>Lucky Blossoming Tree
|Feels Like Fall Trees
|2015 Fall Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FeelslikespringtreesLuckyclovertree.png]]<br>Lucky Clover Tree
|Feels Like Spring Trees
|2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FestivefirtreeLuckylilactree.png]]<br>Lucky Lilac Tree
|Festive Fir Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FirstsnowappletreeMagicalmagentatree.png]]<br>Magical Magenta Tree
|First Snow Apple Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FirtreeMagicmapletree.png]]<br>Magic Maple Tree
|Fir Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FlourishingtreeandflowerbedMagnoliatree.png]]<br>Magnolia Tree
|Mirror Mirror Promo; GanzWorld Reward
|Flourishing Tree and Flower Bed
|Rare item from the Victorian Garden Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FloweringfringetreeMajesticpalmtrees.png]]<br>Majestic Palm Trees
|Flowering Fringe Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FlowingpalmtreeMerrymistletoetree.png]]<br>Merry Mistletoe Tree
|Flowing Palm Tree
|Vacation Island Raffle item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FourseasonstreeMidnightmagnolia.png]]<br>Midnight Magnolia
|Four Seasons Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:FreakyforesttreeperchMiniyetiforest.png]]<br>Mini-Yeti Forest
|Freaky Forest Tree Perch
|Pet Specific Item for the Cheshire Cat '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FrozencherryblossomtreeMiniaturebonsaitree.png]]<br>Miniature Bonsai Tree
|Frozen Cherry Blossom Tree
|Pet Specific Item for the Frosty Fawn '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Gardensprucetreeminiatureorangetree.png]]<br>Miniature Orange Tree
|Garden Spruce Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GinkgotreeMonkey&monkeybananatree.png]]<br>Monkey & Monkey Banana Tree
|Series 3 Trading Cards; Spring Cleaning Challenge
|Ginkgo Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GlampingtreeMoonlitevergreen.png]]<br>Moonlit Evergreen
|PSI Winter Solstice Stag
|Glamping Tree
|Ganz eStore Promotional item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GoldenappletreeMusicnotetree.png]]<br>Music Note Tree
|Golden Apple Tree
|Exclusive item available from pet adoption or the Wish Factory '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GoldenelmtreeNuttyconveyorbelt.png]]<br>Nutty Conveyor Belt
|PSI Signature Chipmunk
|Golden Elm Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:GrandcharmlingtreeOrangeelmtree.png]]<br>Orange Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz
|Grand Charmling Tree
|Grand Prize for completing Fairy Falls Webkinz Charms collection '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GrannysmithappletreeOaktreesapling.png]]<br>Oak Tree Sapling
|Granny Smith Apple Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HauntedhickorytreePalmtrees.png]]<br>Palm Trees
|Haunted Hickory Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HealthyharvesthawthornetreePartypalmtree.png]]<br>Party Palm Tree
|Healthy Harvest Hawthorne Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:HollowtreehideoutPeacefulforestsacredtree.png]]<br>Peaceful Forest Sacred Tree
|eStore Promo
|Hollow Tree Hideout
|Fairytale Forest ?? Box item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HollyberrytreePiggyplumtree.png]]<br>Piggy Plum Tree
|Holly Berry Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:IcecreamtreePinkblossomhideout.png]]<br>Pink Blossom Hideout
|PSI Lovely Panda
|Ice Cream Tree
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:IcecreamtreereplicaPinkcottoncandytree.png]]<br>Pink Cotton Candy Tree
|Lorax Promo
|Ice Cream Tree Replica
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:JacarandatreePinkmagnoliatree.png]]<br>Pink Magnolia Tree
|Jacaranda Tree
|2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Jellylollipoptreeponytailpalm.png]]<br>Ponytail Palm
|Jelly Lollipop Tree
|Was available as an exclusive with pet adoption; now retired '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LemonsourwoodtreePottedelmtree.png]]<br>Potted Elm Tree
|2007 Fall Fest
|Lemon Sourwood Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:LovelyacaciatreePottedicicletree.png]]<br>Potted Icicle Tree
|2008 Winterfest
|Lovely Acacia Tree
|Pet Specific Item for the Lovely Giraffe '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LovelylocusttreePottedmapletree.png]]<br>Potted Maple Tree
|2012 Fall Fest
|Lovely Locust Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:LuckylilactreePottedsugarmapletree.png]]<br>Potted Sugar Maple Tree
|2015 Fall Fest
|Lucky Lilac Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:LuckyblossomingtreePreciousautumntree.png]]<br>Precious Autumn Tree
|Lucky Blossoming Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:LuckyclovertreePreciouspinktree.png]]<br>Precious Pink Tree
|Lucky Clover Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MagicalmagentatreePrettypaperlanterntree.png]]<br>Pretty Paper Lantern Tree
|Magical Magenta Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MagicmapletreePrettypottedpine.png]]<br>Pretty Potted Pine
|Magic Maple Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MajesticpalmtreesPrunedpoplar.png]]<br>Pruned Poplar
|Trash Recycling
|Majestic Palm Trees
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MidnightmagnoliaPurplelilactree.png]]<br>Purple Lilac Tree
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Midnight Magnolia
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:MiniaturebonsaitreeRadiantrosetree.png]]<br>Radiant Rose Tree
|Miniature Bonsai Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Miniyetiforestredelmtree.png]]<br>Red Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz
|Mini-Yeti Forest
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Monkey&monkeybananatreeSavannahtreeperch.png]]<br>Savannah Tree Perch
|Monkey & Monkey Banana Tree
|Trading Cards Series 3 item; also available from the Spring Cleaning Challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MoonlitevergreenSecludedgardentree.png]]<br>Secluded Garden Tree
|Moonlit Evergreen
|Pet Specific Item for the Winter Solstice Stag '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MusicnotetreeSerenefloweringplant.png]]<br>Serene Flowering Plant
|Music Note Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:NuttyconveyorbeltSerenegreentree.png]]<br>Serene Green Tree
|Nutty Conveyor Belt
|Pet Specific Item for the Signature Chipmunk '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:OrangeelmtreeSnowcoveredcedar.png]]<br>Snow Covered Cedar
|2017 Winterfest
|Orange Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PalmtreesSnowcoveredmapletree.png]]<br>Snow Covered Maple Tree
|2017 Winterfest
|Palm Trees
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PartypalmtreeSnowycedar.png]]<br>Snowy Cedar
