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Miss Kitty Theme

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Theme Preview

Theme Items

Peaceful Park Bridge

Silversoft Cat Dress

Silversoft Cat Suit

Taxicab Couch

Promo Items

Silversoft Cat Album Cover[1]
  1. Available only with the purchase of the "Miss Kitty" mp3

Miscellaneous Items

Bowler Hat[1]
  1. Available only as a Video Challenge prize

Theme Pets

Silversoft Cat

Silversoft Cat Gift Box

Culinary Cat Counter

Nifty Noodle Yarn Ball

Item List and Information

Name Regular Cost Deluxe Cost
Peaceful Park Bridge Regular: 6,000 Deluxe: 5,000
Silversoft Cat Dress Regular: 3,000 Deluxe: 2,000
Silversoft Cat Suit Regular: 3,000 Deluxe: 2,000
Taxicab Couch Regular: 6,000 Deluxe: 5,000
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