Sweetheart Theme

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Theme Preview

Valentine Collection Items


Sweetheart Bouquet

Sweetheart Side Table

Sweetheart Window

Sweetheart Wall Art

Sweetheart Sofa


Sweetheart Plushy

Sweetheart Lamp

Sweetheart Shelf

Sweetheart Reading Chair

Sweetheart Shower


Sweetheart Roses

Sweetheart Balloons

Sweetheart Music Stand

Sweetheart Dining Table

Sweetheart Cello

Cinnamon Chocolate Collection Items

Sweetheart Bookshelf

Sweetheart Flower Shop

Sweetheart Pantry Fridge

Community Code Items

Sweetheart Go-Kart

Sweetheart Racing Helmet

Sweetheart Racing Shoes

Sweetheart Racing Uniform

Sweetheart Sink

Sweetheart Whale Plushy

Deluxe Challenge Items

Sweetheart Sports Car
February 2020

Sweet Stained Glass Window
February 2019

Theme Pets

Sweetheart Whale

Sweetheart Whale Gift Box

Heart Bubble Fountain

Sea Salty Crinkle Chips