|Party Palm Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PeacefulforestsacredtreeSnowyoaktree.png]]<br>Snowy Oak Tree
|2020 Winterfest
|Peaceful Forest Sacred Tree
|Peaceful Forest ?? Box item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PiggyplumtreeSparklespringstree.png]]<br>Sparkle Springs Tree
|Webkinz Newz
|Piggy Plum Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PinkblossomhideoutSpectacularspruce.png]]<br>Spectacular Spruce
|Trash Recycling
|Pink Blossom Hideout
|Pet Specific Item for the Lovely Panda '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PinkcottoncandytreeSpiralspiretreeplant.png]]<br>Spiral Spire Tree Plant
|Pink Cotton Candy Tree
|Lorax Movie Promotion prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PreciousautumntreeSpookypine.png]]<br>Spooky Pine
|Seasonal WShop<br>Halloween - 2023
|Precious Autumn Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PreciouspinktreeSpookyspindletree.png]]<br>Spooky Spindle Tree
|Precious Pink Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PrettypaperlanterntreeSportysprucetree.png]]<br>Sporty Spruce Tree
|Pretty Paper Lantern Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:PrunedpoplarSpringblossomingtree.png]]<br>Spring Blossoming Tree
|2016 Spring Mystery Bag
|Pruned Poplar
|Trash Recycling prize for recycling 600 items
|[[File:PurplelilactreeSpringclimbingtree.png]]<br>Spring Climbing Tree
|2022 Spring Mystery Bag
|Purple Lilac Tree
|2017 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RadiantrosetreeSpringeggtree.png]]<br>Spring Egg Tree
|Radiant Rose Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:RedelmtreeSpringmelttree.png]]<br>Spring Melt Tree
|eStore Promo
|Red Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SavannahtreeperchSpringoasiswillow.png]]<br>Spring Oasis Willow
|eStore Spring Mystery Promo<br>2024 Spring Super Mystery Bag
|Savannah Tree Perch
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SecludedgardentreeSpringsapling.png]]<br>Spring Sapling
|2016 Spring Celebration
|Secluded Garden Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SerenegreentreeSpringwisteria.png]]<br>Spring Wisteria
|Serene Green Tree
|Rare item from the Victorian Garden Theme '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SnowcoveredcedarSpringtimetreeperch.png]]<br>Springtime Tree Perch
|Snow Covered Cedar
|Winterfest prize first introduced in 2017 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SnowcoveredmapletreeSpringtree.png]]<br>Spring Tree
|Snow Covered Maple Tree
|2017 Winterfest Cookie prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SnowycedarSteepedteatree.png]]<br>Steeped Tea Tree
|Snowy Cedar
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SparklespringstreeSummersumactree.png]]<br>Summer Sumac Tree
|Sparkle Springs Tree
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpectacularspruceSummerytree.png]]<br>Summery Tree
|Spectacular Spruce
|Trash Recycling prize for recycling 500 items
|[[File:SpiralspiretreeplantSweetsugarmapletree.png]]<br>Sweet Sugar Maple Tree
|Spiral Spire Tree Plant
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SpookyspindletreeTalltreehideaway.png]]<br>Tall Tree Hideaway
|PSI Sifaka Lemur
|Spooky Spindle Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SportysprucetreeTerrifyingtrees.png]]<br>Terrifying Trees
|Sporty Spruce Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SpringeggtreeTigerlilywillow.png]]<br>Tiger Lily Willow
|Spring Egg Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Trickortreatstreetmapletree.png]]<br>Trick or Treat Street Maple Tree
|2020 Halloween Seasonal WShop
|Spring Sapling
|2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpringtimetreeperchTrickortreatstreettree.png]]<br>Trick or Treat Street Tree
|2019 Halloween Seasonal WShop
|Springtime Tree Perch
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SpringtreeTropicalholidayspalmtree.png]]<br>Tropical Holidays Palm Tree
|eStore Promo
|Spring Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SpringwisteriaTropicalholidaystree.png]]<br>Tropical Holidays Tree
|eStore Promo
|Spring Wisteria
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SummersumactreeTruelovetree.png]]<br>True Love Tree
|2015 Year 1 Time Capsule
|Summer Sumac Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:SummerytreeVibrantrainbowtree.png]]<br>Vibrant Rainbow Tree
|Summery Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Victoriangardensculptedtree.png]]<br>Victorian Garden Sculpted Tree
|Sweet Sugar Maple Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:TalltreehideawayWailingwillowtree.png]]<br>Wailing Willow Tree
|2015 Halloween Seasonal WShop
|Tall Tree Hideaway
|Pet Specific Item for the Sifaka Lemur '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TruelovetreeWandsparkletree.png]]<br>Wand Sparkle Tree
|Woodland Wonders
|True Love Tree
|2015 10th Anniversary Celebration prize from Year 1 Time Capsule '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:VibrantrainbowtreeWeepingbottlebrushtree.png]]<br>Weeping Bottlebrush Tree
|2019 Summer Mystery Bag
|Vibrant Rainbow Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:WailingwillowtreeWeepingspaghettiwillow.png]]<br>Weeping Spaghetti Willow
|Wailing Willow Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WandsparkletreeWhitelilactree.png]]<br>White Lilac Tree
|2017 Spring Celebration
|Wand Sparkle Tree
|Woodland Wonders item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WebkinzwillowtreeWickedhalloweentree.png]]<br>Wicked Halloween Tree
|Webkinz Willow Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:WhitelilactreeWillowstree.png]]<br>Willow's Tree
|Mazin Hamsters; Wish Factory
|White Lilac Tree
|2017 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WillowstreeWinterpatiotree.png]]<br>Winter Patio Tree
|eStore Promo
|Willow's Tree
|Was a Mazin' Hamster Key Craze prize; now retired; Still available as a prize from the Wish Factory '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WinterberrytreeWinterwonderoaktree.png]]<br>Winter Wonder Oak Tree
|Winterberry Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:WinterwonderoaktreeWinterberrytree.png]]<br>Winterberry Tree
|Winter Wonder Oak Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Wisteriatreewisteriatree.png]]<br>Wisteria Tree
|Wisteria Tree
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Witheredtree.png]]<br>Withered Tree
|Withered Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Wizkinzappletree.png]]<br>Wiz Kinz Apple Tree
|Wiz Kinz Apple Tree
|Ganz eStore item
|[[File:Yellowelmtreeyellowelmtree.png]]<br>Yellow Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz
|Yellow Elm Tree
|Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Zumdreamingtree.png]]<br>Zum Dreaming Tree
|Zum Dreaming Tree
|Zum Catalog prize '''Tradeable'''
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Latest revision as of 20:59, 28 June 2024

