Plush Toy Collection: Difference between revisions

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{{Top Link|[[Collections_GalleryItem Collections| >> Click here to return to the Item Collections GalleryIndex.]]}}
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|[[File:2018dexdangerouscampaignplush.png]]<br>2018 Dex Dangerous Campaign Plush
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2018
|Alex Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2018drquackcampaignplush.png]]<br>2018 Dr. Quack Campaign Plush
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2018
|Alyssa Fairy Plushy
|Host Mail prize awarded by Alyssa Fairy '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Alyssaplush2020alyssacampaignplushy.png]]<br>2020 Alyssa Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2020
|Alyssa Plush
|Magic Mire prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2020dexdangerouscampaignplushy.png]]<br>2020 Dex Dangerous Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2020
|Amanda Panda Campaign Plushy
|Webkinz Votes 2016 Park Campaign Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2020drquackcampaignplushy.png]]<br>2020 Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2020
|Amanda Panda Holiday Plush
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2013 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2020sophiestockwellcampaignplushy.png]]<br>2020 Sophie Stockwell Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2020
|Amanda Panda Plush
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2009 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2022drquackcampaignplushy.png]]<br>2022 Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2022
|Arctic Fox Cub Plushy
|Winterfest Cookie prize, introduced in 2018 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Artefactplushtoy2022goobercampaignplushy.png]]<br>2022 Goober Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2022
|Arte Fact Plush Toy
|Curio Shop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2022nibblescampaignplushy.png]]<br>2022 Nibbles Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2022
|Arte Holiday Plush
|2008 Christmas Gift Box item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:2022pjcolliecampaignplushy.png]]<br>2022 PJ Collie Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2022
|Baby Penguin Plushy
|Madagascar Movie Promotion prize; also awarded on Wheel of WOW '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BabyswanplushyAlexkinzplushy.png]]<br>Alex 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|Baby Swan Plushy
|Spring Celebration 2017 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BffplushiesAlyssafairyplushy.png]]<br>Alyssa Fairy Plushy
|Host Gifts<br>Alyssa Fairy
|BFF Plushies
|GanzWorld Rewards item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BlackbearcubplushyAlyssaplush.png]]<br>Alyssa Plush
|Magical Forest<br>Magic Mire
|Black Bear Cub Plushy
|Kinectimals Video Challenge prize; also awarded as a Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Amandapandacampaignplushy.png]]<br>Amanda Panda Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2016
|Blanche Plushy
|Party Loot Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BoltsplushyAmandapandaholidayplush.png]]<br>Amanda Panda Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2013
|Bolts Plushy
|SPREE! Mall item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BoogerplushyAmandapandaplush.png]]<br>Amanda Panda Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2009
|Booger Plushy
|Kinzville Academy Recess Buried Treasure prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BorisplushtoyArcticfoxcubplushy.png]]<br>Arctic Fox Cub Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest - Winterfest Cookie 2018
|Boris Plush Toy
|Adventure Park prize from Journey to the Crystal Caves challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BrownbearcubplushyArtefactplushtoy.png]]<br>Arte Fact Plush Toy
|Curio Shop Only
|Brown Bear Cub Plushy
|Balloon Dartz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BunnyclownArteholidayplush.png]]<br>Arte Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - 2008
|Bunny Clown
|WShop item, now retired; also awarded as a Wheel of WOW prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BunnyplushyBabybunnyplushy.png]]<br>Baby Bunny Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2022
|Bunny Plushy
|Spring Celebration 2016 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BunnyzangozplushBabypenguinplushy.png]]<br>Baby Penguin Plushy
|Media Promotions<br>Penguins of Madagascar
|Bunny Zangoz Plush
|Spring Celebration 2015 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:BunnyzingozplushyBabyskunkplushy.png]]<br>Baby Skunk Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2019
|Bunny Zingoz Plushy
|Spring Celebration 2016 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CaptaindogbeardplushyBabyswanplushy.png]]<br>Baby Swan Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2017
|Captain Dogbeard Plushy
|Vacation Island Wheel prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CinderplushyBarnowlplushy.png]]<br>Barn Owl Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2019
|Cinder Plushy
|SPREE! Mall item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CinnamonplushyBffplushies.png]]<br>BFF Plushies
|Webkinz Newz<br>GanzWorld Rewards
|Cinnamon Plushy
|2018 Valentine Gift prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CornhuskdollBigloveplushie.png]]<br>Big Love Plushie
|Community Code
|Corn Husk Doll
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2007 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CornhuskwackydollBlackbearcubplushy.png]]<br>Black Bear Cub Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Video Challenge Prizes - Kinectimals
|Corn Husk Wacky Doll
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2015 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CowabellekinzplushieBlancheplushy.png]]<br>Blanche Plushy
|Party Packs<br>Party Loot Bag Prize
|Cowabelle Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:CuddlybearplushBluechipmunkplushy.png]]<br>Blue Chipmunk Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Peanut Floaty
|Cuddly Bear Plush
|Lorax Gift Box 3 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DaisydoeholidayplushyBlueleprechaunplushtoy.png]]<br>Blue Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Kinzville Park<br>Leprechaun Chase - 2024
