Travel Agency

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The Travel Agency was an area in Webkinz World run by Debbie Dragon, added in September 2008. A player could send their Webkinz to one of two places: Vacation Island or the Spa Getaway.


To go to Vacation Island, users would buy a ticket for 500 KinzCash, and could keep their tickets to use anytime. After using a ticket, users would have 24 hours to access Vacation Island and all of its activities, including the Vacation Wheel, Coral Cove, the Souvenir Shack, Don't Rock the Boat, and Treasures of the Crystal Sea.

Going to the Spa would restore all pets' happiness, hunger, and sleep to 100%. Its cost depended on how many Webkinz a player had registered and how low their happiness/hunger/sleep bars are.


In October 2012, the Travel Agency was removed, and Vacation Island and the Spa merged into one permanent area exclusive to users with Deluxe Membership. Along with this came with the removal of Debbie Dragon as a character in Webkinz World.


  • At one point, there was a glitch where players could go to the Spa for free.