This page is protected .

>> Click here to return to the Item Collections Index.

To see Candy Trees and other tree food dispensers, click HERE, to see Christmas Trees, click HERE, and to see tree swings, click HERE
To see Growing Gardens Seeds, click HERE
To see Patio Plants and other potted plant food dispensers, click HERE

Bouquets & Vases

Item Availability Tradeable

A+ Teacher's Bouquet
Kinzville Academy (Retired) Yes

Beautiful Bouquet
2019 Flower Collection Yes

Be My Valentine Bouquet
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection Yes

Bouquet of Lilies
2021 Easter Yes

Bouquet of Marigolds
2013 Fall Fest Yes

Chocolate Tulip Bouquet
2020 Spring Celebration Yes

Flower Cub Vase
Clubhouse Tea Party Room Yes

Flower Shop Bouquet
Clubhouse Love Frog Yes

Forever You Rose
2010 Valentine Yes

Fresh Cut Flowers
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

Fresh Cut Tulips
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Fresh Tulips from the Garden
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Fresh Wildflowers from the Garden
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Glowing Vase
Webkinz Newz Yes

Golden Base Vase
eStore No

Goo-Goo Berry Bouquet
Berry Fest - 2024

Heart's Desire Roses
2008 Valentine Yes

Helping Paws Club Bouquet
Helping Paws Yes

Jar of Flowers
Spring Celebration - 2023 White Chocolate Egg

Light Pink Rose in Crystal Vase
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection Yes

Lovely Caring Bouquet
Caring Valley Yes

Mother's Day Floral Bouquet
Webkinz Newz Yes

Mother's Day Vase
Community Codes Yes

Neo Gothic Roses
Community Codes Yes

Pink Hydrangeas
Pretty Pink Poodle Figure Yes

Pink Rose in a Crystal Vase
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection Yes

Polarberry Bouquet
Berry Fest - 2024

Pretty Pink Roses
Webkinz Newz Yes

Purple Rose in Crystal Vase
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection Yes

Rainbow Flowers
WShop Yes

Red Roses
WShop Yes

Red Rose in Crystal Vase
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Yes