|Daisy Doe Holiday Plushy
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2016 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DaisydoeplushyBluespringkiwiplushy.png]]<br>Blue Spring Kiwi Plushy
|Community Code
|Daisy Doe Plushy
|Veggie Fest prize; also awarded as a Wheel of WOW prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DexdangerouscampaignplushyBoltsplushy.png]]<br>Bolts Plushy
|SPREE!<br>Kinzville Mall Prize
|Dex Dangerous Campaign Plushy
|Webkinz Votes 2016 Park Campaign Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DexdangerousplushyBoogerplushy.png]]<br>Booger Plushy
|Kinzville Academy<br>Recess Prize (Retired)
|Dex Dangerous Plushy
|Daily Kinzcare prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DougholidayplushBorisplushtoy.png]]<br>Boris Plush Toy
|Adventure Park<br>Quests - Journey to the Crystal Caves (Mud Hippo)
|Doug Holiday Plush
|2013 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DougthedogplushyBrownbearcubplushy.png]]<br>Brown Bear Cub Plushy
|Wheels & Games<br>Balloon Darts
|Doug the Dog Plushy
|An Air of Mystery Challenge prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DrquackcampaignplushyBunnyclown.png]]<br>Bunny Clown
|Curio Shop Only
|Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
|Webkinz Votes 2016 Park Campaign Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DrquackholidayplushBunnyplushy.png]]<br>Bunny Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2016
|Dr. Quack Holiday Plush
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2012 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DrquackplushtoyBunnyzangozplush.png]]<br>Bunny Zangoz Plush
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2015
|Dr. Quack Plush Toy
|WShop item; also awarded in Dr. Quack retirement gift boxes '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DrquackthanksgivingplushyBunnyzingozplushy.png]]<br>Bunny Zingoz Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2016
|Dr. Quack Thanksgiving Plushy
|2017 Thanksgiving Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:DucklingplushyCandycornwackyplushy.png]]<br>Candy Corn Wacky Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2023
|Duckling Plushy
|Spring Celebration 2017 Milk Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:EllamcwoofholidayplushyCaptaindogbeardplushy.png]]<br>Captain Dogbeard Plushy
|Vacation Island<br>Vacation Island Wheel
|Ella McWoof Holiday Plushy
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2015 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FieldmouseplushyCarrotplushy.png]]<br>Carrot Plushy
|Things to Do Menu<br>Featured Pet Prize - White Bunny
|Field Mouse Plushy
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2017 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fionafeathersholidayplushychocolatebunnyplushy.png]]<br>Chocolate Bunny Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Spring Celebration Gifts - 2018
|Fiona Feathers Holiday Plushy
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2017 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FionafeathersplushyCinderplushy.png]]<br>Cinder Plushy
|SPREE!<br>Kinzville Mall Prize
|Fiona Feathers Plushy
|SPREE! Mall item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FishkingfloppyplushCinnamonplushy.png]]<br>Cinnamon Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Valentine's Day Gifts - 2018
|Fish King Floppy Plush
|Adventure Park prize from Deep Water Dilemma challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FoxcubplushyCornhuskbear.png]]<br>Corn Husk Bear
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2021
|Fox Club Plushy
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2018 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:FredroverplushyCornhuskdog.png]]<br>Corn Husk Dog
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2022
|Fred Rover Plushy
|Daily KinzCare prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GhostpirateplushCornhuskdoll.png]]<br>Corn Husk Doll
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2007
|Ghost Pirate Plush
|Adventure Park prize from Ghost Pirate Princess Rescue challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GiantzangozplushyCornhuskhorse.png]]<br>Corn Husk Horse
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2022
|Giant Zangoz Plushy
|2015 Wacky Zingoz Celebration Challenge prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GiantzingozplushyCornhuskpig.png]]<br>Corn Husk Pig
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2023
|Giant Zingoz Plushy
|SPREE! Mall item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GooberholidayplushCornhuskwackydoll.png]]<br>Corn Husk Wacky Doll
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2015
|Goober Holiday Plush
|2012 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GooberplushCowabellekinzplushy.png]]<br>Cowabelle 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz
|Goober Plush
|Family Score prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GophertoyCuddlybearplush.png]]<br>Cuddly Bear Plush
|Media Promotions<br>Lorax Movie
|Gopher Toy
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2017 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:GreengoblinplushyCutewerewolfplushie.png]]<br>Cute Werewolf Plushie
|Webkinz Next
|Green Goblin Plushy
|Not yet released
|[[File:GreysquirrelplushyDaisydoeholidayplushy.png]]<br>Daisy Doe Holiday Plushy
|Christmas Countdown - 2016
|Grey Squirrel Plushy
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2016 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:HolidaytubbytummiesbearDaisydoeplushy.png]]<br>Daisy Doe Plushy
|Login Events<br>Veggie Fest
|Holiday Tubby Tummies Bear
|2005 Christmas Gift Box item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Daisydoethanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Daisy Doe Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2020
|Hope Plush
|Token Balloon Dartz Prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Dexdangerouscampaignplushy.png]]<br>Dex Dangerous Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2016
|Inukshuk Plushy
|Winterfest 2016 Challenge prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:LeprechaunplushtoyDexdangerousplushy.png]]<br>Dex Dangerous Plushy
|Daily Kinzcare
|Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Webkinz Friends prize; also awarded as a Wheel of Deluxe prize; also awarded in Fox Retirement Gift '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MalefairyplushDougholidayplush.png]]<br>Doug Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2013
|Male Fairy Plush
|Woodland Wonders prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MayorcowabelleplushyDougthedogplushy.png]]<br>Doug the Dog Plushy
|Challenges<br>Current Challenges - An Air of Mystery Challenge
|Mayor Cowabelle Plushy
|Meet the Mayor prize, only awarded by Mayor Cowabelle '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MayordrquackplushyDrquackcampaignplushy.png]]<br>Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2016
|Mayor Dr. Quack Plushy
|Meet the Mayor prize, only awarded by Mayor Dr. Quack '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MollykinzplushieDrquackhalloweenplushy.png]]<br>Dr. Quack Halloween Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Meet the Mayor - Mayor Dr. Quack
|Molly Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Monkey&monkeydummyDrquackholidayplush.png]]<br>Dr. Quack Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2012
|Monkey & Monkey Dummy
|Wheel of YUM prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MrmooplushyDrquackplushtoy.png]]<br>Dr. Quack Plush Toy
|Retired WShop Items
|Mr. Moo Plushy
|Party Loot Bag prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Drquackthanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Dr. Quack Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2017
|Ms. Birdy Holiday Plush
|2009 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MsbirdyholidayplushyDucklingplushy.png]]<br>Duckling Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2017
|Ms. Birdy Holiday Plushy
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2014 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MsbirdypinkplushyEggplushy.png]]<br>Egg Plushy
|Community Code
|Ms. Birdy Pink Plushy
|Host Mail prize awarded by Ms. Birdy '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MsbirdyplushtoyEllamcwoofholidayplushy.png]]<br>Ella McWoof Holiday Plushy
|Christmas Countdown - 2015
|Ms. Birdy Plush Toy
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MsbirdythanksgivingplushyEllamcwoofplushy.png]]<br>Ella McWoof Plushy
|Challenges<br>Seasonal Challenges - Webkinz Newz Week Challenge 2021
|Ms. Birdy Thanksgiving Plushy
|2016 Thanksgiving Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:MscowolineholidayplushFieldmouseplushy.png]]<br>Field Mouse Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2017
|Ms. Cowoline Holiday Plush
|2010 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fionafeathersholidayplushy.png]]<br>Fiona Feathers Holiday Plushy
|Christmas Countdown - 2017
|Ms. Cowoline Plush
|Kinzville Academy Recess Merry Go Round prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:NafariaplushFionafeathersplushy.png]]<br>Fiona Feathers Plushy
|SPREE!<br>Kinzville Mall Prize
|Nafaria Plush
|Magic Mire prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Fionafeathersvalentinesplushy.png]]<br>Fiona Feathers Valentines Plushy
|Holiday Gift<br>Valentine's Day Gift - 2022
|Nibbles Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:NutsplushyFionaplushy.png]]<br>Fiona Plushy
|Holiday Gift<br>Spring Celebration Gift - 2024
|Nuts Plushy
|SPREE! Mall item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:OrangegoblinplushyFishkingfloppyplush.png]]<br>Fish King Floppy Plush
|Adventure Park<br>Quests - Deep Water Dilemma (Chimpanzee)
|Orange Goblin Plushy
|Not yet released
|[[File:PersephoneplushdollFoxcubplushy.png]]<br>Fox Club Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2018
|Persephone Plush Doll
|Trading Cards Series 4 prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PjcollieholidayplushFredroverplushy.png]]<br>Fred Rover Plushy
|Daily KinzCare
|PJ Collie Holiday Plush
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2011 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PjcollieplushFredroverholidayplush.png]]<br>Fred Rover Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2020
|PJ Collie Plush
|Token Balloon Dartz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PlumpyholidayplushFriendlyfroggyplushy.png]]<br>Friendly Froggy Plushy
|Community Code
|Plumpy Holiday Plush
|Ms. Birdy's Christmas Countdown prize, awarded in 2010 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Plumpyplushdollfrogprinceplushy.png]]<br>Frog Prince Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2020
|Plumpy Plush Doll
|Trading Cards Series 3 prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PlushbestiesGartersnaketoy.png]]<br>Garter Snake Toy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2019
|Plush Besties
|The Looney Tunes Show Video Challenge Promotion; also awarded as a Wheel of WOW prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PolarbearcubplushyGhostpirateplush.png]]<br>Ghost Pirate Plush
|Adventure Park<br>Quests - Ghost Pirate Princess Rescue (Pink and White Cat)
|Polar Bear Cub Plushy
|Kinectimals Video Challenge prize; also awarded as a Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PonchofloppyplushGiantzangozplushy.png]]<br>Giant Zangoz Plushy
|Challenges<br>Seasonal Challenges - Wacky Zingoz Celebration Challenge 2015
|Poncho Floppy Plush
|Prize Klaw prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PrestoplushGiantzingozplushy.png]]<br>Giant Zingoz Plushy
|SPREE!<br>Kinzville Mall Prize
|Presto Plush
|Token Balloon Dartz Prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:PurplegoblinplushyGigglyzumplushy.png]]<br>Giggly Zum Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2020
|Purple Goblin Plushy
|Not yet released
|[[File:QuizzyholidayplushGingerbreadfloppyplush.png]]<br>Gingerbread Floppy Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2023
|Quizzy Holiday Plush
|2011 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:QuizzyplushtoyGlampiredoll.png]]<br>Glampire Doll
|Webkinz Next<br>Wheel of WOW
|Quizzy Plush Toy
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RafiplushtoyGooberholidayplush.png]]<br>Goober Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2012
|Rafi Plush Toy
|Adventure Park prize from Weather Worries challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RazielplushtoyGooberplush.png]]<br>Goober Plush
|Family Score
|Raziel Plush Toy
