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Starlight Treehouse Theme

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Theme Preview

Credits to user herekittykitty9

Theme Items

Starlight Bookshelf

Starlight Canopy Bed

Starlight Card Display[1]

Starlight Fairy Lights

Starlight Flooring

Starlight Hanging Chair

Starlight Ladder

Starlight Moss Rug

Starlight Tapestry

Starlight Trapdoor

Starlight Tree Bench

Starlight Treehouse Bed[2]

Starlight Wallpaper

Starlight Window
  1. This item was only available as a Community Code
  2. This item is available as an object recipe

Item List and Information

Name Cost
Starlight Bookshelf 360 KC
Starlight Canopy Bed 900 KC
Starlight Fairy Lights 125 KC
Starlight Flooring 250 KC
Starlight Hanging Chair 600 KC
Starlight Ladder 655 KC
Starlight Moss Rug 300 KC
Starlight Tapestry 200 KC
Starlight Trapdoor 300 KC
Starlight Tree Bench 575 KC
Starlight Wallpaper 250 KC
Starlight Window 385 KC
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