Spring Egg Bouquet
eStore No

Sweetheart Bouquet
2018 Valentine Collection Yes

Sweetheart Roses
2020 Valentine Collection Yes

Synthosphane Floor Vase
WShop Yes

Tea Pot Vase
Community Codes Yes

Valentine's Bouquet
2007 Valentine Yes

Vase of Pink Petunias
GanzWord Rewards Yes

Watering Can Bouquet
2021 Fall Fest Yes

White Rose in Crystal Vase
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection Yes

Yellow Rose in Crystal Vase
2011 Cinnamon's Chocolate Collection Yes


Item Availability Tradeable

Allium Flowers
WShop Yes

Baby Blue Tulips
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Barnyard Flower Garden
eStore No

Blooming Dandelion
Pet of the Month (Retired) Yes

Blue Butterfly Trellis
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Blue Crystal Flower
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Blue Iris Flowers
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Blue Wildflowers
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Bright Red Tulips
Clubhouse Tulip Room Yes

Cabbage Patch
WShop Yes

Cattail Divider
eStore No

Cave Potato Plant
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Charm Forest Flowers
Magic Mire Yes

Charm Forest Lollipop Flowers
Webkinz Newz Yes

Colorful Cactus
Daily KinzCare Yes

Colossal Colorful Cactus
Daily KinzCare (Retired) Yes

Corn Field Section
eStore No

Corn Stalk
WShop Yes

Daisy Patch
WShop Yes

2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Fairy Den Garden
eStore Promo Yes

Fairytale Forest Flower Patch
eStore Promo Yes

Fancy Ferns
eStore No

Flowered Stone Well
WShop Yes

Flower Garden
WShop Yes

Friendly Face Flower
Rare Yes

Giant Bamboo Garden
eStore No

Giant Gladiolus Garden
Exclusive Yes

Gian Pumpkin Patch
WShop Yes

Giant Rafflesia Plant
Webkinz Friends; Wish Factory Yes

Giant Water Lily
Exclusive Yes

Glorious Garden Patch
PSI Ginger Bunny Yes

Green Crystal Flower
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Guzmania Plant
WShop Yes

Halloween Garden
eStore No

Happy Hoppy Tulip Patch
PSI Cheeky Bunny Yes

Holiday Garden
eStore No

Hydrangea Divider
eStore No

Iris Garden
WShop Yes

Lovely Larkspur Garden
eStore No

Mad Flower
Rare Yes

Magic Meadow Flower Patch
eStore No

Magic Rainbow Plant
eStore No

Marigold Patch
eStore No

Mini Larkspur Plant
eStore No

Mixed Crocus Flowers
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Mixed Purple Tulips
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Mixed Wildflowers
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Orange Lilies
2021 Spring Celebration Yes

Orange Tulips
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Peach Buttercup Plant
eStore No

Pink Blossom Trellis
Webkinz Newz Yes

Pink Crocus Flowers
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Pink Crystal Flower
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Pink Daffodils
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

Pink Lilies
2021 Spring Celebration Yes

Pink Tulips
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Pink Wildflowers
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Prehistoric Plant
PSI Stegosaurus Yes

Prize Winning Pumpkin Patch
eStore No

Pumpkin Patch
WShop Yes

Purple Crocus Flowers
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

Purple Crystal Flower
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Purple Wildflowers
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Rainbow Flower Display
eStore Promo Yes

Red and White Stripe Tulips
Clubhouse Tulip Room Yes

Red and Yellow Stripe Tulips
Clubhouse Tulip Room Yes

Red Iris Flowers
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Red Flower
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Red Tulips
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Secluded Garden Enchanted Flowerbed
eStore No

Serene Gladiolus Garden
eStore No

Single Red Rose
eStore No

Southwestern Garden Patch
eStore No

Spilled Flower Garden
2016 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Spring Melt Flower Patch
eStore Promo Yes

WShop Yes

Tiger Lily Patch
eStore No

Tribute to Mom Garden
eStore No

White Crocus Flowers
2019 Spring Celebration Yes

White Daffodils
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

White Iris Flowers
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

White Lilies
2021 Spring Celebration Yes

White Tulips
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

White Wildflowers
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Withered Plants
eStore No

Wiz Kinz Flower Column
eStore No

Yellow Blossom Trellis
Webkinz Newz Yes

Yellow Crystal Flower
Adventure Park Quick Quest Yes

Yellow Daffodils
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

Yellow Iris Flowers
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Yellow Rose Trellis
WShop Yes

Yellow Tulips
2016 Spring Celebration Yes


Item Availability Tradeable

Apple Farm Floor Tile
2016 Fall Fest Yes

Barnyard Pasture Tile
eStore No

Cotton Candy Grass
eStore No

Field of Daisies Floor Tile
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Forest Floor Tile
WShop Yes

Lightning Bugs and Grass
Good Dinosaur Promo Yes

Prairie Fire Sedge
eStore No

Pretty Pink Pasture
PSI Blushing Fawn Yes

Rain Washed Meadow
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Rainbow Apple Floor Tile
eStore No

Springtime Meadow Tile
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Tetra Terrain Meadow
Zootopia Promo Yes