|Adventure Park prize from Dragon's Den challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RedsquirrelplushyGoobervalentinesplushy.png]]<br>Goober Valentines Plushy
|Holiday Gift<br>Valentines - 2024
|Red Squirrel Plushy
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2016 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:RobertakinzplushieGoogooberrybear.png]]<br>Goo-Goo Berry Bear
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Berry Fest - 2021
|Roberta Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SalleycatcampaignplushyGoogooberryplushy.png]]<br>Goo-Goo Berry Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Berry Fest - 2022
|Salley Cat Campaign Plushy
|Webkinz Votes 2016 Park Campaign Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SalleycatkinzplushieGophertoy.png]]<br>Gopher Toy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2017
|Salley Cat Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SantakinzplushyGreengoblinplushy.png]]<br>Green Goblin Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Lil Goblins
|SantaKinz Plushy
|2015 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SeacreatureplushyGreysquirrelplushy.png]]<br>Grey Squirrel Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2016
|Sea Creature Plushy
|Vacation Island Sheldon's Souvenir Stand item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SeraplushtoyHangingbatplushy.png]]<br>Hanging Bat Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Flying Bat
|Sera Plush Toy
|Adventure Park prize from The Lost Pirate Treasure challenge '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SheldonplushyHatchingchickplushy.png]]<br>Hatching Chick Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2023
|Sheldon Plushy
|Vacation Island Sheldon's Souvenir Stand item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Sillyscoopsplushholidayelfplushy.png]]<br>Holiday Elf Plushy
|Community Code
|Silly Scoops Plush
|Silly Scoops Promotion Log-in prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SleepycatplushyHolidaytubbytummiesbear.png]]<br>Holiday Tubby Tummies Bear
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - 2005
|Sleepy Cat Plushy
|Wheel of the Month prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SnowshoehareplushyHollyhopperplushy.png]]<br>Holly Hopper Plushy
|Community Code
|Snowshoe Hare Plushy
|Winterfest prize, introduced in 2018 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Hollyhopperthanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Holly Hopper Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2021
|Sparky Kinz Plush
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SpringchickplushyHopeplush.png]]<br>Hope Plush
|Wheels & Games<br>Token Balloon Darts
|Spring Chick Plushy
|Spring Celebration 2018 White Chocolate Egg prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:StoogleskinzplushieHotdogplushy.png]]<br>Hot Dog Plushy
|Non-Annual Click-to-Win<br>Kinzville Hot Dog Event - 2023
|Stoogles Kinz Plushie
|Webkinz Newz prize; also available from floating W in Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:SweetheartwhaleplushyIcemanbluesplushy.png]]<br>Iceman Blues Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest - 2024
|Sweetheart Whale Plushy
|Community Code prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TabbyholidayplushInukshukplushy.png]]<br>Inukshuk Plushy
|Challenges<br>Seasonal Challenges - Winterfest Challenge 2016
|Tabby Holiday Plush
|2014 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TabbyvonmeowplushtoyJumbleberrybear.png]]<br>Jumbleberry Bear
|Jumbleberry Fields<br>Jumbleberry Prizes
|Tabby Von Meow Plush Toy
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ToylizardKetchupplushy.png]]<br>Ketchup Plushy
|Non-Annual Click-to-Win<br>Kinzville Hot Dog Event - 2024
|Toy Lizard
|Jessie TV Show Promotion; also awarded as a Wheel of WOW prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TubbytummiesbrownbearKiwibirdplushy.png]]<br>Kiwi Bird Plushy
|SPREE!<br>Kinzville Mall Prize
|Tubby Tummies™ Brown Bear
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:TubbytummiestanbearLazyzumplushy.png]]<br>Lazy Zum Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2021
|Tubby Tummies Tan Bear
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ValentinestubbytummiesbearLeprechaunplushtoy.png]]<br>Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Webkinz Friends<br>Seasonal Quest Prizes
|Valentine's Tubby Tummies Bear
|2009 Valentine Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WackystudentplushLittlelambplushy.png]]<br>Little Lamb Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2021
|Wacky Student Plush
|Not yet released
|[[File:WackythanksgivingplushyMalefairyplush.png]]<br>Male Fairy Plush
|Magical Forest<br>Woodland Wonders
|Wacky Thanksgiving Plushy
|2015 Thanksgiving Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WackyzingozplushMandywebkinzplushy.png]]<br>Mandy Webkinz Plushy
|Clubhouse Events<br>Webkinz Newz Week 2021
|Wacky Zingoz Plush
|Smurf Movie Promotion; also awarded as an Arte and the Lost Tomb Challenge prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WebkinzfoundationplushbearMayorcowabelleplushy.png]]<br>Mayor Cowabelle Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Meet the Mayor - Mayor Cowabelle
|Webkinz Foundation<br>Plush Bear
|Webkinz Cares prize; also awarded as a Webkinz X Challenge prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Mayordrquackholidayplush.png]]<br>Mayor Dr. Quack Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2021
|Webkinz Rockerz Lion<br>Plush Toy
|Webkinz Friends prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WhitemouseplushyMayordrquackplushy.png]]<br>Mayor Dr. Quack Plushy
|Host Gifts<br>Dr. Quack
|White Mouse Plushy
|Fall Fest prize, introduced in 2018 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:WhitetigercubplushyMayorgooberplushy.png]]<br>Mayor Goober Plushy
|Kinzville Park - Meet the Mayor - Mayor Goober
|White Tiger Cub Plushy
|Kinectimals Video Challenge prize; also awarded as a Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Mayorsophiestockwellplushy.png]]<br>Mayor Sophie Stockwell Plushy
|Kinzville Park - Meet the Mayor - Mayor Sophie
|Winterfest Wacky Plushy
|Winterfest Cookie prize, introduced in 2017 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YellowchickplushieMichaelwebkinzplushy.png]]<br>Michael Webkinz Plushy
