Alyssa's Star Challenge

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Alyssa's Star Challenge is a daily activity in the Magical Forest. This feature was introduced in July 2008 and is available to all account types.


The object of the game is to catch and collect special stars which can be exchanged for a grand prize. Much like the Curio Shop#Gem Hunt in the Curio Shop, players get three chances at finding a star every day. Unlike the Gem Hunt, there are also other prizes to collect along the way.

To hunt for a star, touch the tip of the net on a colored star in the sky. This will reveal a constellation, which may or may not yield a star. If a star is not found, the player may use their remaining turns for another chance. Occasionally, clicking a colored star will yield a food prize which will end the Star Challenge for the day. If a star is found, Alyssa will offer to buy it in exchange for KinzCash. If the trade is declined, the star is added to the player's Star Collection.

Stars may also be traded with Nafaria, who periodically appears on the side of the screen to offer her Nafaria-themed items for the player's stars. For more information on this perennial Click-to-Win feature, see the full article at Nafaria's Star Challenge.

Shooting Stars

During the Star Challenge, a Shooting Star may fly across the screen. The Shooting Star sometimes contains a Comet, which will give one of the prizes below and the Star Challenge will be completed for the day. If the Shooting Star does not contain a Comet, the word "Shooting Star" will appear across the sky and no prize is awarded. Clicking on the Shooting Star uses one of the three daily turns at finding a Star.

Current Prizes

Alyssa Cookie

Meteor Cookie

Moon Cookie

Sky Cookie

Star Cookie

Galaxy Suit Helmet

Galaxy Suit Top

Galaxy Suit Belt

Galaxy Suit Pants

Galaxy Suit Boots

Retired Prizes

Golden Solar Helmet

Golden Solar Suit Jacket

Golden Solar Belt

Golden Solar Pants

Golden Solar Boots

Solar Helmet

Solar Suit Jacket

Solar Belt

Solar Suit Pants

Solar Boots


Below is a gallery displaying all the possible constellations in Alyssa's Star Challenge. Click on the pictures to see the images in full size.


To view the stars in your star collection, players can buy a Star Collector's Carousel in the WShop.

Star Collector's Carousel

There are 21 different stars to find. They fall into three categories:

Astro Emblems

Glow Flakes

Sun Sparks

If a player collects all 21 stars, they may choose to trade them in for the grand prize, the Fairy High Council Throne.

Fairy High Council Throne

How To Find Certain Stars

Astro Emblems can be found in the following constellations: Charm Fairy, Chef Gazpacho, Knight of the Round, POTM Ribbon, Wishing Well, and Zingoz.

Glow Flakes can be found in the following constellations: Knight of the Round, Plumpy, POTM Ribbon, and Wishing Well.

Sun Sparks can be found in the following constellations: Plumpy, Wishing Well and Zingoz.