Tetra Terrain Rainforest
Zootopia Promo Yes

Hedges & Shrubs

Item Availability Tradeable

Butterfly Bush Hedge
eStore No

Caramel Corn Shrub
eStore No

Fairy Willow Shrub
eStore No

Fall Forest Shrub
eStore Fall Mystery Promo
2023 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag

Fresh Icy Shrub
eStore No

Geranium Bush
WShop Yes

Hibiscus Bush
Vacation Island Yes

Icy North Hedge
eStore No

Lucky Golden Shrub
eStore No

Overgrown Archway
WShop Yes

Painted Rose Bush
Rare Yes

Polarberry Shrub
eStore No

Purple Flowering Hedge
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Radiant Rose Bush
PSI Rainforest Boa Yes

Reindeer Planter
eStore No

Rooster Planter
eStore No

Rose Bush
WShop Yes

Rose Bush Hedge
eStore No

Round Hedge
WShop Yes

Shriveled Shrubs
eStore No

Snow Covered Hedge
2017 Winterfest Yes

Snowy Bush
eStore; Also was awarded for 2022 January Player Appreciation No

Spring Egg Shrub
eStore No

Spring Oasis Hedge
eStore Spring Mystery Promo
2024 Sunny Spring Super Mystery Bag

Spiral Bush
WShop Yes

Square Hedge
WShop Yes

Summer Citrus Bush
eStore No

Trick or Treat Street Hedge
2019 Halloween Seasonal WShop Yes

Wand Sparkle Bush
Webkinz Newz Yes

White Flowering Hedge
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

White Roses Arch
Deluxe May 2022 Yes

Wild Blue Rose Bush
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

Wild Blueberry Bush
eStore No

Wild Pink Rose Bush
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

Wild White Rose Bush
2018 Spring Celebration Yes

Work of Art Shrubbery
Rare Yes


Item Availability Tradeable

WShop Yes

Baby Buttercups Plant
eStore No

Barrel Cactus
WShop Yes

Bean Stalk Planter
Adventure Park Beanstalk Birthday Quest Yes

Bear Planter
eStore No

Bellacourt Blooming Flower
Rare Yes

Begonia Flower Box
WShop Yes

Bench Planter
eStore No

Beyond Be-leaf Cactus
WShop (Retired) Yes

Blossoming Hanging Plant
eStore No

Blue Orchid
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Blue Petunias
WShop Yes

Boho Terracotta Planters
WShop Yes

Bucket of Tulips
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Candy Bash Cactus
Candy Bash 2 Arcade Challenge Yes

Catnip Planter
eStore No

Celebrate Summer Planter
Community Codes Yes

Checkered Chase Potted Plant
Mazin Hamsters (Retired) Yes

Chicken Flower Planter
2022 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag Yes

Chipmunk Planter
eStore No

Classic Villa Potted Flower
eStore No

Color Changing Sparkle Plant
2013 Fun Mystery Bag Yes

Cow Planter
eStore No

Cow Flower Planter
eStore No

Daffodil Spring Flower Container
2019 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Daisy Divider
eStore Promo Yes

Decorative Wheelbarrow
WShop Yes

Delightful Flower Pot Divider
eStore Promo Yes

Delightful Patio Plant
Growing Garden Seeds2019 Series 3 Yes

Denim & Lace Planter
eStore No

Elf Planter
2021 Stocking Yes

Express Your Elf Planter
eStore No

Fall Bench Planter
2022 Fall Mystery Bag Yes

Fall Floral Planter
eStore Promo Themed ?? Boxes
Fall Floral

Fall Flower Container
2020 Fall Mystery Bag Yes

Fall Mums Divider
eStore No

Festive Poinsettias
Christmas Countdown 2017 Yes

Flamingo Plant Stand
2018 Summer Mystery Bag Yes

Flora's Flowerpot
Webkinz Newz Yes

Flower Pot Divider
2017 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Fun Flower Container
eStore No

Garden Hanging Baskets
Deluxe May 2017 Yes

Garden Party Hanging Basket
eStore No

Giant Venus Fly Trap
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Giraffe Planter
eStore No

Gold Sparkle Planter
2017 Stocking Yes

Grand Estate Planter
eStore No

Holiday Planter
eStore No

Hot Banana Pepper Plant
eStore No

Hot Pepper Potted Plant
eStore No

Indoor Bird of Paradise Plant
eStore No

Indoor Palm Plant
Growing Garden Seeds 2019 Series 2 Yes

Indoor Rubber Plant
eStore Promo Yes

Iron Wood Planter
WShop Yes

Ladybug Planter
2021 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Lamb Flower Planter
2022 Summer Mystery Bag Yes