|Clubhouse Events<br>Webkinz Newz Week - 2021
|Yellow Chick Plushie
|Hop Video Challenge prize; also awarded from floating gift box on Webkinz World '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:YetiplushyMsbiscuitsplush.png]]<br>Ms Biscuits Plush
|Challenges<br>Current Challenges - One World Two Games
|Yeti Plushy
|Winterfest prize, introduced in 2016 '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZangozholidayplushyMollykinzplushy.png]]<br>Molly 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|Zangoz Holiday Plushy
|2017 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZangozplushtoyMonkey&monkeydummy.png]]<br>Monkey & Monkey Dummy
|Wheel & Games<br>Wheel of Yum
|Zangoz Plush Toy
|WShop item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZangozthanksgivingplushyMoonberrybear.png]]<br>Moonberry Bear
|Jumbleberry Fields<br>Moonberry Prizes
|Zangoz Thanksgiving Plushy
|2014 Thanksgiving Gift Box prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZingozholidayplushyMrmooplushy.png]]<br>Mr. Moo Plushy
|Party Packs<br>Party Loot Bag Prizes
|Zingoz Holiday Plushy
|2016 SantaKinz choice item '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZingozplushieMsbirdyholidayplush.png]]<br>Ms. Birdy Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2009
|Zingoz Plushie
|Wacky Zingoz Celebration prize; also awarded as a Webkinz Newz prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:ZumplushMsbirdyholidayplushy.png]]<br>Ms. Birdy Holiday Plushy
|Christmas Countdown - 2014
|Zum Plush
|Zumwhere Zum Catalog prize '''Tradeable'''
|[[File:Msbirdypinkplushy.png]]<br>Ms. Birdy Pink Plushy
|Host Gifts<br>Ms. Birdy
|[[File:Msbirdyplushtoy.png]]<br>Ms. Birdy Plush Toy
|[[File:Msbirdythanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Ms. Birdy Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2016
|[[File:Msbirdyvalentinesplushy.png]]<br>Ms. Birdy Valentine's Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Valentine's Day Gift - 2019
|[[File:Mscowolineholidayplush.png]]<br>Ms. Cowoline Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2010
|[[File:Mscowolineplush.png]]<br>Ms. Cowoline Plush
|Kinzville Academy<br>Recess - Buried Treasure Prizes (Retired)
|[[File:Mscowolinethanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Ms Cowoline Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2023
|[[File:Nafariaplush.png]]<br>Nafaria Plush
|Magical Forest<br>Magic Mire
|[[File:Nibbleskinzplushy.png]]<br>Nibbles 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|[[File:Nutsplushy.png]]<br>Nuts Plushy
|SPREE!<br>Kinzville Mall Prize
|[[File:Orangechipmunkplushy.png]]<br>Orange Chipmunk Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Peanut Floaty
|[[File:Orangegoblinplushy.png]]<br>Orange Goblin Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Lil Goblins
|[[File:Orangeleprechaunplushtoy.png]]<br>Orange Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Kinzville Park<br>Leprechaun Chase - 2024
|[[File:Orangetoadplushy.png]]<br>Orange Toad Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Lil Toads
|[[File:Peachplushy.png]]<br>Peach Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Persephoneholidayplush.png]]<br>Persephone Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2018
|[[File:Persephoneplushdoll.png]]<br>Persephone Plush Doll
|Trading Cards<br>Series 4
|[[File:Petalplushy.png]]<br>Petal Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2023
|[[File:Pickleberrybear.png]]<br>Pickleberry Bear
|Jumbleberry Fields<br>Pickleberry Prizes
|[[File:Pineappleplushy.png]]<br>Pineapple Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Pinkgooglesplushy.png]]<br>Pink Googles Plushy
|Deluxe Membership<br>Subscription Bonus - 2024
|[[File:Pjcolliecampaignplush.png]]<br>PJ Collie Campaign Plush
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2018
|[[File:Pjcollieholidayplush.png]]<br>PJ Collie Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2011
|[[File:Pjcollieplush.png]]<br>PJ Collie Plush
|Wheels & Games<br>Token Balloon Darts
|[[File:Plumpyholidayplush.png]]<br>Plumpy Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2010
|[[File:Plumpyplushdoll.png]]<br>Plumpy Plush Doll
|Trading Cards<br>Series 3
|[[File:Plushbesties.png]]<br>Plush Besties
|Webkinz Newz<br>Video Challenge Prizes - Looney Tunes
|[[File:Polarbearcubplushy.png]]<br>Polar Bear Cub Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Video Challenge Prizes - Kinectimals
|[[File:Polarberrybear.png]]<br>Polarberry Bear
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Berry Fest - 2021
|[[File:Polarberryplushy.png]]<br>Polarberry Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Berry Fest - 2022
|[[File:Ponchofloppyplush.png]]<br>Poncho Floppy Plush
|Wheels & Games<br>Prize Klaw
|[[File:Prestoplush.png]]<br>Presto Plush
|Wheels & Games<br>Token Balloon Darts
|[[File:Purplechipmunkplushy.png]]<br>Purple Chipmunk Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Peanut Floaty
|[[File:Purplegoblinplushy.png]]<br>Purple Goblin Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Lil Goblins
|[[File:Purplespringkiwiplushy.png]]<br>Purple Spring Kiwi Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Purpletoadplushy.png]]<br>Purple Toad Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Lil Toads
|[[File:Quizzyholidayplush.png]]<br>Quizzy Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2011
|[[File:Quizzyplushtoy.png]]<br>Quizzy Plush Toy
|[[File:Rainbowpandaplushy.png]]<br>Rainbow Panda Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Rafiplushtoy.png]]<br>Rafi Plush Toy
|Adventure Park<br>Quests - Weather Worries (Spotted Leopard)
|[[File:Razielplushtoy.png]]<br>Raziel Plush Toy
|Adventure Park<br>Quests - Dragon's Den (Spotted Frog)
|[[File:Redleprechaunplushtoy.png]]<br>Red Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Kinzville Park<br>Leprechaun Chase - 2024
|[[File:Redsquirrelplushy.png]]<br>Red Squirrel Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2016
|[[File:Reindeerfloppyplush.png]]<br>Reindeer Floppy Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2022
|[[File:Robertakinzplushy.png]]<br>Roberta 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|[[File:Robinplushy.png]]<br>Robin Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Non-Annual<br>Tulip Bulb Floaty
|[[File:Salleycatcampaignplushy.png]]<br>Salley Cat Campaign Plushy
