Cat's Pajama Party Theme

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Theme Preview

Theme Items

Cat's Pajama Party Wallpaper

Dex Dangerous PJ

PJ Party Sleeping Bag

Pink Dex Superfan Vanity

Pink Polka Dot PJ

Pink Popcorn Machine

Pink Vanity Salon Stool

Promo Items

Himalayan Album Cover[1]
  1. Available only with the purchase of the "Cat's Pajama Party" mp3

Miscellaneous Items

Cat's Pajama Party Pillow[1]
  1. Available only as a Video Challenge prize

Theme Pets


Himalayan Gift Box

Yeti Mountain Window

Sherpa's Pie

Item List and Information

Name Regular Cost Deluxe Cost
Cat's Pajama Party Wallpaper Regular: 2,500 Deluxe: 1,500
Dex Dangerous PJ Regular: 3,000 Deluxe: 2,000
PJ Party Sleeping Bag Regular: 8,000 Deluxe: 6,500
Pink Dex Superfan Vanity Regular: 4,000 Deluxe: 3,000
Pink Polka Dot PJ Regular: 3,000 Deluxe: 2,000
Pink Popcorn Machine Regular: 8,500 Deluxe: 7,000
Pink Vanity Salon Stool Regular: 2,000 Deluxe: 1,000