Lovely Tulip Centerpiece
2013 Spring Celebration Collection Yes

Merry Mistletoe Planter
eStore No

Mod Patio Plant
2017 Flower Collection Yes

Moon Flower
eStore No

Mosaic Zingoz Flower Pot
eStore No

Mother's Day Buttercups Plant
Webkinz Newz Yes

Mother's Day Light Bloom
eStore No

Mother's Day Potted Tiger Lily
Webkinz Newz Yes

Nafaria's Potted Vine
Series 4 Trading Cards; Host Gift (Nafaria) Yes

Observant Potted Plant
eStore No

WShop Yes

Owl Planter
eStore Summer Mystery
2024 Summer Super Mystery Bag

Painted Sunflower Planter
eStore No

Paleolithic Plant
WShop Yes

Peach Floral Planter
eStore No

Petunia's Petunias
Mazin Hamsters (Retired) Yes

Pig Flower Planter
eStore No

Pink Petunias
WShop Yes

Playful Flower Pot
PSI Petal Print Skunk Yes

Poinsettias Trellis
eStore No

Poison Ivy Plant
Nafaria's Star Trading Yes

Polka Dot Flower Divider
eStore Promo Yes

Potted Green Tea
eStore No

Potted House Plant
Daily KinzCare Yes

Potted Ice Flower
2010 Winterfest Yes

Potted Pink Lily
2014 Flower Collection Yes

Potted Plant Wall Divider
eStore No

Potted Spring Sapling
Spring Celebration - 2023 White Chocolate Egg

Potted Tiger Lily
eStore No

Potted Tropical Plant
Vacation Island
Sheldon's Souvenir Shop - Current

Pretty Fall Planter
eStore No

Principal's Office Plant
Kinzville Super School Giveaway Yes

Purple Potted Ice Flower
Webkinz Newz Yes

Purple Potted Flowers
eStore No

Purple Witch Hazel Plant
eStore No

Raccoon Planter
eStore No

Rainbow Jelly Cactus
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Red Tulips
eStore No

Regency Potted Ferm
WShop Yes

Reindeer Planter
eStore No

Retro Rainbow Plant
Clubhouse Retro Rainbow Room Yes

Rose Garden Hanger
2017 Summer Mystery Bag Yes

Rubber Boot Garden
2017 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Saguaro Cactus
WShop Yes

SantaKinz Planter
2021 Stocking Yes

Sleepy Sloth Planter
eStore No

Small Succulent Plant
2021 Spring Celebration Yes

Sparkle Plant
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Spider Plant
WShop Yes

Split Leaf House Plant
2022 Fall Fest Yes

Spotted Prehistoric Plant
PSI Spotty Dinosaur Yes

Spring Egg Planter
eStore No

Spring Flower Pot Divider
eStore Spring Mystery Promo
2021 Spring Super Mystery Bag

Spring Patio Divider
eStore No

Squirrel Planter
eStore No

Strike-a-Posing Plant
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Striped Elf Planter
2021 Stocking Yes

Stylish Petunia Planter
eStore No

Succulent Plant
2021 Spring Celebration Yes

Succulent Plant Shelf
2021 Spring Celebration Yes

Summer Patio Planter
eStore No

WShop Yes

Sweet Flower Pot
eStore No

Tomato Plant Pillar
eStore No

Tulip Boot Planter
eStore No

Tulip Planter
WShop Yes

Urban Beautification Bicycle Planter
eStore No

Valentine Planter
eStore Promo Yes

Water Fountain Planter
eStore No

Watering Can Divider
eStore Promo Yes

Watering Can Garden
eStore No

White Orchid
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

White Daisies
WShop Yes

Wicked Halloween Plant
eStore No

Wishing Well Planter
eStore No

Yang Yin Blossom
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Yellow Echinacea Planter
eStore No

Yellow Orchid
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Yucca Indoor Plant
Growing Garden Seeds 2019 Series 1 Yes


Item Availability Tradeable

Bunny Topiary
2022 Spring Celebration Yes

Buttercup Pig Topiary
eStore No

Butterfly Topiary
Deluxe Membership
Deluxe Day - May 2024

Circle of Friends Topiary
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Clover Topiary
Clubhouse 2017 Lucky Leprechaun Yes

Darling Doe Topiary
2019 Fall Fest Yes

Diving Dolphin Topiary
eStore No

Fairy Topiary
Fairy Falls Yes

Fall Turkey Topiary
Player Appreciation November 2022 No

Family Together Topiary
eStore No

Grey Owl Topiary
eStore No

Hamster Garden Topiary
Mazin Hamsters (Retired) Yes

Hedgy Hedgehog
PSI 2008 Hedgehog Yes

Hippo Topiary
WShop Yes

Hungry Hippo Topiary
eStore Promo Seeds & Planter Boxes
2024 Planter Mystery Box Series 2

Koala Cuddles Topiary
eStore No

Lion Topiary
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Love Kitten Topiary
eStore Promo Yes