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2016
|[[File:Salleycatkinzplushy.png]]<br>Salley Cat 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|[[File:Sallywebkinzplushy.png]]<br>Sally Webkinz Plushy
|Clubhouse Events<br>Webkinz Newz Week 2021
|[[File:Santakinzplushy.png]]<br>SantaKinz Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2015
|[[File:Scarecrowplushy.png]]<br>Scarecrow Plushy
|Collection Events<br>Acorn Collection - 2019
|[[File:Seacreatureplushy.png]]<br>Sea Creature Plushy
|Vacation Island<br>Sheldon's Souvenir Stand - Current
|[[File:Seraplushtoy.png]]<br>Sera Plush Toy
|Adventure Park<br>Quests - The Lost Pirate Treasure (Koala)
|[[File:Shamrockplushy.png]]<br>Shamrock Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Sheldonplushy.png]]<br>Sheldon Plushy
|Vacation Island<br>Sheldon's Souvenir Stand - Current
|[[File:Sillyscoopsplush.png]]<br>Silly Scoops Plush
|Media Promotions<br>Silly Scoops
|[[File:Sleepycatplushy.png]]<br>Sleepy Cat Plushy
|Wheels & Games<br>Wheel of the Month
|[[File:Snowbearplushy.png]]<br>Snow Bear Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Snowmanplushy.png]]<br>Snowman Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2018
|[[File:Snowshoehareplushy.png]]<br>Snowshoe Hare Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest - 2018
|[[File:snowyretrieverpuppyplushy.png]]<br>Snowy Retriever Puppy Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2019
|[[File:Sophiestockwellcampaignplush.png]]<br>Sophie Stockwell Campaign Plush
|Kinzville Park<br>Webkinz Votes - 2018
|[[File:sophiestockwellholidayplush.png]]<br>Sophie Stockwell Holiday Plush
|Christmas Countdown - 2019
|[[File:Sophiethanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Sophie Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2019
|[[File:Sparkykinzplushy.png]]<br>Sparky 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|[[File:Spectaclescatplushy.png]]<br>Spectacles Cat Plushy
|Webkinz Next<br>Challenge Prizes
|[[File:Spookyghostplushy.png]]<br>Spooky Ghost Plushy
|Challenges<br>Seasonal Challenges - Halloween Challenge 2018
|[[File:Springchickplushy.png]]<br>Spring Chick Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2018
|[[File:Stevewebkinzplushy.png]]<br>Steve Webkinz Plushy
|Clubhouse Events<br>Webkinz Newz Week 2021
|[[File:Stoogleskinzplushy.png]]<br>Stoogles 'Kinz Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Object Prizes
|[[File:Sugarberrybear.png]]<br>Sugarberry Bear
|Jumbleberry Fields<br>Sugarberry Prizes
|[[File:Sweetheartplushy.png]]<br>Sweetheart Plushy
|Collection Events<br>Valentines Collection - 2019
|[[File:Sweetheartwhaleplushy.png]]<br>Sweetheart Whale Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Tabbyholidayplush.png]]<br>Tabby Holiday Plush
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2014
|[[File:Tabbyvonmeowplushtoy.png]]<br>Tabby Von Meow Plush Toy
|[[File:Tabbyvonmeowthanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Tabby Von Meow Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2022
|[[File:Thornplushy.png]]<br>Thorn Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2023
|[[File:Toylizard.png]]<br>Toy Lizard
|Clubhouse Events<br>Jessie TV Show Promotion
|[[File:Tubbytummiesbrownbear.png]]<br>Tubby Tummies Brown Bear
|[[File:Tubbytummiestanbear.png]]<br>Tubby Tummies Tan Bear
|[[File:Turkeyplushy.png]]<br>Turkey Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2021
|[[File:Valentinestubbytummiesbear.png]]<br>Valentine's Tubby Tummies Bear
|Holiday Gifts<br>Valentine's Day Gifts - 2009
|[[File:Vintageteddybear.png]]<br>Vintage Teddy Bear
|Collection Events<br>Pumpkin Pie Collection - 2023
|[[File:Violetleprechaunplushtoy.png]]<br>Violet Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Kinzville Park<br>Leprechaun Chase - 2024
|[[File:Wackystudentplush.png]]<br>Wacky Student Plush
|Kinzville Academy<br>Recess - Buried Treasure Prizes
|[[File:Wackythanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Wacky Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2015
|[[File:Wackyzingozplush.png]]<br>Wacky Zingoz Plush
|Media Promotions<br>Smurf Movie
|[[File:Webkinzfoundationplushbear.png]]<br>Webkinz Foundation<br>Plush Bear
|Webkinz Cares<br>Webkinz Cares Prizes
|[[File:Webkinzrockerzcatplushtoy.png]]<br>Webkinz Rockerz Cat<br>Plush Toy
|Wheels & Games<br>Wheel of WOW
|[[File:Webkinzrockerzcowplushtoy.png]]<br>Webkinz Rockerz Cow<br>Plush Toy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas - 2023
|[[File:Webkinzrockerzlionplushtoy.png]]<br>Webkinz Rockerz Lion<br>Plush Toy
|Webkinz Friends<br>Quest Prizes
|[[File:Whitegooglesplushy.png]]<br>White Googles Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Whitemouseplushy.png]]<br>White Mouse Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Fall Fest - 2018
|[[File:Whitetigercubplushy.png]]<br>White Tiger Cub Plushy
|Webkinz Newz<br>Video Challenge Prizes - Kinectimals
|[[File:Winterfestplushy.png]]<br>Winterfest Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest - 2021
|[[File:Winterfestraccoonplushy.png]]<br>Winterfest Raccoon Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest - 2023
|[[File:Winterfestwackyplushy.png]]<br>Winterfest Wacky Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest Cookie - 2017
|[[File:Yellowchickplushy.png]]<br>Yellow Chick Plushy
|Media Promotions<br>HOP Movie
|[[File:Yellowleprechaunplushtoy.png]]<br>Yellow Leprechaun Plush Toy
|Kinzville Park<br>Leprechaun Chase - 2024
|[[File:Yellowspringkiwiplushy.png]]<br>Yellow Spring Kiwi Plushy
|Community Code
|[[File:Yetiplushy.png]]<br>Yeti Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Winterfest - 2016
|[[File:Zangozholidayplushy.png]]<br>Zangoz Holiday Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2017
|[[File:Zangozplushtoy.png]]<br>Zangoz Plush Toy
|[[File:Zangozthanksgivingplushy.png]]<br>Zangoz Thanksgiving Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Thanksgiving Gifts - 2014
|[[File:Zingozholidayplushy.png]]<br>Zingoz Holiday Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2016
|[[File:Zingozplushy.png]]<br>Zingoz Plushy
|Click-to-Win: Annual<br>Wacky Zingoz Celebration - 2008
|[[File:Zippyzumplushy.png]]<br>Zippy Zum Plushy
|Holiday Gifts<br>Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2022
|[[File:Zumplush.png]]<br>Zum Plush
|Zumwhere<br>Zum Catalog Prizes
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Latest revision as of 23:16, 7 June 2024

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>> Click here to return to the Item Collections Index.
Item Availability Tradeable

2018 Dex Dangerous Campaign Plush
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2018

2018 Dr. Quack Campaign Plush
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2018

2020 Alyssa Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2020

2020 Dex Dangerous Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2020

2020 Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2020

2020 Sophie Stockwell Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2020

2022 Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2022

2022 Goober Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2022

2022 Nibbles Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2022

2022 PJ Collie Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2022

Alex 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Alyssa Fairy Plushy
Host Gifts
Alyssa Fairy

Alyssa Plush
Magical Forest
Magic Mire

Amanda Panda Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2016

Amanda Panda Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2013 Yes

Amanda Panda Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2009 Yes

Arctic Fox Cub Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest - Winterfest Cookie 2018

Arte Fact Plush Toy
Curio Shop Only Yes

Arte Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - 2008

Baby Bunny Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2022

Baby Penguin Plushy
Media Promotions
Penguins of Madagascar

Baby Skunk Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2019

Baby Swan Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2017

Barn Owl Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2019

BFF Plushies
Webkinz Newz
GanzWorld Rewards

Big Love Plushie
Community Code Yes

Black Bear Cub Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Video Challenge Prizes - Kinectimals

Blanche Plushy
Party Packs
Party Loot Bag Prize

Blue Chipmunk Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Peanut Floaty

Blue Leprechaun Plush Toy
Kinzville Park
Leprechaun Chase - 2024

Blue Spring Kiwi Plushy
Community Code Yes

Bolts Plushy
Kinzville Mall Prize

Booger Plushy
Kinzville Academy
Recess Prize (Retired)

Boris Plush Toy
Adventure Park
Quests - Journey to the Crystal Caves (Mud Hippo)

Brown Bear Cub Plushy
Wheels & Games
Balloon Darts

Bunny Clown
Curio Shop Only Yes

Bunny Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2016

Bunny Zangoz Plush
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2015

Bunny Zingoz Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2016

Candy Corn Wacky Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2023

Captain Dogbeard Plushy
Vacation Island
Vacation Island Wheel

Carrot Plushy
Things to Do Menu
Featured Pet Prize - White Bunny

Chocolate Bunny Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Spring Celebration Gifts - 2018

Cinder Plushy
Kinzville Mall Prize

Cinnamon Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Valentine's Day Gifts - 2018

Corn Husk Bear
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2021

Corn Husk Dog
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2022

Corn Husk Doll
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2007

Corn Husk Horse
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2022

Corn Husk Pig
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2023

Corn Husk Wacky Doll
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2015

Cowabelle 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz Yes

Cuddly Bear Plush
Media Promotions
Lorax Movie

Cute Werewolf Plushie
Webkinz Next No

Daisy Doe Holiday Plushy
Christmas Countdown - 2016 Yes

Daisy Doe Plushy
Login Events
Veggie Fest

Daisy Doe Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2020

Dex Dangerous Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2016

Dex Dangerous Plushy
Daily Kinzcare Yes

Doug Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2013

Doug the Dog Plushy
Current Challenges - An Air of Mystery Challenge

Dr. Quack Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2016

Dr. Quack Halloween Plushy
Kinzville Park
Meet the Mayor - Mayor Dr. Quack

Dr. Quack Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2012 Yes

Dr. Quack Plush Toy
Retired WShop Items Yes

Dr. Quack Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2017

Duckling Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2017

Egg Plushy
Community Code Yes

Ella McWoof Holiday Plushy
Christmas Countdown - 2015 Yes

Ella McWoof Plushy
Seasonal Challenges - Webkinz Newz Week Challenge 2021

Field Mouse Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2017

Fiona Feathers Holiday Plushy
Christmas Countdown - 2017 Yes

Fiona Feathers Plushy
Kinzville Mall Prize

Fiona Feathers Valentines Plushy
Holiday Gift
Valentine's Day Gift - 2022

Fiona Plushy
Holiday Gift
Spring Celebration Gift - 2024

Fish King Floppy Plush
Adventure Park
Quests - Deep Water Dilemma (Chimpanzee)

Fox Club Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2018

Fred Rover Plushy
Daily KinzCare Yes

Fred Rover Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2020 Yes

Friendly Froggy Plushy
Community Code Yes

Frog Prince Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2020

Garter Snake Toy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2019

Ghost Pirate Plush
Adventure Park
Quests - Ghost Pirate Princess Rescue (Pink and White Cat)

Giant Zangoz Plushy
Seasonal Challenges - Wacky Zingoz Celebration Challenge 2015

Giant Zingoz Plushy
Kinzville Mall Prize

Giggly Zum Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2020

Gingerbread Floppy Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2023 Yes

Glampire Doll
Webkinz Next
Wheel of WOW

Goober Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2012

Goober Plush
Family Score Yes

Goober Valentines Plushy
Holiday Gift
Valentines - 2024

Goo-Goo Berry Bear
Click-to-Win: Annual
Berry Fest - 2021

Goo-Goo Berry Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Berry Fest - 2022

Gopher Toy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2017

Green Goblin Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Lil Goblins

Grey Squirrel Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2016

Hanging Bat Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Flying Bat

Hatching Chick Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2023

Holiday Elf Plushy
Community Code Yes

Holiday Tubby Tummies Bear
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - 2005

Holly Hopper Plushy
Community Code Yes

Holly Hopper Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2021

Hope Plush
Wheels & Games
Token Balloon Darts

Hot Dog Plushy
Non-Annual Click-to-Win
Kinzville Hot Dog Event - 2023

Iceman Blues Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest - 2024

Inukshuk Plushy
Seasonal Challenges - Winterfest Challenge 2016

Jumbleberry Bear
Jumbleberry Fields
Jumbleberry Prizes

Ketchup Plushy
Non-Annual Click-to-Win
Kinzville Hot Dog Event - 2024

Kiwi Bird Plushy
Kinzville Mall Prize

Lazy Zum Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2021

Leprechaun Plush Toy
Webkinz Friends
Seasonal Quest Prizes

Little Lamb Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2021

Male Fairy Plush
Magical Forest
Woodland Wonders

Mandy Webkinz Plushy
Clubhouse Events
Webkinz Newz Week 2021

Mayor Cowabelle Plushy
Kinzville Park
Meet the Mayor - Mayor Cowabelle

Mayor Dr. Quack Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2021 Yes

Mayor Dr. Quack Plushy
Host Gifts
Dr. Quack

Mayor Goober Plushy
Kinzville Park - Meet the Mayor - Mayor Goober Yes

Mayor Sophie Stockwell Plushy
Kinzville Park - Meet the Mayor - Mayor Sophie Yes

Michael Webkinz Plushy
Clubhouse Events
Webkinz Newz Week - 2021

Ms Biscuits Plush
Current Challenges - One World Two Games

Molly 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Monkey & Monkey Dummy
Wheel & Games
Wheel of Yum

Moonberry Bear
Jumbleberry Fields
Moonberry Prizes

Mr. Moo Plushy
Party Packs
Party Loot Bag Prizes

Ms. Birdy Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2009

Ms. Birdy Holiday Plushy
Christmas Countdown - 2014 Yes

Ms. Birdy Pink Plushy
Host Gifts
Ms. Birdy

Ms. Birdy Plush Toy
WShop Yes

Ms. Birdy Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2016

Ms. Birdy Valentine's Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Valentine's Day Gift - 2019

Ms. Cowoline Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2010

Ms. Cowoline Plush
Kinzville Academy
Recess - Buried Treasure Prizes (Retired)