Love Topiary
Webkinz Newz Yes

Lucky Spiral Topiary
eStore No

Ms Birdy Topiary
Family Score Yes

Peacock Topiary
Deluxe May 2018 Yes

Penguin Topiary
eStore No

Playful Pup Topiary
PSI Earth Pup Yes

Puppy Love Topiary
eStore No

Raziel Topiary
Spree Yes

Rosy Dolphin Topiary
eStore No

Smitten Kitten Topiary
eStore Promo Yes

Spiral Pink Roses
PSI Pink and White Dog Yes

Spring Egg Topiary
eStore No

Topiary of Clubs
Series 2 Trading Cards Yes

Topiary of Diamonds
Series 2 Trading Cards Yes

Topiary of Hearts
Series 2 Trading Cards Yes

Topiary of Spades
Series 2 Trading Cards Yes

Turkey Topiary
eStore No

Unicorn Topiary
eStore No

Wacky Topiary
Deluxe August 2022 Yes

Zangoz Topiary
Wacky Zingoz Celebration Yes

Zum Topiary
Zumwhere Yes


Item Availability Tradeable

Acacia Tree
eStore No

Alpine Evergreen Trees
Mazin Hamsters (Retired) Yes

Apple Blossom Tree
eStore No

Apple Sapling Tree
eStore No

Aquamarine Butterfly Tree
eStore No

Autumn Climbing Tree
2017 Fall Mystery Bag Yes

Autumn Patio Light Up Trees
eStore Promo Yes

Autumn Trees
eStore No

Bamboo Tree
WShop Yes

Baobab Tree
Exclusive Yes

Barnyard Flowering Tree
eStore No

Bean Stalk Climbing Tree
Adventure Park Beanstalk Birthday Quest Yes

Beautiful Birch
eStore No

Bloom's Amazing Tree
Amazing World Yes

Blooming Broccoli Tree
eStore No

Blooming Tree
Adventure Park Camel Chaos Mini Quest Yes

Blossoming Flower Tree
PSI Purple Floral Fox Yes

Blossoming Tree
eStore No

Blushing Willow
2017 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Botanical Garden Tree
eStore No

Bow Wow Bone Tree
PSI Jack Russell Terrier Yes

Brown Elm Tree
Webkinz Newz Yes

Busy Bee Hive
PSI American Black Bear Yes

CampKinz Lantern Tree
2014 Marshmallow Collection Yes

Carved Gem Tree
2014 Stocking Yes

Cassia Tree
2019 Summer Mystery Bag Yes

Changing Seasons Tree
eStore No

Charming Cherry Tree
eStore No

Cherry Blossom Butterfly Tree
Deluxe April 2014 Yes

Cherry Blossom Tree
WShop Yes

Chilly Cyprus Tree
eStore No

Classic Villa Cypress Trees
eStore No

Climbing Tree
eStore No

Color Changing Tree
PSI 2017 Chameleon Yes

Colorful Autumn Tree
eStore No

Cotton Candy Tree
eStore No

Countryside Pine Tree
2016 Christmas Seasonal WShop Yes

Cranberry Trees
eStore No

Creepy Crawly Halloween Tree
eStore No

Creepy Swamp Grove
eStore No

Creepy Swamp Tree
eStore No

Cursed Tree
eStore No

Darling Heart Trees
eStore No

Deep Forest Hideout
eStore No

Delicious Deciduous Tree
eStore No

Dogwood Tree
2019 Summer Mystery Bag Yes

Dreidel Decorated Tree
eStore No

Elegant Alder
Trash Recycling No

Elm Tree
WShop Yes

Enchanted Evergreen Tree
eStore No

Fairy Den Willow
eStore No

Fairy Forest Tree
eStore No

Fairykinz Willow
eStore Promo Yes

Fall Forest Flowering Tree
eStore Fall Mystery Promo
2023 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag

Fall Forest Tree
eStore Fall Mystery Promo
2023 Fall Harvest Super Mystery Bag

Fall Fun Tree
2017 Acorn Collection Yes

Fall Oak Tree
Deluxe September 2019 Yes

Fall Tree
2017 Fall Mystery Bag Yes

Fall Wisteria Tree
eStore No

Fantastic Fruit Tree
eStore No

Feels Like Fall Trees
2015 Fall Mystery Bag Yes

Feels Like Spring Trees
2017 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Festive Fir Tree
eStore No

Fir Tree
WShop Yes

First Snow Apple Tree
eStore No

Flourishing Tree and Flower Bed
Rare Yes

Flower Topiary
2017 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Flowering Fringe Tree
eStore No

Flowing Palm Tree
Vacation Island No

Four Seasons Tree
eStore No

Freaky Forest Tree Perch
PSI Cheshire Cat Yes

Freshly Planted Garden
Rare Yes

Frozen Cherry Blossom Tree
PSI Frosty Fawn Yes

Garden Party Tree
eStore Promo Yes

Garden Spruce Tree
WShop Yes

Ghostly Potted Maple
2018 Halloween Challenge Yes

Giant Oak Tree
2019 Fall Fest Yes

Ginkgo Tree
WShop Yes

Glamping Tree
eStore Promo Yes

Golden Apple Tree
Exclusive Yes

Golden Elm Tree
eStore No

Grand Charmling Tree
Fairy Falls Yes

Granny Smith Apple Tree
eStore No

Haunted Hickory Tree
eStore No

Healthy Harvest Hawthorne Tree
eStore No

Hibiscus Tree
WShop Yes

Hollow Tree Hideout
eStore Promo Yes

Hollow Tree Pedestal
2020 Spring Celebration Yes

Holly Berry Tree
eStore No

Ice Cream Tree
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Ice Cream Tree Replica
eStore No