Ms Cowoline Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2023

Nafaria Plush
Magical Forest
Magic Mire

Nibbles 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Nuts Plushy
Kinzville Mall Prize

Orange Chipmunk Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Peanut Floaty

Orange Goblin Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Lil Goblins

Orange Leprechaun Plush Toy
Kinzville Park
Leprechaun Chase - 2024

Orange Toad Plushy
Kinzville Park
Lil Toads

Peach Plushy
Community Code Yes

Persephone Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2018 Yes

Persephone Plush Doll
Trading Cards
Series 4

Petal Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - Milk Chocolate Egg 2023

Pickleberry Bear
Jumbleberry Fields
Pickleberry Prizes

Pineapple Plushy
Community Code Yes

Pink Googles Plushy
Deluxe Membership
Subscription Bonus - 2024

PJ Collie Campaign Plush
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2018

PJ Collie Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2011 Yes

PJ Collie Plush
Wheels & Games
Token Balloon Darts

Plumpy Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2010 Yes

Plumpy Plush Doll
Trading Cards
Series 3

Plush Besties
Webkinz Newz
Video Challenge Prizes - Looney Tunes

Polar Bear Cub Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Video Challenge Prizes - Kinectimals

Polarberry Bear
Click-to-Win: Annual
Berry Fest - 2021

Polarberry Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Berry Fest - 2022

Poncho Floppy Plush
Wheels & Games
Prize Klaw

Presto Plush
Wheels & Games
Token Balloon Darts

Purple Chipmunk Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Peanut Floaty

Purple Goblin Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Lil Goblins

Purple Spring Kiwi Plushy
Community Code Yes

Purple Toad Plushy
Kinzville Park
Lil Toads

Quizzy Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2011

Quizzy Plush Toy
WShop Yes

Rainbow Panda Plushy
Community Code Yes

Rafi Plush Toy
Adventure Park
Quests - Weather Worries (Spotted Leopard)

Raziel Plush Toy
Adventure Park
Quests - Dragon's Den (Spotted Frog)

Red Leprechaun Plush Toy
Kinzville Park
Leprechaun Chase - 2024

Red Squirrel Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2016

Reindeer Floppy Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2022 Yes

Roberta 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Robin Plushy
Click-to-Win: Non-Annual
Tulip Bulb Floaty

Salley Cat Campaign Plushy
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2016

Salley Cat 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Sally Webkinz Plushy
Clubhouse Events
Webkinz Newz Week 2021

SantaKinz Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2015

Scarecrow Plushy
Collection Events
Acorn Collection - 2019

Sea Creature Plushy
Vacation Island
Sheldon's Souvenir Stand - Current

Sera Plush Toy
Adventure Park
Quests - The Lost Pirate Treasure (Koala)

Shamrock Plushy
Community Code Yes

Sheldon Plushy
Vacation Island
Sheldon's Souvenir Stand - Current

Silly Scoops Plush
Media Promotions
Silly Scoops

Sleepy Cat Plushy
Wheels & Games
Wheel of the Month

Snow Bear Plushy
Community Code Yes

Snowman Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2018

Snowshoe Hare Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest - 2018

Snowy Retriever Puppy Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2019

Sophie Stockwell Campaign Plush
Kinzville Park
Webkinz Votes - 2018

Sophie Stockwell Holiday Plush
Christmas Countdown - 2019 Yes

Sophie Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2019

Sparky 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Spectacles Cat Plushy
Webkinz Next
Challenge Prizes

Spooky Ghost Plushy
Seasonal Challenges - Halloween Challenge 2018

Spring Chick Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2018

Steve Webkinz Plushy
Clubhouse Events
Webkinz Newz Week 2021

Stoogles 'Kinz Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Object Prizes

Sugarberry Bear
Jumbleberry Fields
Sugarberry Prizes

Sweetheart Plushy
Collection Events
Valentines Collection - 2019

Sweetheart Whale Plushy
Community Code Yes

Tabby Holiday Plush
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2014

Tabby Von Meow Plush Toy
WShop Yes

Tabby Von Meow Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2022

Thorn Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Spring Celebration - White Chocolate Egg 2023

Toy Lizard
Clubhouse Events
Jessie TV Show Promotion

Tubby Tummies Brown Bear
WShop Yes

Tubby Tummies Tan Bear
WShop Yes

Turkey Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - Fall Fest Soda 2021

Valentine's Tubby Tummies Bear
Holiday Gifts
Valentine's Day Gifts - 2009

Vintage Teddy Bear
Collection Events
Pumpkin Pie Collection - 2023

Violet Leprechaun Plush Toy
Kinzville Park
Leprechaun Chase - 2024

Wacky Student Plush
Kinzville Academy
Recess - Buried Treasure Prizes

Wacky Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2015

Wacky Zingoz Plush
Media Promotions
Smurf Movie

Webkinz Foundation
Plush Bear
Webkinz Cares
Webkinz Cares Prizes

Webkinz Rockerz Cat
Plush Toy
Wheels & Games
Wheel of WOW

Webkinz Rockerz Cow
Plush Toy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas - 2023

Webkinz Rockerz Lion
Plush Toy
Webkinz Friends
Quest Prizes

White Googles Plushy
Community Code Yes

White Mouse Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Fall Fest - 2018

White Tiger Cub Plushy
Webkinz Newz
Video Challenge Prizes - Kinectimals

Winterfest Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest - 2021

Winterfest Raccoon Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest - 2023

Winterfest Wacky Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest Cookie - 2017

Yellow Chick Plushy
Media Promotions
HOP Movie

Yellow Leprechaun Plush Toy
Kinzville Park
Leprechaun Chase - 2024

Yellow Spring Kiwi Plushy
Community Code Yes

Yeti Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Winterfest - 2016

Zangoz Holiday Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2017

Zangoz Plush Toy
WShop Yes

Zangoz Thanksgiving Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Thanksgiving Gifts - 2014

Zingoz Holiday Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2016

Zingoz Plushy
Click-to-Win: Annual
Wacky Zingoz Celebration - 2008

Zippy Zum Plushy
Holiday Gifts
Christmas Gifts - SantaKinz Choice - 2022

Zum Plush
Zum Catalog Prizes
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