Icy Holiday Trees
2021 Stocking Yes

Indoor Money Tree Plant
Growing Garden Seeds2019 Series 2 Yes

Jacaranda Tree
2019 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Jellybean Tree
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Jelly Lollipop Tree
Exclusive (Retired) Yes

Juniper Bonsai Tree
WShop Yes

Lemon Sourwood Tree
eStore No

Lovely Acacia Tree
PSI Lovely Giraffe Yes

Lovely Locust Tree
eStore No

Lucky Blossoming Tree
eStore No

Lucky Clover Tree
eStore No

Lucky Lilac Tree
eStore No

Magical Magenta Tree
eStore No

Magic Maple Tree
eStore No

Magnolia Tree
Mirror Mirror Promo; GanzWorld Reward Yes

Majestic Palm Trees
eStore No

Merry Mistletoe Tree
eStore No

Midnight Magnolia
eStore No

Mini-Yeti Forest
eStore No

Miniature Bonsai Tree
eStore No

Miniature Orange Tree
WShop Yes

Monkey & Monkey Banana Tree
Series 3 Trading Cards; Spring Cleaning Challenge Yes

Moonlit Evergreen
PSI Winter Solstice Stag Yes

Music Note Tree
eStore No

Nutty Conveyor Belt
PSI Signature Chipmunk Yes

Orange Elm Tree
Webkinz Newz Yes

Oak Tree Sapling
eStore No

Palm Trees
eStore No

Party Palm Tree
eStore No

Peaceful Forest Sacred Tree
eStore Promo Yes

Piggy Plum Tree
eStore No

Pink Blossom Hideout
PSI Lovely Panda Yes

Pink Cotton Candy Tree
Lorax Promo Yes

Pink Magnolia Tree
eStore No

Ponytail Palm
WShop Yes

Potted Elm Tree
2007 Fall Fest Yes

Potted Icicle Tree
2008 Winterfest Yes

Potted Maple Tree
2012 Fall Fest Yes

Potted Sugar Maple Tree
2015 Fall Fest Yes

Precious Autumn Tree
eStore No

Precious Pink Tree
eStore No

Pretty Paper Lantern Tree
eStore No

Pretty Potted Pine
eStore No

Pruned Poplar
Trash Recycling No

Purple Lilac Tree
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Radiant Rose Tree
eStore No

Red Elm Tree
Webkinz Newz Yes

Savannah Tree Perch
eStore No

Secluded Garden Tree
eStore No

Serene Flowering Plant
eStore No

Serene Green Tree
Rare Yes

Snow Covered Cedar
2017 Winterfest Yes

Snow Covered Maple Tree
2017 Winterfest Yes

Snowy Cedar
eStore No

Snowy Oak Tree
2020 Winterfest Yes

Sparkle Springs Tree
Webkinz Newz Yes

Spectacular Spruce
Trash Recycling No

Spiral Spire Tree Plant
eStore No

Spooky Pine
Seasonal WShop
Halloween - 2023

Spooky Spindle Tree
eStore No

Sporty Spruce Tree
eStore No

Spring Blossoming Tree
2016 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Spring Climbing Tree
2022 Spring Mystery Bag Yes

Spring Egg Tree
eStore No

Spring Melt Tree
eStore Promo Yes

Spring Oasis Willow
eStore Spring Mystery Promo
2024 Spring Super Mystery Bag

Spring Sapling
2016 Spring Celebration Yes

Spring Wisteria
eStore No

Springtime Tree Perch
eStore No

Spring Tree
eStore No

Steeped Tea Tree
eStore No

Summer Sumac Tree
eStore No

Summery Tree
eStore No

Sweet Sugar Maple Tree
eStore No

Tall Tree Hideaway
PSI Sifaka Lemur Yes

Terrifying Trees
eStore No

Tiger Lily Willow
eStore No

Trick or Treat Street Maple Tree
2020 Halloween Seasonal WShop Yes

Trick or Treat Street Tree
2019 Halloween Seasonal WShop Yes

Tropical Holidays Palm Tree
eStore Promo Yes

Tropical Holidays Tree
eStore Promo Yes

True Love Tree
2015 Year 1 Time Capsule Yes

Vibrant Rainbow Tree
eStore No

Victorian Garden Sculpted Tree
eStore No

Wailing Willow Tree
2015 Halloween Seasonal WShop Yes

Wand Sparkle Tree
Woodland Wonders Yes

Weeping Bottlebrush Tree
2019 Summer Mystery Bag Yes

Weeping Spaghetti Willow
eStore No

White Lilac Tree
2017 Spring Celebration Yes

Wicked Halloween Tree
eStore No

Willow's Tree
Mazin Hamsters; Wish Factory Yes

Winter Patio Tree
eStore Promo Yes

Winter Wonder Oak Tree
eStore No

Winterberry Tree
eStore No

Wisteria Tree
WShop Yes

Withered Tree
eStore No

Wiz Kinz Apple Tree
eStore No

Yellow Elm Tree
Webkinz Newz Yes

Zum Dreaming Tree
Zumwhere Yes
>> Click here to return to the Item Collections Index.